Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3407: Burial Ground

At this time, the setting sun went down.

It was already an hour before Ji Tianxing escaped from the abyss entrance.

During this period, he merged with the Heaven Burial Sword, continuously flying for a million miles.

If not counting continuous teleportation, this is already his fastest speed.

Although, such a high-intensity continuous flight will consume divine power severely.

But his flight this time was mainly for the power of the Heaven Burial Sword, and he assisted.

With his current strength, combined with the Heaven Burying Sword, he can stay non-stop for ten days and ten nights, and his divine power will be exhausted.

It was only an hour, and it had no effect on his combat effectiveness.

At this moment, he was flying over a vast mountain range, surrounded by endless peaks and valleys.

"There are mountains in a radius of 200,000 miles, and it is deserted and uninhabited. It is suitable for fighting.

I have flown nearly a million miles, and with the speed of the Golden Dragon Domain Master and Jing Feihong, I should have been thrown away more than a million miles.

As for those gods, at least five to six hundred thousand miles have been thrown away, and one hour will not be reached.

Then solve it here! "

This thought flashed in his mind, and Ji Tianxing stopped the Heaven Burying Sword and released the fusion with the Heaven Burying Sword.


He appeared in the sky, holding the restored Heaven Burial Sword in his hand, turned and looked back.

I saw that in the sky thousands of miles away in the north, the star king was driving eight divine spears, galloping like a stream of light.

After flying continuously for half an hour, the Astral King did not feel tired at all.

At the same time, he always followed Ji Tianxing closely and was not thrown away.

In the process of hunting down, he was thrown away several times for more than a thousand miles.

But he teleported in time, and instantly pulled the distance closer.

He has made plans to chase Ji Tianxing for a long time, and is also ready to compete with Ji Tianxing for endurance.

He had predicted in his heart that after about three days, Ji Tianxing's power would decay and he would catch up.

But he did not expect that Ji Tianxing would stop above this mountain range.

Seeing this scene, the astrological king was overjoyed, but at the same time he became more vigilant and alert.

"Damn little beast, why did you stop suddenly?

Did he run out of power and knew he couldn't escape?


Seeing his calm and relaxed appearance, it's not like a powerlessness.

Does he still have reinforcements and laid an ambush here in advance, deliberately bringing this king here?

It's possible, I have to be careful! "

Thinking like this in his heart, the Astral King also slowed down and stopped a hundred miles away from Ji Tianxing.

He stared at Ji Tianxing with cold eyes, released his divine consciousness, performed magical powers, and probed for traps and ambushes around him.

Seeing him so cautious, Ji Tianxing couldn't help showing a sneer, taunting: "Ha ha ha... the dignified Haotian Divine Envoy was also scared and became so careful?

Don't you say that the Haotian Continent is the territory of the God Emperor Shura, and it is the scope of your inspection and jurisdiction?

Why, are you still afraid that I will have reinforcements to ambush you here? "

The Astrology King was pierced in his mind, his old face was a little hot, quite annoyed.

He also glared at Ji Tianxing, not to be outdone, and counterattacked: "Boy, you are not from the Golden Dragon Region. You have no foundation of power here. Why do you want to ambush this king?

Besides, is this king who can ambush both cats and dogs?

My lord sees this mountain range is pretty good, lonely and inaccessible, it is suitable for you to bury your bones here! "

Ji Tianxing smiled even more jokingly, and waved his hand: "Obviously this king chose this place as your burial place. It seems that you are quite satisfied."

"Huh! Don't be ashamed!" The Astrology God King snorted coldly, and sneered disdainfully: "From the eyes of the King, it is obviously that your strength is inadequate. Knowing that you can't escape the palm of the King, you simply stopped and died. Die early and live early!"

Ji Tianxing did not take the initiative to attack, and the Astral King was not in a hurry, and was willing to delay time.

Because he knew that the Golden Dragon Domain Master and Jing Feihong would definitely follow, and they would be able to catch up in a while.

Ji Tianxing can naturally think of the problems that the Astrology God King can think of.

He raised his eyebrows, and said with a playful sneer: "It looks like you are still counseling. Just now you shouted aggressively and screamed, but now you deliberately delay time and wait for reinforcements to arrive.

This king is too lazy to bother with you, since you are chasing after you, then go to death! "

After that, Ji Tianxing pinched the sword tactics in his left hand, and pointed to the sky with the Sky Burial Sword in his right hand, and shouted coldly: "Sword Rain!"

As his voice sounded, 28,000 silver stars suddenly lit up on the originally calm sky.

Each star light spot is a two-thousand-meter long star sword, which contains the majestic and mighty star power.


More than 20,000 giant swords of stars are like meteors, pouring down from the top of the sky, covering a radius of five thousand miles.

Before the sword light arrived, the invisible divine might that suppressed the world had already covered this world.

The Astrology King was under great pressure, but his face remained unchanged, his body was as tall as a javelin, his eyes still sharp.

"Boy, you are so anxious to die, how can this king let you live more?"

While talking, the Star Elephant God King pinched the God Jue with both hands, and also urged eight bronze spears to assassinate Ji Tianxing.

As for the sword rain pouring down from the sky, he temporarily ignored it.

Because he wanted to interrupt Ji Tianxing's spellcasting before the sword rain came and the sword formation was formed ~www.ltnovel.com~.

If you can take the opportunity to seriously injure Ji Tianxing, then it would be best!


The Astrology King underestimated Ji Tianxing and made a wrong judgment.

Ordinary God Kings, when performing supernatural powers such as the Heavenly Slaying Sword Formation, do continue to cast spells without distraction.

Faced with the assassination of the eight divine spears, he can only choose to cancel the cast and resist it with all his strength.

But Ji Tianxing is different.

After he summoned more than 20,000 divine swords from outside the sky, he could leave it alone.

Those 28,000 celestial giant swords will continue to descend on this world and automatically form the Heavenly Sword Formation!

Seeing, eight divine spears stab at Ji Tianxing from different directions, pointing directly at the vitals of his body.

Ji Tianxing shouted in a low voice, using his unique magical powers.

"Shi Fang Juying!"

Suddenly, his whole body lit up with bright white light, and his figure became blurred.

In the next instant, the white light flashed and his body disappeared.

And in the sky, three Ji Tianxing appeared!

They were all white-robed, black-haired, black-eyed and black swords, and there was no difference in appearance, eyes and temperament.

no doubt.

This is the technique of Jueying avatar.

The last time Ji Tianxing used the shadow clone, he only had the strength of the first layer of the **** king realm, and could only transform a clone.

But now, he broke through to the second level of the Divine King Realm, and the number of clones became two.

Coupled with his body, there are naturally three him in the field!

The Astrology King was stunned at that time, his eyes glared, and he couldn't help but whispered: "Phantom? Or clone?"

He is a middle-ranked **** king and a Haotian **** envoy, so of course he is knowledgeable.

Although he did not practice the clone technique, he had seen and fought against the king who mastered the clone technique.


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