Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3384: The Fall of God King

The Golden Dragon Domain Lord has been proactively attacking, pushing Ji Tianxing back and forth and wandering quickly.

However, he wants to hurt Ji Tianxing, but he can't do it in the short term.

And he found that the situation of the God King Qiu Lian was very dangerous, and he was already scarred.

Seeing the appearance of Qiu Lian God King with disheveled hair and blood in his long skirt, his heart suddenly became tense, and he hurried to support him.

However, Ji Tianxing came to attack with all his strength and launched a strong attack on the Golden Dragon Domain Master.

The Golden Dragon domain master was immediately dragged.

He couldn't ignore Ji Tianxing's attack, he could only stop and cast spells to resist and resolve.

Although Ji Tianxing's fierce attack failed, it was all resolved by him.

But he was also entangled by Ji Tianxing, unable to withdraw and leave at all, let alone rescue God King Qiu Lian.

The two sides were separated by more than two thousand miles, but he could only watch, Qiu Lian God King, under the siege of Yanke's trio, his injuries continued to worsen and worsen.

Every time the God King Qiu Lian was knocked into the air, new wounds were added, or painful screams were made, the heart of the Golden Dragon Domain Lord was twitching, bleeding distressedly.

However, he resorted to various methods and tried his best to help God King Qiu Lian, but he was stopped by Ji Tianxing.

The Golden Dragon Domain Lord was really helpless, fighting hard against Ji Tianxing's sword, he didn't care if he was injured, and he had to use a teleport to save the King Qiu Lian.

However, Ji Tianxing had discovered his intentions long ago, and made a decisive move to Shenglong Duankong Slash.


A sacred golden dragon that is ten thousand feet long, roaring and roaring up to the sky, tore a five hundred li-long spatial crack in the magma sea.

The pitch-black crack is like an abyss, isolating the space on both sides.

The teleportation of the Golden Dragon Territory Lord was blocked, and the murderous aura and anger could no longer be restrained, and it broke out.

"Ahhhhh! You **** beast, this king is going to cut you off, peeling your skin and cramping!"

The Lord of the Golden Dragon Territory cursed frantically, and at the expense of thousands of years of skill, he used the strongest tricks to attack Ji Tian.

"Meteor Dragon Destroy Heaven Strike!"

The golden dragon domain master held the golden dragon mace in both hands, glared with anger, and blazed with blood to the sky, slashing at Ji Tianxing fiercely.

The golden dragon's mace burst out endless divine light, condensed into a hundred-mile-long sacred golden dragon, blasted down from the sky.


The sacred golden dragon fell like a meteor, with a posture of death, crashing through the two layers of golden light, passing through the space crack, and rushing to the front of Ji Tianxing.

Seeing that Ji Tianxing had no time to escape, he was about to be hit by the sacred golden dragon immediately, and he would be seriously injured if he did not die.

At the critical juncture, he finally performed a hole card stunt that he hadn't used for a long time.

"Sword of Destruction!"

The World of Five Elements provides infinite and mighty power, condensed into a giant sword of golden light that spans hundreds of miles.

This sword traverses the sky and the sea of ​​magma, like a sword that opens up the sky, its power is violent to the extreme.


The sacred giant sword exploded with the might of destroying the world, slammed into the sacred golden dragon, and burst out with a loud noise that shook the world.

At that moment, the sea of ​​magma in a radius of 30,000 miles was shaken.

The loud noise came from six to seven thousand miles away before it gradually disappeared.

The sacred giant sword and the golden dragon collapsed at the same time, bursting out a shock wave that destroyed the world and swept all directions.

This match is still a loss for Ji Tianxing.

He was shocked a hundred miles away, his face was pale, his chest rose and fell sharply, and blood coughed out of his mouth.

After all, the Golden Dragon Territory Lord consumed thousands of years of skill and forcibly increased its combat power by twice, making the power of this attack of the Meteorite Destroyer Strike to its extreme.

