Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3426: Our fists are big

Chao Qingyu was worried that Ji Tianxing's affairs would be affected, so he didn't care about Yanke to avoid wasting time.

He steered the sapphire godship and continued to fly south.

An hour later, the divine ship crossed the vast mountains and jungles and appeared over a grassland.

On the grassland ahead, an oval city with a radius of several hundred miles appeared.

Looking at the shape and scale of the city, it should be an ancient city that has existed for thousands of years and is home to millions of people of the Protoss.

So, Chao Qingyu put away the divine ship, and flew towards the city with Yanke.

It is early morning, and the sun is rising.

The north and south gates of the city are open, and countless people of the Protoss come in and out in an endless stream.

When approaching this male city, he cast invisibility technique at Qingyu and Yanke, hiding his figure and breath.

The two easily mingled into the city and began to inquire about the news.

They released their invisible consciousness, covering the entire city, listening to voices from all directions, and inquiring about various news.

This method is quite simple and rude, but it is also the most practical.

It is undoubtedly faster than asking someone to ask.

Of course, the people in the city have to discuss relevant news.

If no one mentions which secret realm or where there are king-level refining materials, this method will not work.

Fortunately. Qiqi novel first published on the whole network

After an hour, Chao Qingyu and Yanke found the answer.

From tens of thousands of miscellaneous information, the two sifted out a few useful news.

They both withdrew their consciousness at the same time, and ended the inquest.

Looking at each other, they both showed knowing smiles.

"Is there an answer?"

"Isn't that nonsense? Or you laugh so cheaply?"

"Yanke, I just don't want to delay my son's time, so I don't bother to care about you.

If you continue to be mean, I have to sign with you!

Anyway, we are in the same state, I am not afraid of you! "

"Okay...Don't talk about the useless, let's talk about business.

I just visited for a long time, and I heard that the people all over the city were talking about the peerless master craftsman, Huolongshan and Tianye master craftsman? "Update the fastest Qiqi novel https://

"That's right!" Chao Qingyu nodded and said with a smile: "I also heard thousands of related news, and summed it up, I understand what's going on.

I think this is really dozing off. Come and give the pillow, the son's business has settled! "

Yanke stared at him and asked expectantly: "What's the situation? What have you concluded? Tell me about it."

Chao Qingyu looked at him contemptuously, and said with a sneer: "The son asked you to come out to inquire about the news, you really overestimated your IQ!

Forget it...I'm too lazy to waste time with you, I'd better go directly to see the son in person and report the news to him in person. "

While talking, he rushed out of the city towards Qingyu, preparing to leave.

Yanke hurriedly followed, black face very unhappy, and asked: "Who do you look down on? Isn't it just that there are two master craftsmen to try? It seems that only you understand!"

Rushing towards Qingyu without looking back, the sound transmission said: "Don't be too slow, let's delay a quarter of an hour, the son is in the tower, it is fifty times the time."

Yanke thought that it made sense, so he stopped worrying about it.

He could only restrain his curiosity, and then left the city towards Qingyu.

In a short while, the two left the ancient city and returned to the divine ship.

The divine ship remained invisible, suspended above the sea of ​​clouds.

Chao Qingyu and Yanke entered the Nine Heavens and Ten Great Pagodas and reported the news to Ji Tianxing.

"Huh! Huh!"

As the light flickered, the two entered the twisted time and space and flew towards the blood flame **** tree at the fastest speed.

When the two came under the sacred tree, they saw the palace-sized nine-day sacred cauldron floating in time and space.

The divine cauldron was slowly rotating, and the colorful divine flames still rose in the cauldron.

Ji Tianxing sat cross-legged in time and space, holding the magic art in both hands, using magical powers and secret techniques to control the **** cauldron and the two divine swords in the cauldron.

"See the son!"

"Meet the lord!"

Chao Qingyu and Yanke came to Ji Tianxing and bowed at the same time.

Ji Tianxing opened his eyes, glanced at them, and said somewhat unexpectedly: "Is there news so soon? Or...you two haven't started to act?"

Chao Qingyu smiled and said, "My son, fortunately, we have already found useful clues."

Ji Tianxing was also interested, and smiled unexpectedly, and said: "Let's talk about it."

Yanke hurriedly said: "Master, we are in the Sanglan Empire in the Fire Sangyu Region. Chao Qingyu and I have found a city with more than six million protoss people.

The two of us mingled into that city, using our spiritual sense to listen to the movement of the entire city, and indeed we found useful news. "

Having said that, Yanke stopped continuing, and winked at Chao Qingyu, motioning him to continue explaining.

After all, he couldn't understand the next thing, and he had to rely on Chao Qingyu.

If he does not rush to say this passage, there may be no chance to speak.

How could Chao Qingyu not understand his thoughts, and suddenly showed a teasing smile.

But he did not expose Yanke, bowed his hand to Ji Tianxing, and reported in detail: "My son, the news we inquired is like this...

More than half a month ago ~www.ltnovel.com~ suddenly a young master craftsman appeared in the Sanglan Empire and announced that he had been in the Fire Dragon Mountain for ten years.

This person is very arrogant and self-styled as a master craftsman.

He will stay in the Sanglan Empire for ten years and allow the masters of various refiners to challenge him.

And he will choose the most talented and potential master from among the challengers to be his disciple.

However, Huosangyu originally had a master craftsman who had been famous for thousands of years, and he was called Tianye master craftsman.

The top crafting master of Huosangyu, as well as several crafting families and sects, are all disciples and students of Tianye God Craftsman.

The practice of that peerless divine craftsman is undoubtedly smashing Tianye divine craftsman's place.

Therefore, the disciples of Tianye God Craftsman went to Huolong Mountain to challenge the peerless God Craftsman.

But the masters of the gods and monarch realm were all defeated by the peerless master craftsmen.

But they were not convinced that they lost, and they were also involved in the face and honor of the Huosangyu, and jointly asked the Tianye Divine Craftsman to come forward and compete with the peerless God Craftsman.

The **** craftsman Tianye considered it for a long time, but he couldn't resist the request of countless master refiners, so he could only agree to play.

It is estimated that in these few days, Tianye God Craftsman will go to Huolong Mountain to compete with the peerless God Craftsman in public. "

After listening to Chao Qingyu's report, Ji Tianxing frowned for a moment, and said with a joke: "This news is indeed useful. It's really sleepy to give a pillow!

Since it is a duel between two master craftsmen, they must have king-level refining materials in their hands.

It's easy. Let's also go to Huolong Mountain and ask them to borrow some materials. "

Yanke was stunned for a moment, and asked without hesitation: "King-level refining materials...how could they borrow it?"

Ji Tianxing smiled more interestingly, "They will borrow it! After all, we have big fists."

Yanke understood immediately, and suddenly grinned with a fierce sneer.

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