Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3432: Artisan Showdown

Many gods felt strange before.

Where did the three alien kings come from?

They can't be unknown people, why have you never seen them? No one knows?

More coincidentally, they and Tianye Divine Craftsman arrived back and forth.

This is too problematic!

For a time, dozens of gods were all talking in whispers, and the expressions in the eyes of Tianye **** craftsman became a little complicated.

A hundred miles away, the **** craftsman Tianye endured the humiliation and was about to leave Huolong Mountain.

Hearing the words of the white-haired master, and seeing the expressions of many gods and monarchs with strange expressions, he burst his lungs with anger.

What a big pot of dirty water!

If this is not explained clearly, and the relationship is not clear, then what is it?

I'm afraid that the news will spread to all the empires soon, and hundreds of millions of people will say that he is a tortoise and a timid coward...

His first fame is about to be ruined, and he will become the laughingstock of the fire mulberry domain!

When I thought of this, the **** craftsman Tianye had the heart to kill.

His angry complexion was blue, he turned back without hesitation and rushed into the palace.

"Fart! This king doesn't even know them, how could he act with them?

Besides, this king's attainments in the way of refining tools are well-known and wise, how can you be afraid of you as a hairy boy? "

Although, Tianye God Crafter had just been abused by Yanke, and his injuries were terrible.

But the way of refining tools is what he is best at and proud of.

When it comes to the way of refining tools, he is extremely confident and does not convince anyone!

The White-haired Divine Craftsman thought for a moment, and nodded slightly: "That's right, with your little ability and means, please don't move these three divine kings, you are not worthy."

Tianye's divine craftsman gritted his teeth angrily, but could only endure his anger and did not dare to do anything.

He walked to the middle of the hall and stood still, glanced at Ji Tianxing and the others, then looked at the white-haired craftsman, and sneered: "Boy, don't think that this kind of despicable trick can hide from the king's fiery eyes.

These three guys are clearly your accomplices!

You unite in acting, just to use conspiracy and tricks to weaken the strength of this king first, and then anger this king to compete with you!

However, even this is futile.

In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks seem ridiculous!

This king will let you see what a real master craftsman is! "

Since he wants to compare the way of refining tools, Tianye God Craftsman is confident.

At the same time, he also wanted to take this opportunity to save his face and regain his power.

If he didn't seize this opportunity, he would be really discredited today, and his majesty disappeared.

In the future, those gods who spread news will definitely criticize him behind their backs.

The White-haired Divine Crafter sneered with disdain: "Hehe...you old thing is cunning, and you will spit and spit people.

That's it!

This king is too lazy to argue with you, let's see the real chapter below!

Only genuine refining skills are the most convincing! "

"This king is afraid that you will not succeed?" Tianye Divine Craftsman also sneered arrogantly and asked: "Let's talk, how do you want to compare?"

With a smile on the corners of the white-haired master's mouth, he said slowly: "The rules set by this king are known to all the trash outside.

No matter what level of artifact, you choose whatever you want, we use the same level of pill furnace, and start refining at the same time.

The winner is the one who uses the shortest time and the most exquisite and perfect refining artifact.

If you win, three king-level inferior artifacts, or corresponding refining materials, will be offered by the king with both hands.

But if you lose, you have to admit in public that you are a hypocrite, a hypocrite craftsman with unworthy virtue! "

As soon as he said this, Tianye's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and the blue veins on his forehead were fierce.

"This is what you call fairness? Ha ha ha ha... You are really sinister and mean!"

The White Haired Artisan raised his eyebrows: "Then what do you want?"

The **** craftsman Tianye coldly shouted expressionlessly: "At least five artifacts, or corresponding refining materials!"

During the conversation, he had already taken the healing magic pill, connected his broken arms, and was working to suppress the injury.

The White Haired Artisan sneered teasingly: "Don't forget, you are here to challenge this king, not this king to challenge you.

Up to four artifacts or corresponding materials, just forget it if you don’t agree. "

Anyway, he didn't lose anything, but the reputation and majesty of Tianye God Craftsman was severely hit.

Sure enough, God Artisan Tianye frowned and considered for a while, nodded in agreement.

"Okay, let's get started!"

While talking, Tianye Divine Artisan took out a king-level inferior dark golden pill cauldron, and said to the white-haired divine artisan: "Let’s use the king-level inferior pill cauldron to refine a supreme king-level divine armor!

See who takes the shorter time and makes the armor more sophisticated! "

Obviously, the **** craftsman Tianye was playing tricks.

He is the lower **** king, at most he can only refine the king-level inferior artifacts.

The white-haired divine craftsman's strength is unfathomable, he should be a middle-ranked divine king, and most of them can make a king-level middle-grade artifact.

This dark golden pill cauldron was the **** craftsman's life artifact, so familiar.

In the past ten thousand years, he has not had many opportunities to refine the king-level inferior artifacts, only a dozen pieces in total.

However, he has refined more than a thousand pieces of the superb artifact ~www.ltnovel.com~ with very rich experience.

After all, the emperors, relatives, and sect leaders of the major empires would ask him for help in refining magic weapons.

Tianye God Craftsman has absolute confidence and certainty, and can definitely surpass the White Hair Craftsman.哽噺繓赽奇奇 Novels|w~w~


The white-haired master craftsman nodded without hesitation as if he hadn't seen his mind.

"Okay, just as you said!"

When the voice fell, he also sacrificed a bronze pill furnace of king-level inferior grade. Qiqi novel first published on the whole network

"Everyone here, please bear a testimony for us."

The White Haired Artisan spoke, and glanced at Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, and stood aside with Yanke and Chaoqingyu, indicating to watch the battle.

The white-haired master no longer wasted time, holding the bronze pill furnace, walked to the left side of the hall, and sat down cross-legged.

The **** craftsman Tianye walked to the right side of the hall and sat down with the dark gold pill cauldron.

The two looked at each other, both sneered confidently, and shouted in unison: "Start!"

With the sound of the sound, the two raised their hands at the same time, pinching the Shen Jue to use the secret technique of refining, urging the pill furnace and pill cauldron in front of them.



Suddenly, both the Dark Golden Pill Ding and the Bronze Pill Furnace expanded to a square meter, suspended in mid-air, slowly rotating.

With the surging divine power injected, raging flames ignited in the pill cauldron and pill furnace, emitting violent divine power fluctuations.

The white-haired **** craftsman and the Tianye **** craftsman both looked attentively and carefully cast the magic refining device.

Not only Ji Tianxing and the three of them watched the battle quietly, but even the dozens of gods outside the hall held their breath and watched intently.

It is the greatest blessing of their lives to see the confrontation between two master craftsmen with their own eyes.

Everyone even forgot the injuries and pains, their eyes kept unblinking, for fear of missing any details.

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