Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3382: Is he the strongest?

The dazzling divine light illuminates thousands of miles.

The two powerful gods, a man and a woman, appeared on the battlefield, bathed in sacred light.

The two stood proudly, looking down at the people indifferently, with aloof attitude.

Seeing these two powerhouses appear, the Golden Dragon Emperor and the National Teacher were ecstatic and hurriedly paid a salute.

"The disciples pay respect to Master and Madam, and welcome the Holy Driver!"

"Subordinates, see Domain Master and Domain Master's wife, greet the holy driver!"

The two of them who had fled in panic and desperate the moment before became energetic and energetic.

Even the injuries all over his body don't feel pain anymore.

There is no doubt that the people who suddenly rushed to and rescued the Golden Dragon Emperor and the National Teacher were the Golden Dragon Domain Master and the Domain Master's wife.

The Golden Dragon Domain Master nodded slightly, and said indifferently: "Flat yourself."

The Golden Dragon Emperor and the National Teacher straightened up and flew to the domain master and the domain master's wife, and accused them of Ji Tianxing's crimes.

"Master, those four **** are invading the Golden Dragon Empire and killing innocent alien kings!

They not only killed the prince and war prince, but also slaughtered three hundred forbidden troops, and they even put us to death.

Fortunately, Master and Madam came in time and rescued us.

Otherwise, the disciple and the national teacher are already a corpse at this moment. "

"My lord, the four beasts are extremely cruel, and their methods are cruel!

They endanger the Golden Dragon Empire, kill innocent people indiscriminately, and run rampantly.

If they are not eliminated, they will inevitably endanger the Golden Dragon Empire and ravage the entire Golden Dragon Region.

At that time, the Golden Dragon Territory will kill the people, and the lives will be overwhelmed..."

The Golden Dragon Emperor and the National Teacher both added fuel and jealousy to accuse Ji Tianxing and the others, tearfully reporting their evil deeds, and their performance was very lifelike.

Not only Ji Tianxing and the four of them showed contemptuous sneers, the Golden Dragon Domain Master and his wife also frowned slightly, seeming to think the Golden Dragon Emperor and the National Master's performances were too exaggerated.

Of course, neither the Golden Dragon domain master nor the domain master's wife will express their dissatisfaction with this.

After all, Emperor Jinlong is his disciple. He has been bullied and wronged. Of course, he needs his master to cry and ask for help.

As the master and the overlord of the Golden Dragon Region, of course he has to come forward and solve it.

The Lord of the Golden Dragon Territory looked down at the four Ji Tianxing condescendingly. After looking at them for a while, he looked proudly and sneered: "Hehe...It is rare for the king of the gods to be strong on weekdays. I didn't expect that there will be four when they appear today.

However, do you think that if you have a large number of people, you can run wild and do evil in the king's territory?

There are three lower **** kings, one middle **** king in the fourth stage, no matter how many people there are, they are just the generation of chickens and dogs! "

The Golden Dragon Domain Lord is not only the middle **** king, but his strength has reached the fifth level of the **** king realm.

Of course he could see the realm of strength of Ji Tianxing and Yanke.

Lan'er has the weakest strength and is the first in the Divine King Realm.

Ji Tianxing was slightly stronger, and he was also the first layer of the Divine King Realm.

Chao Qingyu ranks second in strength, and the Divine King Realm is triple.

The strongest Yanke is just the fourth level of the Divine King Realm.

As for the Golden Dragon Domain Lord, he is the middle **** king of the fifth realm.

The beautiful lady in the palace dress beside him is also his sister Qiu Lian, who also possesses the triple strength of the Divine King Realm.

Therefore, the Golden Dragon domain master did not take Ji Tianxing and the four in his eyes.

God King Qiu Lian took the arm of the Golden Dragon Domain Lord, looked down at Yanke with indifferent eyes, and said, "Big guy, you may also be a hegemon in other places on the mainland.

But it is a pity that you have already crossed the line!

Do you understand the reason why a strong dragon does not crush a snake?

What's more, you are the snake that crosses the realm, and we are the dragon that occupies! "

Yanke was startled for a moment, frowned and looked at God King Qiu Lian, muttering in his heart: "This old woman has a problem with his eyes? What's wrong with me?"

Unexpectedly, not only Qiu Lian God King, but the Golden Dragon Domain Lord also looked down at him, and said in a cold tone: "Big guys, everyone is a **** king and strong, this king will give you a chance to reconcile because of your hard work. .

As long as you hand over the three companions to this king, you apologize to this king, and this king can let you go.

But you have to make sure that you will never step into the Golden Dragon Realm again, how about? "

The mind of the Golden Dragon domain master is obvious.

Although, he is sure to defeat Ji Tianxing and Yanke.

But this is after all four **** kings, if he fights back desperately, even if he and the **** king Qiu Lian can kill each other, they will definitely be hit hard.

That being the case, try not to fight if you can.

But Yanke obviously wouldn't agree. Looking up at the Golden Dragon Domain Lord and the God King Qiu Lian, he sneered and said: "First, you two are definitely not our opponents. It is you who ask for mercy.

Second, you don't even know who is the core character. With this little vision, you don't deserve to compete with the king Yaowu. "

After speaking, Yanke stepped back and stood behind Ji Tianxing, standing with his hands down.

The Golden Dragon Domain Lord and the God King Qiu Lian froze for a moment, and then they realized that Ji Tianxing was the core of the team.

The expressions of the two were a bit awkward, and their eyes were full of doubts, frowning and looking at Ji Tianxing.

"It's just a first-level **** king, how can it be possible to control a third and fourth-level **** king?"

"That boy in white robe is not good looking, but is the core of the team?

Is he the young master of some ancient clan? Or is it the heir of which upper **** king? "

The Golden Dragon Domain Lord and the God King Qiu Lian glanced at each other ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ secretly communicated with each other, and they were puzzled.

At this time, the Golden Dragon Emperor and the national teacher quickly explained to them.

"Domain Lord, don't underestimate that white robe youth, he is indeed the strongest among the four!"

"Although, his realm of strength is not as good as the other two **** kings.

But his combat effectiveness is stronger, and his magical powers are more profound and subtle! "

The golden dragon domain master nodded slightly, silently thinking: "He is only the first level of the Divine King Realm, but his strength is stronger than the fourth level of the Divine King Realm?


This king would really like to see, there is such a genius in the world? "

The God King Qiu Lian frowned, and the sound transmission reminded: "Long Er, that kid can make the middle God King surrender. There must be something extraordinary. Don't underestimate it."

Before the Golden Dragon Domain Master could answer, Ji Tianxing opened his mouth and asked: "Have you discussed a good countermeasure? Are you still fighting?

If you are discouraged, then obediently apologize to this king and get out with those two idiots! "

Compared to the arrogant and reserved Golden Dragon Domain Lord, Ji Tianxing's words are even more arrogant.

The Golden Dragon Domain Lord and Qiu Lian God King both frowned fiercely, and there was a sharp cold light in their eyes.

"Boy, you are too arrogant!"

"Don't look at what place it is, how can you allow you to be presumptuous?"

The Golden Dragon Territory Lord and the God King Qiu Lian both shouted angrily, and immediately sacrificed the king-level **** soldiers, bursting out with a terrifying murderous intent.

The invisible **** king's coercion spread in all directions, instantly sealing off thousands of miles.

The Golden Dragon Emperor and the National Teacher were both excited and in awe, and quickly retreated away to avoid being affected by the war.


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