Although Ji Tianxing used the power of the Five Elements World, the Heaven Burial Sword was not a king-level artifact after all, and it failed to exert its strongest power.

Naturally, Ji Tianxing was defeated by the Golden Dragon Domain Lord.

However, he was only injured by the shock of his internal organs, and did not hurt the foundation of God's way, and it did not affect the continued fighting.

Seeing that Ji Tianxing was repulsed, the Golden Dragon Domain Lord seized this rare opportunity and rushed to the distance to rescue the God King Qiu Lian.

However, he had just consumed a thousand years of skill and resorted to taboos, and he himself was greatly affected.

His combat effectiveness quickly weakened, and his speed slowed down a bit.

But he didn't care, he just wanted to rescue the God King Qiu Lian, bursting out and rushing over.

Seeing, Yanke, Chao Qingyu and Lan'er wielded swords and shadows again, and they are about to smash the Mid-Autumn Pity King.

The Golden Dragon Domain Lord roared, and rushed forward desperately, brandishing the Golden Dragon Mace and hitting dozens of divine lights, blocking the siege of the Yanke trio.

God King Qiu Lian finally had a chance to breathe. Seeing the Lord of the Golden Dragon Territory working desperately to rescue him, he immediately showed a deep touch of emotion, and a layer of mist was also cast in his eyes.

The Golden Dragon Domain Lord was full of anxiety, and had no time to communicate with her through voice transmission and inquire about her injuries.

While brandishing the golden dragon mace, he forced the three of Yanke and Chaoqingyu back, while shouting to the God King Qiu Lian: "Lian'er, come here, let's leave here!"

There is no doubt that the Golden Dragon Domain Lord has retired.

After the fierce fighting just now, he has already seen Ji Tianxing's terrifying strength.

Although he was slightly better, he was able to hold down Ji Tianxing.

But the opponent was crowded, and the three **** kings besieged Qiu Lian. If they continued to delay for a while, the **** king Qiu Lian would definitely fall.

Under such circumstances, when the Golden Dragon Domain judges the situation, he can only take the Qiu Lian God King to escape first, and then find a chance to take revenge ~www.ltnovel.com~ but it is a pity.

Before the Qiu Lian God King rushed to the Golden Dragon Domain Lord, Ji Tianxing chased him and swung his sword to attack the Golden Dragon Domain Lord.


"Tianlong proudly cut!"

"A sword breaks the sky!"

The Golden Dragon Domain Lord was helpless, and could only wield his Golden Dragon Mace, fully resisting Ji Tianxing's attack.

Taking this opportunity, Yanke, Chao Qingyu, and Lan'er rushed to the God King Qiu Lian and launched a siege.

The previous scene was staged again.

The two sides fought into two groups, the Golden Dragon Domain Lord and the God King Qiu Lian were separated, unable to take care of each other.

This time, the Golden Dragon Domain Lord could no longer sacrifice thousands of years of skill and forcibly get rid of the entanglement of Ji Tianxing.

No matter how rage and mania he was, he could only deal with Ji Tianxing's onslaught and assault carefully.

Seeing Qiu Lian's injuries become more and more serious, he kept screaming in pain, and he almost ran away in anger.

time flies.

Two quarters of an hour passed quickly.

The first thing that couldn't hold it was the scarred and weak God King Qiu Lian.

After she was beaten by Chao Qingyu and Lan'er, Yanke roared and wielded the bronze halberd to pierce her forehead.


In the crisp crackling sound, the head of the God King Qiu Lian exploded, splashing out blood mist.

Her divine body was destroyed, and the body fell into the magma sea, leaving only a divine character to flee away.

But Yanke started chasing and smashing her godhead with a halberd after a few breaths.

"Huh! Huh!"

More than a dozen pieces of Godhead fragments splashed down in the sky, flying radiantly.

The God King Qiu Lian just fell.

The Golden Dragon Territory Lord not far away saw this scene with his own eyes, and his body became stiff, and his eyes became red as blood.


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