Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3593: Oolong

For most of the gods who come to explore, the secret realm in the depths of the fantasy sea jungle is full of mystery and danger.

But for the three of Ji Tianxing, this secret realm is relatively safe.

At least, until the three of them entered the depths of 30,000 miles underground, they had not encountered real danger.

Even on the way, they passed through many caves, ravines and canyons.

Among them, there are many gods, who are mining veins and gods in groups, and they are very hostile to them.

Some violent and arrogant gods, relying on the large number of people, even shot them.

Even in some canyons and caves, monsters still entrenched in the Divine Sovereign Realm, attacked them.

But these are not dangerous.

Without Ji Tianxing's action, Lu Ming simply used a few tricks to kill those blind gods and monsters in seconds.

Moreover, their goal is to find Sirius, and they are not interested in those valuable mineral veins and gems.

As a result, the three of them went all the way to the bottom of the earth, without causing much movement or delay.

When he reached the depths of 30,000 miles underground, Ji Tianxing stopped and stopped going deep into the ground.

"It should be near here!"

He clearly felt that the aura of the dragon here was particularly strong.

Therefore, the core of his analysis of the secret realm is nearby.

Lu Ming nodded and said, "The dragon power here is very strong. If Sirius King comes to this secret realm, he will definitely move in this area."

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, and said: "Let's look around, but we must hide our strength and breath, and try not to startle the snake."

"Okay." Lu Ming replied, hurriedly using his aura of magic.

Ji Tianxing also hid the aura of divine power and became an ordinary person without divine power fluctuations.

Not to mention those gods, even if it is a middle **** like Lu Ming, he can't see his details, let alone feel the slightest threat.

As for Pengfei, there is no need to hide the aura of strength.

The three of them began to release their divine consciousness and perform magical secrets in the depths of 30,000 miles underground, searching and exploring everywhere.

After about a hundred breaths of time, Ji Tianxing suddenly discovered that there was a faint divine power fluctuation somewhere in the canyon thousands of miles away on the left.

Although, that divine power fluctuated in a flash.

But he still caught it, and was able to judge that it was the breath of a strong **** king!

"follow me!"

So he decisively took Lu Ming and Pengfei to the canyon at the fastest speed.

The three of them passed through the hard and thick rock formations and the dimly lit caves, and it took only 30 breaths to reach the hundred-mile-long gorge.

The gorge is about a thousand miles deep, with bare cliffs on both sides.

Above the cliff, there was a surging divine power, shining with a faint multicolored light.

Three flickering figures are standing on the cliff, looking down at the situation in the canyon.

After observing and discussing for a while, they stepped into the canyon, seeming to be looking for treasures.

Ji Tianxing probed it secretly and saw the strength of the three figures.

The middle-aged demon clan headed by him is exactly a middle-level **** king, a fox clan man with white hair.

The other two demon races wearing armor are upper gods.

Seeing that the three people were about to enter the canyon, he didn't hesitate anymore, stepped a hundred miles in one step, appeared above the canyon, blocking the three people's way.


Lu Ming and Pengfei also quickly followed, and stood side by side with Ji Tianxing, staring at the three monster races with cold eyes.

The three monster races were cautious and cautious.

Suddenly seeing the three of Ji Tianxing blocking the way, they all stopped, fully alert.

In particular, the two armored monster races sacrificed their magic swords, surging with divine power, ready to take action at any time.

Both sides looked at each other.

The next moment, both Lu Ming and the white-haired fox man were taken aback, and at the same time they showed stunned expressions.

"It's you?"

The two of them whispered in unison, their expressions became a little weird.

Ji Tianxing frowned, vaguely feeling something was wrong.

It seems that he may have stopped the wrong person.

as predicted!

Lu Ming slightly nodded to the white-haired fox man, greeted him, and asked, "King Fox Moon God, why are you here?"

The Fox Moon God King bowed his hand to him and said: "I have seen the Master Lu Ming, but I didn't expect that this small sea of ​​fantasy secret realm could attract a noble character like the Master Lu.

Ji Tianxing did not speak, but cast an inquiring look at Lu Ming.

Lu Ming hurriedly introduced him: "Brother Dragon, this is the King of Fox Moon God, the deputy domain master of Tianren Domain."

Ji Tianxing suddenly realized, an embarrassment flashed in his eyes.

Obviously, it's an oolong.

Next, Lu Ming introduced Ji Tianxing to the Fox Moon God King.

Now that the two knew each other and Lu Ming and the Fox Moon God King had a good relationship, both sides put down their guard and started talking.

The Fox Moon God King explained to Lu Ming: "Since the battle ten years ago, the lord of the domain has been injured and has been practicing in retreat. These years, this king has been presiding over the affairs of the Tianren domain.

The discovery of the secret realm in the fantasy sea jungle this time seems to be related to the Shenlong.

The king was free, so he came to see the situation and tried his luck by the way. "

Even a middle-ranking **** king like him in the fourth stage realm is interested in the secret realm of the dragon.

It would also be of great benefit if one could obtain the inheritance of the gods of the gods, or related treasures.

After speaking, the King Fox Moon asked Lu Ming again: "Lord Land ~ www.ltnovel.com~, you and this dragon brother, don't you also come for the inheritance of the dragon in the secret realm?"

Lu Ming hurriedly waved his hand and explained, "The Fox Moon God King is joking. It is unknown whether there is a Shenlong inheritance in the secret realm. How can we have such a leisurely mind.

To be honest, we came to the Fantasy Sea Jungle this time to hunt down Sirius! "


Suddenly hearing the three words "Sky Wolf King", the Fox Moon God King's complexion changed drastically, his pupils tightened, and a cold light flashed.

He was full of surprise, with an unbelievable expression, and lowered his voice and asked: "Lord Land, you can't be kidding about this matter, are you sure Sirius King has appeared?

Moreover, how dare Sirius King return to Tianren Realm, and dare to come to Fantasy Sea Jungle? "

Lu Ming's expression was serious, and he said solemnly: "King Fox Moon God, I didn't joking with you. This is a long story. Please let me explain slowly..."

Afterwards, he briefly explained the cause of the matter to the Fox Moon God King.

After the Fox Moon God King heard this, his face suddenly became solemn and frowned.

"That's it! I didn't expect the Wolf King to recover so soon!

He really did not change his life, and this time he appeared again and began to harm the people.

Landlord, Sirius King is our common enemy.

Since you are here to arrest him, you can be regarded as the king! "

Lu Ming of course agreed, and nodded quickly and said, "It's so good! Let's split up and exchange news, so that we can have a reference and find him easily."

The Fox Moon God King agreed, but he sighed with regret.

"It's a pity that the domain master is healing in retreat, otherwise the king will report this matter.

His biggest regret was that he let the Sirius King escape back then and failed to punish him..."


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