Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3366: We can't afford it!

"This king?"

President Ji Tianxing and Feng Yin frowned at the same time.

President Feng Yin felt a sudden heart, and suddenly felt bad.

In the past few days, he has been following the three **** kings, and he has personally seen the terrifying power of the **** king.

As a result, when he heard the word ‘this king’, he subconsciously thought that the middle-aged protoss with grace and beard was also a strong **** king!

However, when Ji Tianxing uttered these two words, there was a playful smile on his mouth.

"Is it the royal clan of which **** kingdom?"

After he reminded, President Feng Yin came back to his senses.

After taking a closer look at the middle-aged protoss, President Feng Yin discovered that the man was just a peak god, not a strong **** king.

Thinking of this, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and felt much more relieved.

Since he is not a strong king of God, he must be the prince of a certain kingdom of God.

The Golden Dragon Region has twelve empires, hundreds of kingdoms, and there are too many princes.

Even if there were a large number of opponents, but Feng Yin would have three major guest officials present, it was nothing terrible.

Therefore, President Feng Yin set his mind, stared at the middle-aged man with cold eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Your Excellency is too domineering! Hongyan Island is a land of no masters, and the world's strongest people can come. Your site?"

The middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment, obviously unexpected that Feng Yin would be uncomfortable and dare to speak against him.

The young man in the dragon robe was also a little stunned, glanced at President Feng Yin with pity in his eyes, and shook his head and sneered.

The middle-aged man adjusted his sleeves, looked at President Feng Yin arrogantly, and scolded: "Old man, do you know who this king is?

Are you tired of talking to the king like this? "

In front of Fengyin's many gods, President Fengyin couldn't bear to give up and retreat. He sneered tit-for-tat and said: "This seat comes from the Gaiye Empire and is the president of Fengyin!

I really want to know, which prince of the kingdom of God, your Excellency, dare to be so arrogant? "

"Arrogant and domineering?" The middle-aged man raised his brows and grinned and said: "Hahaha...you are right, aggressive and domineering is synonymous with this king!

Because this king is the war prince of the Golden Dragon Empire, the hereditary war prince! "

"What? The King of War of the Golden Dragon Empire?" President Feng Yin changed his face on the spot, his eyes widened, and he couldn't help exclaiming, his voice trembling a little.

"You, you...you are the elder brother of the Golden Dragon Emperor... the warlord who disrupted half of the Golden Dragon Realm... and killed thousands of people?"

Probably because he was too shocked in his heart, but also a little scared, President Feng Yin's voice trembled and his tone changed.

After the vice president, left and right guardians and several elders whispered, their expressions changed drastically, and they were full of horror.

Lord Zhan stroked his beard and sneered proudly: "Yes, this king is Lord Zhan!

It seems that you old man is not ignorant, and you have heard of this king's name.

As for slaying thousands of people, you are hearsay, malicious slander, this king wants to punish you! ! "

President Feng Yin suddenly stiffened, his old face with an ugly expression squeezed out a smile with difficulty, and he bowed his hands and said: "The old man has heard the name of Lord Zhan, but has no chance to see it.

This is the first time I saw you today, which is offensive. I hope you will be magnanimous and don't care about the old.

Since Lord Zhan came to Hongyan Island first, he laid a seal formation here.

Everything comes first, and the old will never dare to compete with Lord Zhan. "

President Feng Yin accompanied the smiling face, softened and pleased Lord Zhan, but kept silent about the murder of thousands of people, obviously not wanting to anger Lord Zhan.

Lord Zhan frowned, his eyes flashed with a deep contempt, and he shouted angrily: "Since you know this king is great, why don't you kneel down and admit your mistakes?

After admitting your mistake, get out of Hongyan Island, don't delay this king's time! "

The young man in the dragon robe was also full of contempt, and said with a joking sneer: "What are you doing with a bunch of cartilage waste?

Today, the emperor is in a good mood, so you can get back a dog's life.

If you continue to linger, I will kill you all and feed the dogs! "

Such arrogant and arrogant words made the humiliated faces of the princes who are concealed in the wind flushed and humiliated.

But they can only suppress their anger in their hearts, and never dare to refute them.

President Feng Yin was also in a dilemma, hesitantly, thinking anxiously about what to do.

At this time, Yanke couldn't restrain his anger and murderous intent again, and snorted coldly: "Fuck! There are dog things that are not open to the eye, dare to play in front of Laozi? Tired of life!"

While talking, Yanke crunched his fists and wanted to kill again.

President Feng Yin shivered with fright, rushed over and stopped in front of Yanke, and persuaded him anxiously: "Calm down! Be calm!

Can't fight, this is absolutely impossible, don't kill us! "

Yanke looked down at him, shook his ankle slightly, and shook President Feng Yin out.

Fortunately, Ji Tianxing raised his hand, and then stopped the furious Yanke.

He looked at President Feng Yin blankly, and asked: "Prince Zhan is so arrogant and humiliating you to this point, you are not angry at all? You dare not resist?"

President Feng Yin quickly waved his hand~www.ltnovel.com~ using the divine sense to transmit sound, and said with a wry smile: "Young Master Ji, you don't know that Prince Zhan is very famous throughout the Golden Dragon Region, we can't afford it! "

"Ha ha ha..." Ji Tianxing sneered, raised his eyebrows and asked: "This king wants to hear, why can't I get it off?"

President Feng Yin calmed down for a while and gave a brief explanation.

"The Golden Dragon Empire is the leader of the 12 empires in the Golden Dragon Region, and its national strength is boundless, suppressing the surrounding 12 empires.

Just because the Golden Dragon Emperor is a closed disciple of Lord Domain Lord!

The prince of that war is not only the elder brother of the Golden Dragon Emperor, but also loyal to the Golden Dragon Emperor, and made great contributions.

Therefore, Prince Zhan is one of the most noble powers in the Golden Dragon Empire, very arrogant and domineering!

He is cruel, murderous, and regards the lives of his people like grass.

In those days, two empires were dissatisfied with his indiscriminate killing of innocents, and many strong men jointly denounced him.

As a result, he created a terrifying murder in those two empires, slaughtered several cities, and at least killed more than 10 million people.

Even he threatened the emperors of those two empires.

If he dares to slander him again, he will kill the two emperors and change the two empires!

This is a big trouble, and almost everyone knows the Golden Dragon Domain.

The emperors of several empires all jointly signed the domain master, hoping that the domain master would come forward to mediate and punish the prince.

Who knows, the domain owner did not show up, and was indifferent to that matter.

The last few emperors made a lot of trouble, and the domain owner sent an envoy to the Golden Dragon Empire to criticize and scold the prince against the prince, and punished them painlessly.

You said, after this happened, who else would dare to provoke the prince in the entire Golden Dragon Region? "


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