Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3585: Face-to-face

For nearly 30,000 years, the Dragon Realm has been peaceful and peaceful, without any turmoil or chaos.

Tens of thousands of monster races live in peace, and all races are equal, and they seem to be harmonious.

But this is just appearance.

The distinction between high and low blood is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it has long been ingrained.

Races like dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, and four-spirit sacred beasts have extremely noble bloodlines and superb status.

As long as they do not do things that are angry and grievous, basically no one dares to punish them.

Even if they make mistakes, only races of equal status can restrain and judge them.

As for the Seventh Ancestor of the Demon Race, it is also a demon aristocrat recognized by the Dragon Realm with a lofty status.

Although they are not as supernatural as the dragon and phoenix, they also have many privileges.

Therefore, the killing of Little Princess Tianxiang was not a big deal in Lu Ming's eyes.

Only because he is a benevolent domain master will he help the Celestial Emperor to mediate.

If I change to another domain owner, I am afraid that I am too lazy to pay attention, and I will never offend a dragon **** king for the heavenly princess.


Two days passed in a flash.

For these two days, Ji Tianxing has stayed in the secret room, cultivating in the twisted time and space of the tower.

He has reached the late fourth stage of the God King Realm, not far from the fifth stage of the God King Realm.

During this period, Peng Fei came to him twice, but failed to see him.

Peng Fei was still unwilling to die, and wanted to persuade him to work together to explore the mysterious realm of Shenlong in Tianrenyu.

In the early morning of the third day, it was still dark.

A flying boat galloped from the sky, and arrived at the gate of the domain master mansion quickly.

After the Feizhou was put away, a burly and sturdy man from the Celestial Elephant tribe with a **** crown on his head hurriedly entered the Domain Lord's Mansion with two high-ranking gods.

Undoubtedly, the person who came was the Celestial Emperor, and there were two guard leaders, both high-ranking gods in the eighth realm.

Under the leadership of the guards, the three came to the Second Court of the Domain Lord's Mansion and entered Lu Ming's study.

Lu Ming sat in the study alone, waiting blankly.

As soon as the Tianxiang Emperor entered the study and finished his great gift, he complained of Longtian's crimes with a look of grief and indignation.

"My lord, you must be the master of your subordinates!

The origin of that Long Tian is unknown, he broke the little girl's martial arts contest, and severely injured the marshal's son.

The little girl kindly interceded with the marshal for him and calmed the marshal's anger.

Who ever thought that Long Tian not only didn't thank him, but also killed the little girl.

What if he is a noble dragon? How could he do such a frantic thing? "

The emperor of Tianxiang was inexplicably sad and angry, and complained in tears.

Lu Ming frowned at hearing, and said in a majestic tone: "I don't want to hear you crying here, this will not help the investigation of the truth!

If you want this chair to be fair, then tell the cause and course of the matter exactly! "

Previously, in the jade slips, the emperor said that it was relatively simple.

Lu Ming only knew that Little Princess Tianxiang was killed by Longtian, but he didn't know the specific reason.

Therefore, after seeing Ji Tianxing, he could only bear with it temporarily, and did not ask a single question.

The Celestial Emperor was scolded for a while, and then he calmed down and explained the cause of the incident in detail.

After Lu Ming listened, he suddenly sneered at the corner of his mouth, and shouted coldly, "Like Jiuge, your daughter is really savage and wayward, whimsical!

Don’t be afraid to tell you the truth, Long Tian is not only the Dragon God King, but also a peerless genius who moved the world and has a deep background!

Your daughter is good, but the princess of the Celestial Elephant tribe wants to marry him? Put him under house arrest in the palace?

To put it bluntly, your daughter is taking the blame! "

"Huh?" The Emperor Tianxiang was stunned on the spot, unwilling to speak, and muttered to himself: "However, even if Longtian looks down on the little girl, he shouldn't brutally kill her!

When the maid found the little girl, her death was very miserable, and that Long Tian had escaped long ago..."

Lu Ming frowned and thought for a while, and said in a deep voice, "These are all your one-sided words, not to be believed.

I don't believe that Long Tian will murder her ferociously because of her entanglement in the rain.

It happens that Long Tian is in the house of this seat, and when this seat tells him to come, you should confront him.

The truth of the matter must be understood today!

If Long Tian really killed Xiangyu, this seat can put pressure on him and make him apologize.

But for other requirements, don't have any wishful thinking! "

"Uh..." The Heavenly Elephant Emperor stiffened, his expression was rather ugly, and a flash of humiliation and unwillingness flashed through his eyes.

He could not accept that his most beloved daughter was killed, only in exchange for the murderer's apology.

This is not fair!

However, he has no right to complain.

Lu Ming's willingness to help him find out the truth and forcing Long Tian to confess his guilt and apologize is already a gift!

After a moment of silence, the Celestial Emperor could only nod his head to answer, bowed and said: "Thank you, Lord Domain Lord!"

Lu Ming didn't say much, and signaled the Moon Eagle God King to invite Ji Tianxing.

At the same time, he took the Celestial Emperor to the conference hall.


Ji Tianxing was still cultivating in the **** tower, concentrating on comprehending the God Judgment Jue.

However, there was always someone knocking outside the secret room, and the rhythm was more urgent.

Knowing that something was happening, Ji Tianxing had to end his practice and walk out of the secret room.

The Moon Eagle God King stood at the door of the secret room, bowed and said, "Brother Long, Lord Domain Lord invites you to the discussion hall, and you need to discuss something."

"Huh?" Ji Tianxing frowned suspiciously, thinking what was so solemn in his heart?

However, the Moon Eagle King did not disclose ~www.ltnovel.com~ and he did not ask much.

He followed the Moon Eagle God King to leave the palace and walked towards the meeting hall.

It happened that Peng Fei was hanging out outside, and after seeing the two of them, he quickly followed.

"Senior Longtian, where are you going?"

With a smile on his face, Ji Tianxing replied casually: "Your uncle uncle is looking for me in a hurry. Go to the conference hall to discuss."

Peng Fei was full of doubts, and asked the Moon Eagle God King: "Why go to the conference hall in a good manner? What is so solemn?

Senior Yueying, can you reveal it? "

The Moon Eagle God King glanced at him and said blankly: "Master Pengfei, you still don't want to ask more."

Seeing his serious expression, both Peng Fei and Ji Tianxing realized that something was wrong.


As soon as the three entered the conference hall, they felt a majestic and dull atmosphere.

More than a dozen guards from the Divine Sovereign Realm guarded the gates and passages of the conference hall.

In the middle of the hall, the Celestial Emperor stood with his hands down, looking sad and angry.

The two guard leaders stood behind him, also in a posture of the same enemy.

Lu Ming sat in the first place, expressionless and solemn.

It is totally different from the hospitality and kindness before.

The Moon Eagle God King walked to the temple, bowed his hand and said: "Lord of the domain, Long Tian bring it here!"

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing frowned, a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Listening to this tone, do you want to judge me? Or do you want to give an order?

Lu Ming, have you been acting with me before? "

Before Lu Ming spoke, the Emperor Tianxiang turned his head when he heard the sound, staring at him with bloodshot eyes, and yelled: "Long Tian! You frantic bastard!"

"???" Ji Tianxing was stunned on the spot, with a question mark on his face.


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