Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3497: Overweight

() Jiang Tianyi and Jiang Tiansheng teamed up to meet Qin Dong from left to right.

At this moment, Jiang Tianyi could not even ask Jiang Tiansheng how he appeared at this time.

He only knows.

If Qin Dong's magical power cannot be blocked, he and Jiang Tiansheng will suffer.

Even if he does not die, he will suffer severe injuries.


In the next instant, dozens of brilliant sword lights collided fiercely with the giant palms in the sky, and there was a loud and deafening noise.

Like the roar of thunder, it resounded through the sky.

The splendid sword light collapsed, and the huge palm that covered the sky and sun was also mostly broken.

Tens of millions of divine light fragments splashed in all directions, like a violent storm.


Jiang Tianyi and Jiang Tiansheng were both hit by the palm shadow.

In the muffled sound, the two flew back in embarrassment.

The person was still in mid-air, and he opened his mouth and spouted bright red blood arrows, falling into the sky.


After that, the two brothers hit the Palace of Heaven's Will almost at the same time, and after rolling dozens of laps, they fell towards the ground below.

There is no doubt that both brothers were injured by Qin Dong.

But in contrast, Jiang Tiansheng's injuries were more serious. Not only did the Excalibur flew out, his right arm was broken, and a big pit was sunken in his chest.

He was dripping with blood, bleeding foam was constantly flowing in his mouth and nose, and he was almost unconscious.

But Jiang Tianyi was just dizzy, fractured his right arm, and his strength dropped sharply.

The blood in his body kept surging, and he struggled in the sky before flying back to the gate of the Palace of Heaven's Will.

As for Jiang Tiansheng.

Falling from the sky, it hit the ruins with a ‘poof’, splashing dust in the sky.

Such a scene made Jiang Tianyi's face extremely ugly and his eyes extremely solemn.

The elders, Chen Lan, and Yan Shangao of the Bailian Ancient Sect all showed joking sneers.

Qin Dong looked down at Jiang Tianyi condescendingly, and said indifferently: "Boy, don't resist stubbornly anymore, it makes no sense!

Obediently handed over the two refining geniuses and apologized to Chen Lan.

In addition, handing over the human youth named Tian Xing, this matter was revealed. "

Jiang Tianyi still refused to admit defeat. He raised his head and looked up at Qin Dong, and said in a sonorous tone: "I said that, don't think about it!"

Qin Dong sneered with pity, and said: "Although I said that I will not kill you, but you are so stubborn, I don't mind abolishing you and let you roll back to the Jiang clan like a dead dog!"

For Qin Dong, this is not difficult.

Moreover, he definitely has this cruelty and courage.

But he did not expect that Jiang Tianyi remained silent and stared at him angrily.

In the deep pit of the ruins, Jiang Tiansheng crawled out with force, his face covered in blood roared: "Qin Dong, you old man who killed a thousand swords!

As the left guardian of the Ancient Hundred Refining Sect, you actually took action against us juniors.

Do you still need a face?

When our gingers are unmanned?

There is a way for you to find our Jiang Clan’s guardian, and promise to screw off the heads of your whole family! "

Qin Dong looked down on Jiang Tiansheng in the ruins, grinning sneer and said, "I'm bullying the younger generation? What about your seniors of the Jiang family, that human youth?

Didn't he also take action personally to bully Chen Lan, the disciple of this school?

It’s your Jiang Clan being shameless first, so how can you be qualified to criticize this seat? "

After speaking, he squinted his eyes and burst out murderous intent all over his body. He grinned and said, "In addition, you little beast is too uneducated, this seat will discipline you on behalf of the Jiang Clan!"

When the voice fell, he waved his right hand fiercely, cutting out a crescent-shaped knife.

"call out!"

The light of the sword fell from the sky, and before Jiang Tiansheng could escape, it severely hit him.


A crisp bone crack sounded.

Blood splashed, a complete right arm flew up into the sky, and then fell to the ground with a ‘click’.

Jiang Tiansheng stiffly froze in place.

He lowered his head with difficulty and looked at the empty right shoulder.

The incision on the right shoulder was neat, revealing pale golden stubble, and blood constantly pouring out.


He was incomparably sad and angry, and subconsciously shouted.

However, the severe pain struck him and he fell down as soon as his eyes went dark.


With another muffled sound, Jiang Tiansheng fell into a coma, splashing dust.

Witnessing this scene with his own eyes, Jiang Tianyi's angry eyes were splitting, and he roared like crazy.

"Qin Dong! Damn you!

This Qiujiang clan has written it down, and we will repay it twice! "

While roaring, Jiang Tianyi did not rush towards Qin Dong.

Because he was not Qin Dong's opponent at all, nor could he avenge Jiang Tiansheng.

Even if he rushed over, he was insulting himself.

He landed in the ruins, picked up the unconscious Jiang Tiansheng, picked up his blood and dusty arms, and flew back to the Palace of Heaven's Will.


He drilled into the main hall of the palace, placed Jiang Tiansheng on the ground, and then sent a jade slip to call the Jiang clan for help.

At the same time, he will also close the gate of the Palace of Providence.

Even if he can't escape, he will try his best.

If he can't escape, he must hide in the palace and hold on for a while.


Qin Dong seemed to have understood his thoughts long ago.

Before he closed the gate of the upper palace, three dazzling glare flew in from the gate.

"Shoo! Shoo!"

In an instant, three dazzling sword lights slammed in front of Jiang Tianyi and took his head and the vitals of his chest.

In a critical moment, Jiang Tianyi could only hold the divine sword horizontally and stand in front of him.

"Boom bang bang!"

There was a dull loud noise, and Jiang Tianyi was knocked into the air again.

He was like a rag doll that was rubbed and covered with wrinkles, rolling and smashing into the depths of the hall.

Several beams were knocked down by him, and debris was scattered on the ground.

The floor of the hall was also sprayed with shocking blood.

He rolled down in the corner of the main hall, convulsing all over, a lot of blood gushing out from under him, spreading out continuously.

This time, the injury he suffered was so serious that it was difficult to even stand up and get up.

His eyes kept closing and his consciousness became increasingly blurred, and he was on the verge of coma.

at the same time.

Qin Dong came from the sky and landed at the gate of the palace hall.

"Ha ha ha... the praying man's arm blocks the car, overwhelmingly!"

Qin Dong sneered disdainfully, and stepped into the palace gate, about to enter the hall~www.ltnovel.com~ but Jiang Tianyi watched, but could no longer stop it.

His mouth opened and closed, blood was constantly pouring out, and he made a vague voice, cursing Qin Dong bitterly.

But Qin Dong disagrees and doesn't take him seriously.

He wants to enter the Palace of Heaven's Will, personally **** the two refining geniuses, and unearth Ji Tianxing, who claims to be the elder of the Jiang clan.


Just when Qin Dong stepped into the hall with his right foot.

In the depths of the hall, an invisible sacred coercion suddenly came, like the peak of a **** king.

A low, majestic and cold voice also rang in everyone's ears.

"Qin Dong, after a thousand years, you are still a waste of bullying and fear of hardship, it is really sad!"

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