Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3502: What should be the crime?

() Two days passed quickly.

That evening, the Palace of Heaven's Will landed in a lofty mountain and flew into a deep canyon.

This smoky gorge is the entrance to Shenying Cave Sky.

On the surface, there is nothing unusual in the canyon.

But the gate leading to the Shenying Cave is hidden between the cliffs.

The gate of Tianyi Palace opened, and Jiang Tianyi stepped out of the main hall and stood at the gate.

Looking around, there is no one in the canyon.

His gaze fell on the cliff, with a relieved smile on his face.

"It seems that nothing happened to the Jiang Clan, and the gods and domain masters have not yet come."

This made Jiang Tianyi's hanging heart suddenly fall back into his stomach.

He no longer wasted on time, holding the magic art in both hands, releasing his magic power to form a magic seal.


One after another mysterious and special imprints were printed on the cliffs.

Before long, a dazzling white light lit up on the seemingly ordinary brown cliff.

When Jiang Tianyi finished casting the spell, a blazing white space door appeared.


The space gate of Zhangyugao exudes surging divine power fluctuations, connecting the divine cave sky.

"I am back!

This time, I have made such a great contribution, and everyone will be impressed! "

Jiang Tianyi clenched his fists and showed expectant eyes.

He was about to put away the palace, crossed the door of space, and entered the heaven of the gods.

at this time.

The door of the space swayed with divine power fluctuations, and several figures walked out of the door.

The leader is a middle-aged protoss with gray hair and a face of about fifty years old.

He wears a luxurious divine crown, a purple and gold robe, and a scepter in his hand.

Of course Jiang Tianyi is no stranger. This is the current patriarch of the Jiang Clan, Jiang Chuyun.

Behind Jiang Chuyun, there were five elders wearing purple robes. Two of them were old and three were middle-aged men.

In addition to this, there were also two dignified, cold-faced **** king powerhouses who followed Jiang Chuyun.

That is the right and left guardian of the Jiang Clan.

Seeing these eight powerhouses appear, Jiang Tianyi was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help thinking: "Strange, how did the patriarch, the guardian, and the elders know that I'm back?

Did they get together long ago, waiting for me to come back?

But I haven't told them yet, I found Jiang's benefactor? "

Thinking like this in his heart, Jiang Tianyi still couldn't restrain his inner excitement, and quickly stepped across the sky to meet him.

"God will pay homage to the patriarch, left and right guardians, and elders!"

Jiang Tianyi stood still in the sky, bowed and saluted Jiang Chusheng and others, and said respectfully.


Jiang Chusheng, the guardians, and the elders all looked at him with complex expressions, and no one asked him to get up.

Everyone's expressions and eyes were a little disappointed and angry.

The atmosphere is quite weird.

Jiang Tianyi vaguely felt bad, raised his head and looked at Jiang Chusheng and others, and asked, "Patriarch, how do you know that the disciple is back?

Although the disciple and the ninth younger brother have made merits, they will not bother the elders, come to the entrance together to greet them? "

Jiang Chuyun looked at him expressionlessly, and said in a low tone: "Before you contacted the fourth child, this seat and the elders counted the time and knew that you were back today.

Jiang Tianyi, why don't you follow the fourth advice? "

"Huh?" Jiang Tianyi was taken aback, remembering the warning from the fourth brother, and told him to hide outside for a while and not return to the Jiang clan.

Thinking of this, Jiang Tianyi felt that something was wrong and asked: "Patriarch, what happened?"

"Don't ask." Jiang Chusheng said blankly: "Let Jiang Tiansheng come out, and the two refining geniuses you recruited."

Jiang Tianyi felt a little nervous and said, "The ninth brother was seriously injured and is still in a coma..."

Before he could finish speaking, Zuo Hufa said blankly: "Hold him out and we will deal with it."

Jiang Tianyi didn't dare to disobey, and quickly took out the unconscious Jiang Tiansheng from the palace of the heaven.

Of course, Lin Zhen and Zhanlongxiang also left the palace and appeared in the sky.

Lin Zhen and the Zhanlong Elephant were doing their exercises, and suddenly appeared in the sky, and they were stunned when they saw several powerful gods in front of them.

The two were stunned for a moment, only to realize that this was the strong king of the Jiang Clan, and quickly bowed to salute.

But Jiang Chuyun, the left and right guardians, and several elders directly ignored them.

"Three elders, send them back to the Jiang clan." Jiang Chuyun waved his scepter and issued an order.

The two elders wearing purple robes said and obeyed, and quickly picked up the unconscious Jiang Tiansheng, took Lin Zhen and the dragon elephant, and stepped into the gate of space.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Tianyi felt the atmosphere even more weird.

Jiang Chuyun said blankly: "Jiang Tiansheng recruited two refining talents in the Hengshan Empire to replenish fresh blood for the Jiang people. This is a great achievement.

But you, Jiang Tianyi... You disappointed us too much!

Not only did you fail to complete the task when you went out this time, you also caused a disaster for the Jiang Clan.

Say, what should you sin? ! "

Jiang Chuyun's tone was majestic, his face was full of anger, and his eyes stared sharply at Jiang Tianyi.

The left and right guardians and the four elders also looked at him with disappointment and indignation.

"This..." Jiang Tianyi was stunned.

He had thought many times about how the Jiang clan would welcome and praise him when he returned to the heavens.

But he didn't expect that the patriarch would bring the law protectors and the elders to ask the teacher outside the entrance!

He quickly explained: "Patriarch, please calm down! My disciples know that I helped Young Master Tianxing fight against the patrol divine envoys, angering several divine envoys and domain masters, and may even offend the **** emperor Shura.

What the disciple shouldn't be doing, he has caused trouble to the Jiang Clan.

But do you know, who is that heavenly son?

You can never guess his true identity! "

When talking about this, Jiang Tianyi also sold off, showing a mysterious smile on his face.


Jiang Chuyun, the guardians, and the elders were not interested in this at all. On the contrary, they were even more angry and hated iron and steel.

"Bastard thing!" Jiang Chuyun shouted angrily, and reprimanded with a majestic expression: "You have caused such a disaster for the Jiang clan, but you still don't know how to repent. It's really disappointing!

Jiang Tianyi~www.ltnovel.com~ It must be the Jiang people who have treated you so generously these years, that makes you so proud! "

The Right Guardian also scolded with a cold face: "Jiang Tianyi, the Young Master Tianxing you mentioned, not only murdered a few domain masters fiercely, but also killed two divine envoys.

This is a rebel who provoked the **** emperor Shura and rebelled against the **** emperor's orthodoxy!

As a child of the Jiang clan, you don't need to punish the treacherous and eliminate the evil, but you are still collaborating with the rebels?

Over the years, has the Jiang Clan's careful teaching and cultivation of you been in vain? "

Although, Zuo Hufa and several elders did not speak.

But when Jiang Tianyi looked at their expressions, he knew that they thought the same way.

Suddenly, Jiang Tianyi's blood cooled down, and his heart was filled with disappointment and consternation.

He didn't expect that the elders of the Jiang clan who used to be proud and arrogant would become like this!

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