Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3469: Incompatible

() This is a decision made after the three divine envoys discussed.

The twenty-odd **** kings present have no right to question but can only obey.

Besides, Bai Feng's words were firm and firm.

Many gods are not easy to refute.

Since the three envoys thought it was true, let's take it seriously.

Soon, three groups of people were selected and prepared.

The fifteen god-king powerhouses, including six domain masters, were all left in Tianlongguan and continued to wait for their goals.

This is also just in case Bai Feng's calculation is wrong, and Ji Tianxing and others enter the Tianlong Pass, at least there is enough power to eliminate it.

The other eleven **** kings, led by an upper **** king, drove the **** ship to the Hengshan Empire.

As for the three divine envoys and Bai Feng, they took the lead to leave Tianlongguan by riding on a top-notch king-level middle-grade artifact.

That artifact is called Po Kongchai, which is said to be a relic left by the mother of the Shadow Slayer God Envoy.

This object is not an offensive or defensive artifact, but a flying artifact that travels through space and the outer starry sky.

In the vast starry sky of the universe, a hairpin can break thousands of miles in a flash.

Flying in the God Realm, its speed is doubled.

It takes half a month for ordinary **** kings to reach the Hengshan Empire in the Hengshan region.

And the three divine envoys and Bai Feng, relying on the power of Po Kongchai, could arrive in about five days.

The reason why the four of them went first was also because Po Kongchai had limited internal space and could not hold so many people.

If you want to continuously teleport and shuttle through space, you must consume a huge amount of divine power.

The four of them had to take turns to replenish the supernatural power for the broken hairpin.

Moreover, every time one more person is brought, the divine power consumed increases exponentially.

If it wasn't for Bai Feng to possess the **** of Nirvana, he would still need him to deduce the secret and look for the trace of Ji Tianxing and others.

With the temperament of the Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy, I am afraid that even he does not want to take it.


Hengshan domain, Hengshan Empire.

In the endless Changle Mountains, there is a majestic ancient city called Changle City that has existed for thousands of years.

This city is remotely located in the vast mountains with a radius of several million miles.

On weekdays, the number of gods and people traveling here is far less than the other main cities of the Hengshan Empire.

However, Changle City is located on the divine veins, the heaven and the earth are extremely powerful.

The millions of miles of mountains surrounding the Xiongcheng contain endless training resources and treasures.

As a result, the millions of people of the Protoss in Changle City have unique conditions, and the strong are like clouds and geniuses come forth in large numbers.

After thousands of years of the city, although the traces of the vicissitudes of life are everywhere.

But the city is extremely prosperous, and more than six million gods live and work in peace and contentment, which is quite lively.

All walks of life related to Shinto practice have also grown to their peak.

Every few years or decades, several great masters of alchemy, refining, or formation will appear in Changle City.

Of course, those are powerhouses in the Divine Sovereign Realm.

If you are an older master, you will be respected, recruit disciples, or be recruited by the powerful forces of the empire.

But every few decades, there will be some younger masters.

This is the genius as the saying goes!

All kinds of alchemy geniuses, refining geniuses, formation geniuses...

The people of Changle City have long been used to it.

A few months ago, Jiang Tiansheng came to the Hengshan Empire on the shoulders of the Jiang Clan’s mission of Naxin.

After many searches and tests, no ideal refining genius was found.

Unintentionally, he inquired that Changle City is unique and talented.

Therefore, Jiang Tiansheng came to Changle City full of expectation and began to search for the target.

He is different from Jiang Tianyi.

Jiang Tian intends to save trouble, directly occupying a treasure land of spiritual veins, releasing news to the outside world, and challenging all master craftsmen.

In order to attract those master craftsmen, he will pretend to be wild and set up generous rewards.

Then, he selected suitable people from among the many masters of refining.

Jiang Tiansheng acted low-key, wandering around Changle City, secretly observing and searching for suitable targets.

By the way, his luck is good.

Ten days ago, it happened that two young geniuses set up an arena in Nancheng Baihuayuan to compete in public for their strength and refinement skills.

Jiang Tiansheng only found out after inquiring that the two young talents were the most prestigious young talents in Changle City in the past 100 years.

One of them is the eldest young master of a wealthy family, named Lin Zhen.

The other is a big brother from Changle Taoist Academy, who is called the Dragon Elephant.

These two are very young, both broke through the upper gods not long ago, and are proficient in the way of refining tools.

As the saying goes, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.

What's more, these two great geniuses are equally arrogant.

In addition to cultivating the divine way, the side sects that he is proficient in are the same refiners.

The people of Changle City are divided into two factions, each supporting Lin Zhen and Zhanlongxiang.

Fans of the two factions often argue, and they all think that their idol is the first genius.

Lin Zhen and Zhanlongxiang have also been fighting against each other for many years for the false name of "the first genius of Changle City."

This time, the two geniuses quarreled again, and they competed in public in Baihuayuan, insisting on finding a winner.

Jiang Tiansheng sneaked into Baihuayuan and carefully observed the whole process.

As a result, Lin Zhen and Zhanlongxiang were equal in strength, and after fighting for a long time, it was still difficult to distinguish Xuanzhen.

The two changed to compete for refiners again, to see who could refine the best artifacts of the Sovereign level as soon as possible.

The result is still divided.

The two of them took the same length of time, and the artifacts they made had their own merits.

The people onlookers were still not satisfied, and they were used to this result.

But Jiang Tiansheng was madly excited, excited that he had picked up the treasure.

Because Lin Zhen and Zhan Longxiang are the young geniuses he is looking for.

He has full confidence that as long as these two geniuses are recruited into the Jiang Clan and cultivated well, they will become master craftsmen in the future.

As for loyalty, Jiang Tiansheng is not worried, because the Jiang family has long established regulations.

Anyone who has a foreign surname or a foreign nationality enters the Jiang tribe, and must be married to a Jiang tribe child before it can be recognized by the Jiang tribe.

In this way, the descendants they gave birth also bear the blood of the **** clan.

Only in this way can it absorb fresh blood for the Jiang Clan, and continue to grow its strength base, and it will not decline.

Jiang Tiansheng used his sub-plans to find Lin Zhen and Zhanlongxiang separately and tried to recruit them.

Originally, the two geniuses were very proud ~www.ltnovel.com~, but Jiang Tiansheng's casual exposure, shocked the two geniuses.

Later, he revealed his identity and origin, as well as the strength of the middle master craftsman, and won the awe of the two.

Beneath his three-inch tongue, the two geniuses understood the rich Jiang Clan and saw the hope of becoming a master craftsman.

Therefore, the two geniuses are willing to follow Jiang Tiansheng and go to the Jiang family to practice.

But something embarrassing happened.

At the agreed time, Jiang Tiansheng was about to take the two geniuses to leave Changle City, but they both repented in unison.

the reason is simple.

The two geniuses are incompatible with each other, you do not have me, and I do not have you.

No matter how Jiang Tiansheng persuades and mediates, the two geniuses will not regress, he can only take one of them away.

At this moment, Chen Lan, the second disciple of Bailian Ancient Sect, appeared.

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