Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3513: Inevitable

Ji Tianxing is very clear.

If he wants to steadily improve his strength, it is not only for him to improve his realm as soon as possible.

He also has to cultivate the Five Elements World so that the Five Elements World will grow rapidly.

After all, he is integrated with the world of the five elements, sharing prosperity and mutual loss.

After handling the spoils, Ji Tianxing picked up hundreds of fragments of the godhead and began to practice in retreat.

He used the devouring supernatural powers to quickly refine the fragments of the divine rank, selecting appropriate divine principles from them, and depriving and refining them.

He currently possesses 480 kinds of Shinto laws, not far from five hundred.

Once the number of laws he mastered reaches five hundred, there will be a qualitative leap, and his strength will definitely increase!

While refining the fragments of the godhead, Ji Tianxing silently calculated: "There will be at most four or five days before the funeral will reach the southernmost tip of the Haotian Continent and enter the Xiaolong sea area.

The encircling circle of Jinshuang and many gods should be gathered within three days and stop the funeral.

In other words, I have only five months of cultivation time in the distorted time and space! "

Within five months, refining the godhead fragments of the four **** king powerhouses.

This was a difficult task in the past.

But the situation has developed to this point, even if it is difficult, Ji Tianxing must complete it.

He must improve his strength as much as possible before the encirclement is closed.

Although, there is a speculation and judgment in his mind, he is not too worried about the danger that is about to face.

But that idea is only his speculation, and he can't guarantee it 100%.

Therefore, he still has to improve his strength as much as possible, and cannot pin his own safety on that idea.


In the past six months, the Haotian Continent has long ceased to be calm and has become turbulent.

Ever since Ji Tianxing went all the way to the south, beheading many **** kings, domain masters and divine envoys, he was destined to become famous Haotian.

In particular, several divine envoys mobilized a large number of domain owners and kings to round up Ji Tianxing, which had already alarmed dozens of regions.

Countless strong people are talking about it, eagerly waiting, paying attention to the situation in the southern region.

Many powerhouses know that several divine envoys and a large number of divine king powerhouses will complete the encirclement in the Tiannan Territory to carry out the final lore on the rebel Tianxing.

And a month ago, another news that shocked everyone's eyes spread in the Vast Sky Continent.

That domineering and lawless rebel Tian Xing turned out to be the sword **** who fell a thousand years ago!

Who is the sword god?

Thousands of years ago, he was recognized as the number one powerhouse, with one sword to frighten the existence of countless gods.

Although he fell in the outer starry sky.

But he has only fallen for a thousand years, his prestige still remains unchanged, and he still has a powerful deterrent.

Anyone who has heard of his name knows that the Sword God is back!

Moreover, the Sword God making such a huge movement in the Vast Sky Continent is provoking the God Emperor Shura!

He is declaring war on the God Emperor Shura!

One stone stirred up a thousand waves.

A month ago, this horrifying news spread wildly among countless gods and powerhouses.

Especially the ancient clans were completely stunned by the news, incredible.

However, when they recovered, they all uttered excitement, surprise and excitement.

Many people asked the Jiang clan for specific information to understand what happened.

And more ancient clans hurriedly convened emergency meetings to discuss countermeasures.

The central part of the Haotian Continent.

Shenfeng Dongtian, in the magnificent conference hall.

More than a dozen or so **** kings and powerful men gathered together to discuss major issues.

"Patriarch, all the ancient clans are moving after hearing the wind, shall we take action?"

"Bai Feng's whereabouts is still unknown. It must be in the hands of the Sword God. Of course we are going to rescue Bai Feng!"

"Why the Sword God didn't kill Bai Feng, have you thought about it?

Even thousands of years ago, the sword **** had a relationship with our Feng clan, and there was no deep hatred! "

"Since the Sword God does not kill Bai Feng, he has no life worry for the time being, so don't worry.

Of course we are going to Tiannan. "

"I agree with the patriarch's decision, no matter what happens, we have to check it out.

At least, we have to see with our own eyes, is the sword **** really resurrected? "

Northwest of the Haotian Continent.

Douzhan Dongtian is also in the conference hall.

More than a dozen powerhouses above the Sixth Stage of the God King gathered in the hall to discuss countermeasures, and all kinds of discussions filled the ears.

"My compatriots, do you remember the sword **** who defeated our war **** race thousands of years ago?"

"Of course I remember, the children of the God of War will never forget the events of those months!"

"Although, we don't know why the sword god, who has fallen for a thousand years, will come back to life.

But the Jiang people can confirm this news, and we can't just ignore it! "

"The deputy commander of the inspector, Jinshuang, summoned dozens of god-king powerhouses, and he is trying his best to besieged the sword god.

The Sword God is fleeing south, and it is estimated that he will be stopped in the southern part of the sky. "

"Patriarch, everyone abides by your decision, let's go to the Southern Territory together!

In any case, we have to see with our own eyes, is the sword **** really reborn? "

Southeast of the Haotian Continent.

The blue cave sky, in the discussion hall of the Lan clan.

The same scene reappears.

More than a dozen elders of the Lan family, protectors, and strong men were all discussing things about the sword god.

After some discussions, everyone finally decided to send five powerful kings to investigate the situation.

Almost at the same moment.

The Sect Master of the Ancient Bailian Sect, Xu Bailian, who has not left Bailian Cave for thousands of years, also rushed to the south with six powerful kings.

After all, the rebel Tianxing, the sword god, holds the structure diagram of the Hundred Refined Hammer.

Of course Xu Bailian had to take a trip personally, as it was related to Bailian Ancient Sect's Zhenzong fetish.

Similar scenarios are still being staged in major caves.

More than half of the ancient clans sent a few powerful **** kings to the south.

of course.

These are things that happened more than 20 days ago.


Ever since Ji Tianxing killed the Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy, Tiannan Territory has set off a shocking storm.

The place where the Shadow Slashing God's Envoy fell, was soon learned by Jinshuang and the King of Gods.

From this, many gods also infer the approximate location of Ji Tianxing.

The encirclement composed of dozens of **** kings is closing at a faster speed.


The sun was shining brightly, and the Heaven Burying Sword galloped over the clouds.

For the past three days, Buried Tianjian went all the way south without being intercepted by anyone.

It has arrived at the southern end of the Tiannan Region, and it will fly one day ahead to enter the Xiaolong Sea.

How hopeful that the funeral day will be as peaceful as before in the next day.

But it understands that this is absolutely impossible.

It should come ~www.ltnovel.com~ will come after all!

"Shoo! Shoo!"

Suddenly, the sky over the sea of ​​clouds thousands of miles away in the south lit up with colorful lights.

At least the figures of the powerful six **** kings appeared above the sea of ​​clouds, forming a straight line.

Funeral Tian immediately realized that the **** kings who intercepted the sword **** were coming.

It quickly adjusted its direction and flew towards the southeast.

However, a few dazzling lights also lit up over the sea of ​​clouds in the southeast.

Seeing this scene, Funeral couldn't help sighing.

"After all, it is hard to escape a decisive battle!"

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