Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3554: Qian Yuan


Ji Ke brandished the Heavenly Phoenix Spear, piercing the shadow of the spear that covered the sky and the sun, and lowered the heavenly divine fire.

In an instant, most of the twenty-odd city guards were bombarded and killed, and even the gods were burned to ashes.

There were only three city guards left, and luckily survived.

But they were so frightened that they all screamed before turning around and fleeing towards Youdu.

Ji Ke did not pursue, let them run away, turned and continued to fly south.

The three city guards fled 20,000 miles away in a panic. Seeing that Ji Ke hadn't chased him, they panted in shock.

After they calmed down, they immediately issued a signal arrow for help, and reported the incident to the city guard superintendent.

Coincidentally, the superintendent of the city guards was Qian Yuan, the young man who didn't deal with Yuwenji.

Originally, his strength was not qualified to sit in this position and command tens of thousands of city guards.

But he is a top nobleman, the family is powerful, and the elders in the clan just won him this official position.

After the news that Yuwenji had stolen the God Orb spread, Qian Yuan was in a good mood these days and he was very gloating.

He is no longer as lazy as before, and even leads people to inspect the gates every day to search for Yuwenji.

It would be wonderful if you could grab Yuwen Halberd by hand and hand it over to the leader of Styx.

Stepping on the opponent's position, watching Yu Wenji being executed, and he is rewarded by meritorious service, is there anything more cool than this?

When Ji Ke killed the guard leader, Qian Yuan was in the palace near the South City Gate.

He also saw the divine light in the sky, and vaguely heard loud noises.

Just as he flew out of the southern city gate and was going to find out what happened, the captain of the guard sent a message of Yujian.

After reading the content of the subpoena, Qian Yuan frowned, showing a look of surprise.

"Yuwenji, this beast, has such a deep scheming and the city government, which has been hidden from everyone?

Everyone thought that he had escaped from Youdu long ago and hurried back to Feng Lingyu.

Unexpectedly, he has been hiding in Youdu City!

Until now, everyone has relaxed their vigilance, and he escaped overnight!

Fortunately, Commander Wang saw the flaw and sacrificed his life to delay Yuwenji's footsteps.

The king's chance to make meritorious service is here! "

Qian Yuan was holding the jade slip of transmission in his hand, muttering to himself excitedly, full of expectation.

However, he was not dazzled by excitement.

The death of the guard leader made him realize that Yu Wenji was very difficult.

At least, this guy who can steal the God Orb is definitely not a dumb waste.

He is a hidden powerhouse, and his previous image of trash was disguised!

Thinking of this, Qian Yuan hesitated again.

"Ben Shaogang breaks through the duality of the Divine King Realm. In terms of strength, talent, and background, he is a bit stronger than the guardian leader.

He was killed by Yuwenji so soon, then I am definitely not Yuwenji's opponent.

Even if I try my best, I guess I can only delay time and be seriously injured by Yuwenji.

It is almost impossible for me to catch Yuwenji! "

Qian Yuan wanted to find a helper, and asked two more powerful mid-level gods to help.

However, in that case, the credit will be shared.

Even if he can earn a reward, it will be greatly reduced.

He was very unwilling to do so.

So, he only hesitated for a moment, then decided to take a risk.

"I'll go after Yu Wenji first, deal with him, and delay as much as possible.

On the other side, I want to send a message to inform the commander of Styx...No, the commander is still in the wind.

Then I can only inform the Marshal of the Blood Prison!

As long as I delay for a while and wait for the Marshal of the Blood Prison to arrive, Yu Wenji will be dead!

In this way, the credit belongs only to me and the Marshal of the Blood Prison.

The Marshal of the Blood Prison is an advanced senior, the **** king of the Ninth Stage, and he certainly disdains to take credit with me.

So, the credit is still mine, hahahaha..."

With such an analysis, Qian Yuan suddenly felt his mind. He admired his ingenuity.

He was in a good mood, and immediately took out the jade slip of the message and reported the situation to the Marshal of the Blood Prison.

Then, he took a few captains of the guards and hurriedly left Youdu to the south.


Ji Tianxing has been hiding near the North City Gate, observing the situation secretly.

Ji Ke deliberately revealed his identity, this is the first step of the plan.

It is the second step to kill the leader of the guards, make matters worse, and alarm the governor of the city guards.

Sure enough, after a short while, Ji Tianxing saw Qian Yuan taking a few captains of guards, hurriedly flew out of the South City Gate, chasing Ji Ke.

As of now, everything is in plan.

When Ji Ke kills Qian Yuan, things will get worse.

By then, the news of'Yuwenji' absconding late at night will surely spread.

The powerful **** kings who stayed behind in Youdu will most likely be led to the south, scrambling to hunt down Ji Ke.

As for whether the Marshal of the Blood Prison will go personally, it depends on God's will.

Once many powerful gods surrounded Ji Ke, she would abandon Yuwenji's divine body at the time of life and death, and instantly escape back to the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers.

This is Ji Tianxing's plan.

He was sure that this method would definitely attract many **** kings.

However, the Marshal of the Blood Prison was an uncertain factor, and he was not sure.

At this moment, he still didn't know that Qian Yuan, who didn't deal with Yu Wenji, had secretly helped him.


The night is deep and the wind is like a knife.

Qian Yuan took the four captains of the guards and rushed to the south at the fastest speed, chasing after the escaped Yuwenji.

On the way, Qian Yuan looked forward to ~www.ltnovel.com~ with a high spirits.

The captains of the four guards were full of worry, and couldn't help but send a voice message to ask: "Govern the army, are we going to catch Yu Wenji?

Rumor has it that the kid destroyed the altar of good fortune and stole the pearl.

Just now, he killed the guard leader.

It can be seen that his strength is very strong, and we are going to die? "

Qian Yuan frowned, pretending to be dignified and reprimanded: "We enforce the law impartially and walk the way for the heavens. What's so terrible?

How can one extinguish one's own ambition and gain others' prestige?

Besides, we only need to deal with Yuwenji and delay as much as possible.

This seat has already reported to the Marshal of the Blood Prison, we only need to hold on to him. "

Hearing what he said, the captains of the four guards felt a little relieved.

Unconsciously, a quarter of an hour passed.

The crowd flew south for 100,000 miles, far away from Youdu.

Qian Yuan was indeed somewhat capable. With his family-renowned magical powers, he was able to track the residual magical power along the way of the "Yuwen Halberd".

Finally, over the Taiqing River, they caught up with Yuwenji.

Yuwenji, wearing a black robe and a cloak, was a little disturbed in his supernatural aura and seemed to be injured.

He was not flying fast and looked around constantly, like a frightened bird.

Seeing this scene, Qian Yuan and several captains of the guards dispelled the doubts in their hearts, full of worry and fear, and most of them disappeared immediately.

"Ha ha ha... As expected, everyone used the falsehood to exaggerate Yuwen Ji.

This king has said long ago that he is just a dude who can't be on the stage.

I thought he was so enchanting and powerful!

Unexpectedly, he is capable of this! "

Qian Yuan sneered, and took the four captains of the guard to culminate.


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