Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3551: She broke

Yuwenba's words caused the leader of Styx to frown again, and a dark sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Have nothing done?

Yuwenba, when did you become so short-sighted? Have so much confidence in your son?

Or does it mean that he was instigated by you at all? "

The commander of Styx is very strong and aggressive, and his body is filled with death chill and majesty.

Yuwenba frowned somewhat displeased, and said solemnly, "Master, this sentence is a bit too much!

This seat has always had no ambitions and can be appreciated by the **** emperor. At this point, he is already satisfied.

For the past few hundred years, I have been in meditation and retreat, self-examination and self-realization. How could I instruct Hunzi to do such a rebellious thing? "

After a pause, he went on to say: "I believe that the dog is infallible. It is not a short-term protection, but I know the dog too well and know how many catties he has.

Even if there are rumors from the outside world, do you believe that the dog has the ability to destroy the altar of creation and seize the **** orb?

Believe it or not, this seat does not believe it anyway.

No, the **** knew that he was in trouble, so he didn't dare to come back from hiding outside.

He is still the same **** before, but he is not responsible. "

After speaking, Yuwenba smiled bitterly at himself.

The commander of Styx was expressionless, and said coldly: "I believe it! Moreover, I came to you after investigating the truth."

Yuwenba was stunned for a while, and then sneered: "What's the truth? The commander saw Inuzi destroying the altar and stealing the pearl?"

The commander of Styx shook his head and said, "Of course I didn't see it, but the high priest did."

"Isn't that right?" Yuwenba said with a chuckle: "I always feel that you should try the high priest, instead of staring at the dog.

No matter how much evidence and suspicion you have, it cannot change the fact that Inuzi has just broken through the king.

This dandy of the first heavy king of the gods can't even arrange a few king-level lower-grade **** formations. Do you still expect him to crack the king-level best **** formation?

If he really has this ability, he is a bit better than this one, and that one can now look at and smile at Jiuquan. "

"..." The leader of the Styx frowned fiercely, rather speechless.

"Yuwenba, please be serious!

How do you feel that you seem to be willing to believe that Yuwen Ji has stolen the God Orb? "

Yuwenba glared at him, and asked, "If Inuzi can really crack the King-level Supreme Divine Array, shouldn't I be happy?

It's called blue from blue, which is better than blue. It is a good fortune given by heaven, an unprecedented miracle!

Yuwen's family is really going to show such a monster, let me die now, I don't hesitate! "

"..." Yuwenba's generous attitude made the leader of Styx completely helpless.

"Yuwenba, you don't want to gossip with this seat, haven't you realized the seriousness of the matter?

Do you have to alarm the divine emperor before you will wake up and regret it? "

Hearing these two sentences, Yuwenba's entire face turned black.

He was also very angry, and sneered angrily: "Master, I have said everything that should be said.

No matter how much you entangled, then I can only determine that if you want to add a crime, there is nothing wrong with it!

You are deliberately discrediting, deliberately slandering, and framing!

Is the old ministry going to be cleaned under the crown of the emperor?

So, you, the chief of internal affairs, do you take this seat first?

Inuzi was a little dull and arrogant, but he didn't make a big mistake.

If you use him as an essay and compile such a ridiculous charge, won't your conscience hurt? "

The commander of the Styx River was speechless, but Yuwenba became more and more angry, and then shouted angrily: "Anyway, I put it down. If you really clean up the old ministry, then do it with integrity.

Just tell me, don't play this set with me.

The big deal is that I resign from my position as domain lord, I just ask you to let go of the dog.

Ten thousand steps back and said, if there is a miracle, Inuzi suddenly becomes an evildoer and really steals the **** orb.

Then he is the most promising cub in the Yuwen family. I, Yuwenba, have suffered for him. If you want to kill, you must rush to me! "

Yuwenba had a showdown, and the leader of the Styx was completely out of temper.

"Forget it, you unreasonable bastard, I don't bother to tell you!"

The leader of Styx got up angrily and walked away.

Yuwenba's anger disappeared, and he smiled and waved to each other.

"The commander walks slowly, come back when you have time."

As soon as the leader of the Styx flew into the mist, he immediately stopped, turned his head to look at him, and said angrily: "You are so happy! This seat did not say to leave the windy region!

You calm down for two days, and you have to investigate it yourself.

The truth of this matter must be found out, otherwise it will be impossible to confess to the divine emperor. "

Yuwenba suddenly fainted, couldn't help rolling his eyes, and muttered: "Hi, I thought you were leaving!

Then check it, as long as you don't deliberately plant and frame it, you can check anything you want. "

"Unreasonable!" The commander of the Styx cursed coldly and turned away.

Yuwenba quickly returned to normal.

He drank the tea slowly, and imagined in his mind that his son suddenly turned into a monster, punching the upper **** king and kicking the reincarnation **** general.

With such an imagination, he was in a good mood, his face was covered with the old father's kind smile, and he couldn't help humming a little song~www.ltnovel.com~Unconsciously, another day and night passed.

In these twelve hours, Youdu still had rumors and divergent opinions.

Cheng Jue took thousands of imperial guards and searched Youdu City again.

Then, they gave up Youdu City and began to search the Wind Lingyu along the way.

When they wanted to come, Yu Wenji must have left Youdu long ago, and was on the way back to Feng Lingyu.

The continuous running makes Cheng Jue tired and itchy with hatred.

The high priest stayed behind in the Shrine of Good Fortune, as if he had lost his soul, spending every day in fear and indefinite expectation.

As for the hundreds of elite geniuses who have been baptized, they have long been disappointed and completely give up.

They knew that the **** of good fortune would not be able to catch it back for a while.

It doesn't make sense to continue to wait in the imperial palace. It's better to go back to each house and find each mother.

Of course, these people not only hated Yuwenji, but also hated the high priest.

Had it not been for these two **** to make such a thing, they would have been baptized happily and turned into geniuses.

at the same time.

In the secret room of the nameless house, Ji Tianxing grasped the movement of the outside world through the eyeliner of Anping Shenwang.

At the same time, he suddenly thought of a seemingly feasible way to get the Marshal of the Blood Prison away.

However, this method is a bit risky and requires Ji Ke's cooperation.

So, he sacrificed the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers and entered the twisted time and space to find Ji Ke.

But when he returned to the blood flame tree, before he saw Ji Ke, he was attracted by the colorful divine light rising into the sky.

The shadow under the sacred tree became as dazzling as the sun, exuding infinite power.

There is no doubt that she broke through!


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