Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3404: 1 hit will break

Today is not what it used to be.

In the past, the two domain masters and Ji Tianxing played against each other, and they were able to fight for hundreds of rounds to determine the winner.

Now, Ji Tianxing has advanced to a level, his combat effectiveness has increased tenfold, and he has created a powerful magical skill.

When the two domain masters fought against him, he was seriously injured.

Such a radical change not only made it difficult for the two domain owners to accept, but was shocked and inexplicable.

Even Ji Tianxing himself was a little surprised and unexpected, and a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Am I already so tough? Interesting!

I don't know how strong my combat power will be when I return to the peak of the **** king?

Really look forward to it! "

Ji Tianxing muttered to himself, feeling surging, full of expectation.

At this time.

Nearly a hundred gods and monarchs were left with only more than 20 people, and they were all frightened. They dared not attack again, and they had no fighting power at all.

The two domain masters were also severely wounded, their confidence and fighting spirit were severely hit, and they had not been relieved.

The only people who have remained intact and who have not taken any action are the Astral King.

He can no longer pretend to be reserved and arrogant, he can only take action.

"Boy, you really have some means. No wonder the two domain masters have suffered a great loss, so they can only ask this king for help.

You are very good!

But only a strong like you is worthy of being the opponent of this king, and it is worthy of this king's personal action to solve it. "

The Astrology God King moved his fists, flapping his colorful six wings, and the blood pupils on his forehead also bloomed with a dark red light.

He ignited a flame of blood all over his body, released the coercion that suppressed the world, and swept away towards Ji Tianxing.

"Boy, your performance ends here.

This king personally shot, you are enough to look at it! "

While talking, the Star Elephant God King squeezed the magic trick with both hands and performed magical skills.

"Huh! Huh!"

The eight bronze spears hung around his waist automatically flew into the sky, lit up with a dazzling glare, exuding unparalleled aura.


With a low cry, the eight bronze spears flew out like lightning, killing Ji Tianxing from different directions.

Each bronze spear is a king-level middle-grade artifact, containing the power to penetrate everything, like the aurora passing through the sky, pointing directly at the black and white ball of light.

Ji Tianxing, Yanke, and Chao Qingyu in the light ball suddenly became serious.

In the face of the two domain masters and those gods, they can be indifferent and confident.

However, the astrological king is a great threat to them.

A little carelessness and carelessness, all three of them will be in danger.

After all, the strength gap between the two sides is too great.

Ji Tianxing was silent, but silently urged his divine power, inspiring the power of the black and white light ball to the extreme.

"Boom! Boom boom boom!"

In the next instant, eight bronze spears slammed into the ball of black and white light, bursting out a loud noise that shook Nine Heavens.

This time the black and white ball failed to hold it, nor can it double back.

With a muffled sound of "boom", the black and white ball of light collapsed on the spot, exploding into an overwhelming number of divine light fragments.

Ji Tianxing was flew out, and his internal organs were swept back by the divine power, and golden divine blood poured out of his mouth and nose.

Yanke and Chaoqingyu were also swept by the shock wave, and flew more than two hundred miles away in embarrassment, both pale and panting.


After the eight bronze spears smashed the black and white ball of light, their power was almost exhausted, and they flew back upside down by the shock wave.

Seeing this scene, the Astrology God King sighed in relief, with a contemptuous sneer on his face.

"Ha ha ha... This king thinks how strong you are, I really admire you!"

He was worried just now, what if he failed to break the black and white ball of light when he shot, and was doubled back?

Not only was it embarrassing in front of everyone, but it was also life-threatening, and it was definitely embarrassing.

Therefore, he went all out as soon as he shot, so that he would be broken in one blow.

Fortunately, he did it!

His face was saved, and Ji Tianxing was injured, and Yanke and Chaoqingyu flew away.

The Golden Dragon Domain Lord, Jing Feihong, and more than twenty gods not far away, all showed a thick surprise, cheering and shouting.

"My Lord is mighty!"

"Sure enough, you deserve to be an inspector of Haotian, the envoy of justice, is too powerful!"

"If there is an envoy here, the three dog thieves will definitely give and accept the punishment!"

More than two domain masters and many gods were emotional, and they restored their confidence and expectations.

Even thousands of miles away, the thousands of gods who watched the battle in secret and watched the excitement were all talking and inspiring.

By now, they have understood the identities of everyone in the field through observation and listening.

The presence of the two domain masters has already shocked and excited them.

The existence of the Haotian Divine Envoy was unheard of by many gods, and it was even more exciting.

In the eyes of many gods, the Haotian Divine Envoy is superior to the domain master, and is a rare and noble figure.

Now, the Haotian Divine Envoy personally visits the Golden Dragon Abyss to preside over justice for the Golden Dragon Region.

They were lucky enough to witness this scene with their own eyes.

Therefore, seeing the Haotian Divine Envoy displayed its supernatural power and repelled the three of Ji Tianxing with one move, countless gods also cheered and shouted.

The cheers and admiration of the crowd, as well as countless fierce and worshipful eyes, made the Astral King very much enjoyment and satisfaction.

This is what he wants!

At the same time as his heart was floating, his confidence doubled ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ full of spirits.

He was not in a hurry to pursue the three of Ji Tianxing, looking at them condescendingly, and shouting proudly: "Boy, do you understand the gap between you and this king now?

Arrogance and arrogance are useless, the only way out is to give and accept!

Be obedient and catch it, this king can give you a decent way to die. "

In the sky hundreds of miles away.

Ji Tianxing lifted his sleeve to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, silently suppressing the internal organs' injuries.

Yanke and Chaoqingyu stood behind him, while suppressing his injuries, staring angrily at the Star King.

"My son, how is your injury? Doesn't it matter?"

"Lord, what shall we do now? Continue fighting with him?"

Both looked at Ji Tianxing, waiting for him to make a decision.

Yanke came from the Chaos Continent and had no sense of belonging or awe in the Haotian Continent.

Therefore, he did not care about the identity of the other party at all.

Although Chaoqingyu is a citizen of the Vast Sky Continent, it should be respected and obeyed by the Vast Sky Divine Envoy.

But he had been away from Haotian for nearly ten thousand years, and he had no concept or awe of Haotian Divine Envoy and Asura Divine Emperor.

Therefore, he never thought of giving in, he only listened to Ji Tianxing!

Ji Tianxing frowned and thought for a while, and the sound transmission said: "It is not convenient for us to fight here. There are several divine formations arranged around the abyss, which have not been activated for the time being.

I believe that that is the killer they left behind, which will give us a fatal blow at the critical moment.

Moreover, there are dozens of forces and thousands of gods watching the battle in the distance.

If the Haotian Divine Envoy and the Golden Dragon Domain Lord are pressed into a hurry and order those divine princes to participate in the war, we will really be unable to escape.

Therefore, we must leave this place first, get rid of those gods, and then continue to fight! "


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