Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3507: Re-enlightenment

() After communicating with Ji Tianxing, Tian Tian realized that his worries were unnecessary.

Ji Tianxing revealed his identity not by accident, but on purpose.

His revenge plan actually started ahead of schedule.

Making things big and letting the ancient clans get news is just an important step in his plan.

Funeral wanted to know what his next plan was.

"After leaving the Haotian Continent, where are you going?

Back to Chaos Continent?

After all, your old ministry was on that continent.

If they are not eliminated, they should still follow you..."

Ji Tianxing thought for a while and replied: "After leaving the Haotian Continent, if you continue to go south, you will first pass through Samsara Island.

If the two-world channel can be opened, I want to go to the dragon world to find Wuhen.

If it can't be opened, I will go to the Continent of Chaos to find the old soldiers. "

Funeral agreed: "That's good, you have been ascending to the God Realm for almost ten years, so you should go to the Dragon Realm to find your son earlier."

Ji Tianxing was silent for a moment, and told it: "Fun Tian, ​​you just need to fly to the south. I want to enter the pagoda. It will take a while.

The flying artifact of the Shadow Slasher has always been behind us.

Looking at his posture, he should just follow us, not dare to intercept.

I guess he should have notified the commander of the inspector.

The commander of the inspector will definitely give orders to all domains and summon countless kings to intercept us.

So, you just act on the spot. "

The funeral said there was no problem.

Ji Tianxing didn't say more, his figure disappeared into the sky in a flash.

He hid in a desolate mountain range, offering a nine-day tower and entering the twisted time and space.

The Blood Flame God Tree has been growing, reaching a height of about 18,000 feet, covering a radius of 20,000 miles.

Yunyao, Ji Ke and others are all practicing hard under the sacred tree, desperately improving their strength.

What makes Ji Tianxing feel fortunate is that Ji Ke has reached the peak of the Divine Sovereign Realm and is attacking the Divine King Realm.

Although, this process is very long and very difficult.

Even Ji Ke will fail many times.

However, Ji Tianxing believed that she was inherited from the divine bird phoenix and would definitely be able to break through the divine king realm smoothly.

As for Yun Yao's situation, it is still not optimistic.

Before she found the seventh divine orb, she could not break through the divine king realm.

But she is not discouraged, and is still constantly laying the foundation and improving her strength.

Ji Tianxing discovered that she was exploring the limits of the Divine Sovereign Realm.

Her strength at this time is equivalent to ten times that of the peak god!

Moreover, she is still slowly improving and strengthening.

Ji Tianxing understood that the deeper the foundation she lays at this moment, the stronger she will be when she breaks through the Divine King Realm in the future.

Just like him, many times will strengthen to ninety-nine times the peak.

When he breaks through to a higher level, he will be able to sweep everyone at the same level and leapfrog the stronger ones.

In addition, there is another news that made him feel gratified.

Yanke has been practicing in retreat for so long, not only has his injuries healed, but his strength has also reached the fifth level of the Divine King Realm!

The strength of the white dragon, black dragon and Qianyue also reached the nine levels of the gods.

Only daughter Wushuang's strength is weak, and she has just reached the eighth layer of the gods.

This is so, and Ji Tianxing is quite relieved.

He flew around the blood flame sacred tree, and after checking the situation of everyone, he sat cross-legged.

Then he closed his eyes and began to do something very important.


His godhead left his mind and flew into the tomb of the sword **** in his body.

Since he ascended to the God Realm, he hadn't entered the Sword God Tomb once in the past ten years.

Because he knew very well what was in the Sword God Tomb and what was useful.

Now, he felt that the time was right.

There is something, he must find the answer.


Ji Tianxing's godhead became his incarnation, flying through the dark and cold wasteland.

After a while, he came to the corner of the wasteland.

The wasteland in front of him was shrouded in boundless chaos and fog.

There is a small blank area, and the ground is covered with mysterious and mysterious array patterns.

no doubt.

That is the Zhutian formation!

A long time ago, Ji Tianxing uncovered a small part of the mist and realized the Supreme Avenue from the Zhutian Array.

Therefore, he created his own Zhutian Sword Formation and Zhutian Divine Art.

But now, he has encountered a bottleneck in his cultivation.

Regardless of the Zhutian Sword Formation or the cultivation of the Zhutian Divine Art, it is difficult to improve.

Therefore, he can only uncover the fog and observe more Zhutian formations.

Staring at the fog in a radius of 100,000 miles, Ji Tianxing had a smile at the corner of his mouth, and murmured: "I used to be so weak that I couldn't see the edge of the fog of chaos.

Even if he did his best to perform the nine burial styles, he could only break through the corner of the mist.

It seems that the Zhutian formation that I have seen is only one percent of the entire formation. "

After that, he pinched the sword tactics with both hands, released the shining sword light all over the sky, and chopped off the chaotic fog in front of him.

"Huh! Huh!"

Ninety-nine dazzling sword lights burst out with the strongest power, and they fell in the mist and swept across.

Soon, the chaotic fog in front of him was dispersed in a large amount.

Originally, the fog area he had broken through before was only a thousand miles away.

But after a hundred breaths of time, the blank area of ​​the mist was lifted and expanded to a radius of 20,000 miles.

It's enlarged twenty times!

Compared with the entire Zhutian Array, 20% of the area was clearly presented in front of Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing looked at the newly opened blank area, staring at the hundreds of millions of patterns on the ground, showing a relieved smile.

"After I understand these two formations, the Heaven-Zhuking Divine Art can be deduced by two more layers, and the power of the Heaven-Zhuking Sword Formation can increase several times!

The four levels of the God King Realm, the middle God King...I will be able to reach it soon! "

After a few whispers to himself, he discarded distracting thoughts and began to observe the patterns on the ground and remember them in his heart.

Time passed quickly.

The dark and icy wasteland is terribly silent.

Ji Tianxing is like a stone sculpture, standing in the sky, looking down at the formation of 20,000 li, concentrating on observation and speculation.

It took three full months before he remembered the 20,000-mile formation.

After all, there are as many as 300 million array lines in this area, containing hundreds of millions of changes.

If ordinary lower gods come ~ www.ltnovel.com~ even if you observe for two or three years, you may not remember them all.


After Ji Tianxing wrote down the formation, he left the tomb of the Sword God and returned to his body.

Sitting under the sacred tree, he began to study and comprehend the Zhutian Array, improve the Zhutian Sword Array, and deduced the fourth-level technique of the Zhutian Shenjue.

He is now in the late triple stage of the Divine King Realm.

The technique he was cultivating was the third level of Zhutian Divine Art.

In the past, he could not deduce the fourth level of exercises, and his strength was also slow.

It's different now.

He already had the embryonic form of the fourth-level exercise in his mind.

The third layer of Zhutian Divine Art was finally perfected, becoming perfect.

During his retreat and enlightenment, his strength has also improved unconsciously.

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