Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3487: Then go to hell

() Ji Tianxing was still a little stunned when he saw the star **** envoy and Bai Feng and others.

There was only one thought in his mind.

"Although I have known for a long time, the Astrology Divine Envoy has gathered two Divine Envoys and many Divine Kings, and is killing me with great fanfare.

But shouldn't they be in the Red Dragon Realm? How come to the Hengshan Empire?

Has our whereabouts been leaked? The Astrology Divine Envoy still has this ability?

wrong! It's definitely not the celestial envoy. Seeing Bai Feng's tired and weak face, it should be related to him! "

Ji Tianxing vaguely remembered that he seemed to have heard that Bai Feng was not only the upper **** king, but also possessed the blood of the Feng clan and a pair of mysterious **** pupils.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing's first suspect is Bai Feng.

Actually, Bai Feng was also very bitter.

Originally, he was exhausted and became a dog. Was it uncomfortable to stay in the Po Kong Chai to recuperate and adjust his breath?

An Xin recuperates for three or five years, and when he returns to the top, he will be a hero again.

But astrology gods are better.

In just a day and a half, he was lucky enough to intercept Jiang Tianyi's palace.

The Shadow Slashing God Envoy was even more asshole, and as soon as he stopped Jiang Tianyi's palace, he put away the Po Kong Chai.

Then, the three divine envoys appeared in the sky with murderous aura, fanned apart and blocked the way of Heaven's Will Palace.

Bai Feng was naturally tragic.

Po Kongchai was collected, and he also appeared in the sky.

And it is unsuspecting, mentally exhausted, and divine power is weak.

This is very embarrassing.

He also wanted to be blocked in the sky with murderous aura like the three divine envoys.

But he can't do it.

He felt that he was not qualified to participate in this battle.

Yes, it is indeed not qualified.

Even though he is the upper **** king, he can't even deal with Ji Tianxing in his current situation, even Jiang Tiansheng and Jiang Tianyi.

He wanted to go back to Po Kongchai, or leave this place to find a place to rest and recuperate.

But the atmosphere in the field was tense and murderous.

He couldn't speak.

As a result, he could only stay in the sky to make up the number, at best he would not make a sound, and minimize his presence.

But even so, when Jiang Tianyi walked out of the palace gate, he noticed him at the second glance.

When Ji Tianxing appeared at the gate of the palace, he saw him at the second glance.

As for the first glance...Of course, it was to look at the Astral Envoy.

The two sides hover in the sky, hundreds of miles apart, looking at each other.

Ji Tianxing and Jiang Tianyi's expressions were solemn, and their eyes contained cold murderous intent.

The Astrology Divine Envoy was full of pride, excitement and excitement, as well as a grim, cruel sneer.

"Hehehehe... Tianxing, do you know how hard it is for this king to find you?

From the Golden Dragon Region to the Fire Mulberry Region, to the Chilong Region and Hengshan Region...

This king misses you all the time, and dreams of this day! "

The Astrology Divine Envoy's expression was very hideous, his tone was very spiteful, and his appearance looked very permeating.

At least, Jiang Tianyi and Jiang Tiansheng can really feel the murderous intent of the astrological **** to choose people, and the resentment of hatred.

They couldn't imagine how far Ji Tianxing had made the Astrology God sin, how could the Astrology God Envoy hate Ji Tianxing so much?

Without any worry or hesitation, Ji Tianxing glanced at the Star God Envoy, and said, "You have been looking for a helper to kill me, this is nothing strange.

But, don’t you plan to introduce the two guys next to you?

And what's the matter with that white phoenix like soft-legged shrimp? "

Ji Tianxing was not in a hurry, and he could not even see much anger or murder on his face.

Asking questions so casually, as if they were commonplace, just a little bit more joking.

The celestial envoy was not stupid, did not reveal Bai Feng's magical skills, and did not even mention him.

Instead, he pointed to the two divine envoys on the left and right, and introduced: "These two, like this king, are both inspectors under the command of the divine emperor and supervisors of the Vast Sky Continent.

Tian Xing, although you are overwhelmed, there is no doubt that you will die.

But this king still wants to persuade you to obediently catch and kill.

Don't wait for us to do it, or you won't even be able to leave a whole body. "

Such simple words contain strong domineering and murderous intent.

Obviously, the astrological **** envoy had already decided on Ji Tianxing.

In his opinion, the presence of him and two divine envoys, plus a Baifeng, was enough to easily win Ji Tianxing.

Even if there are any mistakes and mistakes, the other eleven **** kings will arrive soon.

They only need to delay for an hour or two, and they can still kill Ji Tianxing.

All in all, Ji Tianxing is dead!

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, and said calmly: "Bai Feng looks like this, it's hard to say whether he can stand up, let alone participate in the war.

Therefore, just relying on your three divine envoys to want to take us is really idiotic.

I remember that among the helpers you gathered, there are not only these two divine envoys, but there seem to be many divine kings.

If I guessed correctly, you are just pioneers, come over and stop me first.

In addition, there are more than ten or twenty **** kings who are on the way to support, right? "

In fact, this question is not difficult to guess.

But Ji Tianxing said so grandiosely, it still made Astrology Divine Envoy very awkward.

It felt like Ji Tianxing had seen through him and had insight into all his cards.

The Astrology God Envoy was inexplicably panicked and worried.

He always felt that since Ji Tianxing knew this and could remain calm, he must have left some assassins.

But the two divine envoys, Zhanying and Kuyun, did not have as much thoughts as him.

The two divine envoys immediately sneered, and their expressions were quite confident and domineering.

"Hahaha...rebel, you are not too stupid, do you know that you have set foot on a dead end, and you are dead?"

"Little beast, since you know that you are bound to die, what are you doing in a daze, why don't you knelt and surrender?"

Although the two divine envoys have also heard from the Star Elephant Divine Envoy, Ji Tianxing's strength and methods are extraordinary, so you must be careful.

But they have been gods for thousands of years and have become accustomed to domineering.

Standing high, looking down on the common people's mentality, it will not change for a while.

As a result, they just want to see Ji Tianxing kneeling down and begging in despair.

But the star **** envoy heard the words of the two companions, and immediately changed his face, and deep regret and anger flashed in his eyes.

"Damn it! You two bastards~www.ltnovel.com~ didn't you hear that he was just talking about us?"

Of course, he just thought about this idea in his head, and he didn't dare to say it.

After all, Withered Cloud and Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy had the same status as him.

Moreover, he took the initiative to plead Zhanying and Withered Cloud to help.

No matter how much anger and dissatisfaction, the Astrology Divine Envoy could not hold back.

He quickly turned off the subject, trying to delay time.

But Ji Tianxing sneered suddenly, never wasting time again.

"Ha ha ha... If that's the case, then you go to die!"

While sneering, Ji Tianxing turned into a dazzling golden light and rushed towards the star **** envoy.

Jiang Tianyi also put away the palace, took Jiang Tiansheng with him, and launched an offensive with the sword.

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