Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3442: House of the King of Gods?

If it is another **** king, say he is the grandfather of the **** king of heaven.

The God King of God's Will has been mad long ago, and if he didn't kill the opponent, he would have to fight half to death.

But this sentence came from Ji Tianxing.

Moreover, Ji Tianxing's demeanor and tone did not seem to be joking or joking at all.

The God King of Providence couldn't see the truth and was a little uncertain.

Although he couldn't accept this in his heart, he was 80% sure that it was false.

But he always muttered in his heart, what if, what if it is true?

Zuo Siyou thought for a long time, but the God King of Heaven's Will decided to inquire clearly before speaking.

He looked at Ji Tianxing and asked, "Master Tianxing, since the two elders of our clan are your registered disciples, and you are still in our clan for half a year.

Then you have a very close relationship with my clan, I should have heard of you too?

Which clan are you from? When did you go to my clan again? "

Ji Tianxing had long expected that he would ask questions without concealing it, and answered truthfully: "I have no clan.

I went to the Jiang Clan, it was more than 1100 years ago.

At that time, I traveled through the Haotian Continent, in order to find top-notch king-level materials, and refine two artifacts.

Under the chance meeting, I rescued your two uncles in the starry sky.

They followed me through the ancient starry sky and gained a lot. They also avoided the pursuit of enemies.

Later, when they learned that I was looking for a few special materials, they invited me to be a guest of the Jiang family, trying to persuade the patriarch to give me two materials.

At that time, the Jiang clan was in crisis and had some troubles.

For the reason that the Jiang clan treated me more sincerely, I helped to solve the problem, and put off the crisis of the Jiang clan. "

Hearing this, the God King of Heaven was shocked and excited, and couldn't help but nod his head and said: "I've heard of the ancient starry sky road. It is one of the ten most dangerous forbidden places on the mainland.

Moreover, the ancient starry sky road has survived since ancient times and is said to lead to the outer world.

More than 1100 years ago, the three elders of our clan indeed brought nine children of the Jiang clan to explore the ancient starry sky.

It's a pity that I was in retreat at that time and I couldn't catch up with that opportunity.

Otherwise, I can see you then. "Choke Huo Huan Ke Qiqi Novels|w~w~

Ji Tianxing shook his head and said with a smile: "At that time, the Jiang Clan went to three elders and nine young children.

But in the end, only two elders and four disciples survived.

It is not necessarily a bad thing that you missed that expedition. "

"Uh..." The God King of Heaven was taken aback for a moment, and said a little embarrassingly: "That's true.

By the way, I was practicing in retreat at the time, but several of my brothers were in the clan.

Since Young Master Tianxing has gone to my clan, my clan will definitely treat him warmly. Why haven't I heard my brothers mention you? "

Ji Tianxing replied, "I have been staying in the Yintian Tower of the Jiang Clan for half a year.

Except for the patriarch, the guardian, and a few elders, almost no one else has seen me.

Moreover, that matter is related to the destiny of the Jiang Clan, it is very important, and the news must not be leaked. "

The God King of Heaven was taken aback for a moment, and then he showed a sudden enlightenment, and said excitedly: "That's it! Yintian Pagoda is the most sacred and solemn pagoda of our clan, and it is not open at all.

It is said that it is the treasure of our clan, passed down from ancient times to the present.

But I still don't know what secrets are hidden in the upper three floors of Yintian Tower.

correct! Our clan did encounter a huge crisis back then, which almost affected the fate of our clan.

Later, I heard from the elders that they met noble people to help.

There was a highly respected and mysterious strong man who helped them solve their troubles and let our clan survive the crisis.

For nearly a thousand years, the patriarch and several elders have been grateful for the kindness of the noble man and called him the benefactor of our clan.

It turns out that the mysterious nobleman...is you? "

Speaking of this, most of the doubts in the heart of the God King of Heaven's Will were dispelled, and the eyes that looked at Ji Tianxing were also full of surprise, excitement and awe.

What Ji Tianxing just said was the secret of the Jiang Clan.

If it weren't for the high-level Jiang clan, it would be impossible to know so clearly.

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's not enough to raise your hand.

Moreover, I helped the Jiang Clan, and the Jiang Clan gave me two top-notch materials. In fact, the Jiang Clan owes me nothing. "

"No, no..." The God King of God's Will hurriedly waved his hand and said eagerly: "For the son, it is just a simple effort, but for my clan, it is a great kindness.

Had it not been for your help back then, my clan would have been caught by several others...

Forget it, let's not talk about those things.

Son of Heaven, you are the benefactor of the Jiang Clan and my elder. The fastest updated novels https://

It is my luck to meet you here today.

In any case, please come with me to the Jiang clan and let my clan treat you well..."

Ji Tianxing shook his head lightly and said, "The Jiang clan was already thankful back then, so you don't have to take it too seriously.

Moreover, Shenyingdongtian is too far away from here, and it will take a few months to arrive.

I have other things to do. If you can leave the gods and caves, you must also have a task on your shoulders, so you should not waste time..."

Ji Tianxing knows very well about the Jiang people~www.ltnovel.com~ Although the Jiang people are prosperous and have long descendants, they all live in seclusion in the heaven of gods and caves, and basically never show up in the world.

Unless the elders and children of the Jiang clan, what tasks they have to perform, will they leave the gods to lead the cave.

The God King of God's Will quickly explained: "My son, don't say that.

When I came out this time, I was indeed shouldering the task set by the family, to recruit a few young disciples for the family and absorb some fresh blood.

But compared to yours, this task is really trivial.

If the elders in the clan knew, and I met you but didn't invite you to the Jiang clan as a guest, then I made a big mistake.

At that time, not only my father will beat me, but the second uncle, the third uncle and some uncles will give me a gang fight! "

The attitude and tone of the King of God's Will are very sincere and sincere.

Even though Ji Tianxing repeatedly shied away, he was always persistent and insisted on asking Ji Tianxing to be a guest of the Jiang clan.

"Master Tianxing, no matter what, I won't give up.

Even if you do not go to the Jiang clan as a guest, I will follow you and serve you, and repay your life-saving grace to the Jiang clan.

Only in this way can I go back to the Jiang clan to have a business relationship, and at least I can be beaten and scolded less.

Son, you have to be pitiful, poor Xiao Qi. "

Seeing what the **** of heaven said pitiful, Chao Qingyu and Yanke were dumbfounded.

The two looked at each other, and couldn't help but talk through the voice transmission: "I'm a good boy, this kid is a middle-ranked king, and he still gets beaten and scolded?"

"Listening to what they said, that Jiang Clan seems to be very tough!

Any young disciple who comes here is a middle-ranked king, wouldn't the entire Jiang family become the home of the king? "

"I have read in ancient books before, saying that there were many gods in ancient times like dogs, and gods and kings walked everywhere.

At that time, I still felt nonsense, too exaggerated and bizarre.

It seems that our knowledge is too shallow! "

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