Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3386: Sacred tree metamorphosis

Yanke, Chao Qingyu, and Lan'er have fought and fought continuously, and they have long been exhausted.

Not only the divine power needs to be restored, some injuries on the body also need to be treated.

So they all returned to Chaoqingyu's divine ship, and went to heal and adjust their breath.

Ji Tianxing cleaned the battlefield alone, looking for loot in the magma ocean.

Although, in the previous successive battles, they beheaded three hundred forbidden troops.

I don't know how many magic weapons, space rings, and fragments of the gods are scattered in the ocean of magma.

But now that an hour has passed, those king-level divine weapons, rings and fragments of divine rank have long been incinerated by the seven-color divine fire.

The four of Ji Tianxing fought against the Golden Dragon Domain Lord and the God King Qiu Lian. The shock wave swept across a radius of tens of thousands of miles, enough to destroy the remaining residue.

Therefore, in the messy battlefield, there is actually no spoils at all.

Only...the fragments of the Godhead of the God King Autumn Pity, just fell from the sky in the magma sea, drifting slowly.

After all, the fall of Qiu Lian God King was less than a hundred breaths away.

She is the **** king of the triple realm, and neither magma nor seven-color divine fire can smelt her godhead fragments in a short time.


Ji Tianxing quickly found the divine personality fragment of the God King Qiu Lian from the magma sea, and collected it into the space ring.

Then he flew to the reef island 40,000 miles away with Chaoqingyu's divine ship, and began to exercise his energy and adjust his breath.

This reef island is not big, it is only a hundred meters in radius, like a huge boulder protruding from a sea of ​​magma.

Because the island is too small and there are no mineral veins, no one cares about it.

After the battle between the kings of the gods just now, this reef island was also hit, it became torn apart and shrunk by nearly half.

Ji Tianxing sacrificed the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers, placed it on the reef island, and entered the twisted time and space.

In a short while, he flew to the middle of the twisted time and space and returned to the blood flame tree.

When he was still far away, he felt something was wrong.

Today's blood flame tree is particularly dazzling, like a raging torch soaring into the sky.

When I got closer, I saw that the sacred tree of blood flames was burning blazingly, rising into the sky with purple fire.

What makes Ji Tianxing even more surprised is that the blood flame **** tree, which was originally more than 12,000 zhang, grew savagely at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The whole tree is constantly uplifting, and new branches and leaves are quickly grown, and it also exudes a strong and mighty breath of divine power.

Seeing this scene, after Ji Tianxing was taken aback, he smiled with relief.

"Look at this, the Blood Flame God Tree has absorbed too much blood, spirit, and soul. Is this going to break through the limit of the king level and transform to the king level?"

There have been too many experiences before, and Ji Tianxing knew at a glance that it must have been the previous battle, which injected tremendous power into the blood flame **** tree.

Three hundred forbidden troops in the Divine Sovereign Realm were killed. I don't know how much blood and spirit the blood flame tree has absorbed.

Just now, God King Qiu Lian was also killed.

When the king of the gods fell, the spirit and blood radiated out were even more pure and powerful than the gods!

For many years, the blood flame tree has swallowed too much blood and soul of the king and strong, but it has always stayed at the top grade of the king.

But now, the fall of the God King Qiu Lian has become an opportunity for the breakthrough of the Blood Flame God Tree!

"This should be regarded as an unexpected gain."

Ji Tianxing muttered to himself, very satisfied.

According to the current rate of transformation, it will take about three to five days for the Blood Flame God Tree to truly break through to the God King level.

Ji Tianxing did not delay any further time, sat cross-legged under the sacred tree, began to exercise his strength to heal his injuries and restore his supernatural power.


at the same time.

The Lord of the Golden Dragon Region hurriedly left the Golden Dragon Abyss and returned to the vast sea of ​​clouds.

Around the exit of the abyss, more than a hundred forces left many divine ships, as well as countless masters and guards of the divine monarch realm.

Fortunately, the Golden Dragon Domain Master chose to teleport for thousands of miles, and went straight away from the abyss exit, before being seen by anyone.

If not, his now disheveled, ragged and embarrassed appearance will be seen by the powerhouses of the major empires and will spread throughout the Golden Dragon Region.

At that time, his domain lord's power will plummet, and his reputation and prestige will be questioned.


The Golden Dragon Domain Lord panted violently, turned his head and looked behind him, and took a deep look at the Golden Dragon Abyss.

Seeing that Ji Tianxing and others had not chased him out, he was a little relieved and turned and flew away.

On the way, he was still angry, and his heart was filled with monstrous hatred.

His face was still distorted and hideous, and his eyes were ferocious and spiteful.

I saw the woman I love most, killed in front of my eyes, and died without a whole body.

Who can experience that anger, hatred and sadness?

If possible, the Golden Dragon Domain Lord is willing to catch the four Ji Tianxing at any cost and torture them with the most cruel punishment.

Even if they pull out their souls and torment them with thunder and fire for thousands of years, it will be difficult to dispel the hatred of the Golden Dragon Domain Lord!

"Lianer... don't worry, no matter how much you pay, I will avenge you!"

After a long time, the Golden Dragon domain master's mood calmed a little, and he gritted his teeth and murmured.

After calming down, he considered how to get revenge.

In today's Golden Dragon Region, he is the only **** king and strong, and he is definitely not the opponent of Ji Tianxing's four.

Even if there is another **** king like Lian'er, it will only serve to die.

Therefore, he wants to kill the Ji Tianxing four to avenge ~www.ltnovel.com~ can only find a stronger, or not weaker than his **** king!

In addition, he has to plan some strategies before he can succeed in revenge.

At the thought of finding a helper, the golden dragon domain master's mind immediately showed the figure of several strong kings.

Those few **** king powerhouses are all the domain owners around the Golden Dragon Region.

Some of them have hatreds with him, some have no friendship with him, and some are friends with him.

So, he took out a special jade slip for communication and sent a message to his best friend.

"My brother Feihong, I ran into trouble for my brother today..."

There is no doubt that this message was sent to Yunyang Domain Master Jing Feihong.

For the best friend, the Golden Dragon Domain Lord will naturally not be hypocritical, and he went straight to the topic and explained what happened.

He wanted to ask Jing Feihong for help and join hands with him to deal with the four Ji Tianxing.

For this, he can pay a huge price, such as ceding territory, giving away a large number of people and training resources.

However, something he didn't expect happened.

After half a quarter of an hour, Jing Feihong sent back a subpoena.

During the transmission, Jing Feihong's tone was rather weird and asked: "Brother Long, is the alien **** king you mentioned a human youth?

He is wearing a white robe, black hair and black eyes, with a very handsome face, holding a dark sword?

If it were him, it would not be surprising.

Because, not long ago, he fought a battle with the king in Yunyangyu.

He wounded this king, and killed King Lingfeng!

Unexpectedly, after he left Yunyang Domain, he went to your Golden Dragon Domain and killed your beloved wife...

Please rest assured, Brother Long, he is our common enemy, I will definitely help you kill him! "


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