Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3363: Red Rock Island

The three words ‘big silly’ are quite in line with Yanke’s image.

It's just that the words ‘getting used to it’ made President Feng Yin tremble all over, making him want to cry even more.

Ji Tianxing glanced at him and asked, "Are you scared? Then do you continue to explore the Golden Dragon Abyss?

If you don't want to take a risk, go back. "

Anyway, it has reached the abyss of the Golden Dragon, and Feng Yin will have no effect on Ji Tianxing.

If the wind-seeking person returns here, he will also be less burdensome.

Of course, Feng Yinhui helped him after all, and he was not the one who crossed the river and demolished the bridge.

As long as Feng Yin would not take the initiative to propose to evacuate, he also opened his mouth to drive people away.

President Feng Yin was full of depression, but when he heard Ji Tianxing's words, he nodded without hesitation.

"Of course we must continue to explore!

We spent ten days and lost so many manpower. We finally came under the abyss. How can we give up lightly? "

President Feng Yin said this, but smiled bitterly in his heart: "We have forged a deep hatred with the four forces. If we don't enter the abyss to get some benefits, then I won't die?"

Of course, you can only think about these words in your heart, but dare not say them.

"Okay, then let's move on, don't delay time." Ji Tianxing waved his hand, took Chao Qingyu and Yanke, and flew to the magma sea below.

After the previous turmoil, they stopped devouring the Seven-Colored Divine Fire and focused on their journey.

Anyway, the three of them have refined a lot of sacred fire, and the power of the fire law has increased a lot. If they continue to refine the sacred fire, the improvement is not big.

President Feng Yin and many gods also cleared up their hearts one after another, followed behind Ji Tianxing and the three and flew towards the bottom of the abyss.

In a short while, everyone reached the top of the magma ocean, staying in mid-air, looking around.

This is the bottom of the abyss, and the surrounding space suddenly opens up.

The abyss above is a deep well with a diameter of more than two thousand miles.

But the magma sea under everyone's feet is extremely wide, boundless, and has been connected to the depths of the earth.

The dark red magma is flowing slowly, and there are constantly seven colors of divine fire emerging from the sea, floating in the magma sea.

Looking far away, you can vaguely see some black spots scattered on the sea in all directions.

President Feng Yin took the initiative to introduce: "Young Master Ji, those are some reef islands in the magma sea, and they are often made of very strong sacred stones and metals.

On almost every reef island, precious stones and rare metals can be excavated.

Even some lucky ones have discovered extremely rare medicinal materials and rare treasures on those reef islands. "

Ji Tianxing, Chao Qingyu, and Yanke are all gods, and their experience and knowledge are broader than those of Fengyin.

They certainly know that the long medicinal materials on the magma sea and the reef island sound very mysterious, but in fact there is something.

Those rare medicinal materials are not ordinary herbs, but some special gods.

For example, colorful jade Ganoderma lucidum, no leaves and no roots, earth heart fire lotus and so on.

Ji Tianxing looked at President Feng Yin and asked, "Then which direction is your goal in the abyss this time? Which reef island?"

Chairman Feng Yin pointed to the southeast direction and explained: "In that direction, about 500,000 miles away, there is an area scattered with ten larger reef islands.

Our goal is one of Hongyan Island.

More than twenty days ago, news came from the Golden Dragon Abyss that someone saw a vision of heaven and earth in that area, and a king-level **** was born. "

Ji Tianxing said with a smile but not a smile: "Although many forces will choose other reef islands, most of the powerful forces will rush to that area, right?"

President Feng Yin nodded, and said solemnly: "That's true! Therefore, there is the most hope of finding a king-level god, but it is also the most dangerous."

After hesitating, he added: "If Mr. Ji feels that it is too dangerous for us to go to Hongyan Island, we can go to other..."

Before he finished speaking, Ji Tianxing flew to the southeast and rushed to Hongyan Island.

Yanke followed with a blank face, patted President Feng Yin on the shoulder at Qingyu, and said with a smile: "Old man Feng, don't show off your caution in front of the son.

The son has not hated you yet, so you still have a chance to make a fortune.

If you continue to do this, it will only be counterproductive.

When the son hates you, it is too late for you to cry. "

After that, Chao Qingyu followed Shang Ji Tianxing and flew towards Hongyan Island.

President Feng Yin froze in place, staring at Ji Tianxing and the three with complicated eyes, feeling a little grateful.

Fortunately, he didn't say anything excessive, Chao Qingyu also reminded him in time.

If not, he would regret it at that point.


If it is a weekday, at a distance of 500,000 miles, everyone can arrive in a few hours.

But flying over the magma sea, there are seven colors of fire in all directions, and you must slow down.

The endless seven-color sacred fire, some like catkins flying, some like clouds and mist, and some forming vortices and hurricanes, raging over the sea.

All in all, magma is extremely dangerous at sea.

Even the high-ranking and the pinnacle gods, if they are not careful, they will be burned by the seven-color sacred fire, and even burned to ashes~www.ltnovel.com~After six hours, everyone flew out more than four hundred thousand miles, not far from Hongyan Island. Up.

During the flight, everyone passed hundreds of reef islands of various sizes.

The big one has a radius of tens of miles, as big as a small city.

The small one is only a few tens of feet in radius, and only the size of a house.

Most of the reef islands are dark brown, and there are also many reef islands, because they contain a lot of special sacred stones and metals, showing colorful colors.

Although, those reef islands all contain precious sacred stones and metals, and there are even sacred stone veins on two reef islands.

But Ji Tianxing and others continued to rush, and did not stop to dig.

After all, Ji Tianxing and others used their spiritual sense to find out that the sacred stones and metals on the reef islands were all high-grade and top-grade materials.

Although it is of great value, it is not in the eyes of the **** king and powerful.

If you waste time digging, you will definitely delay searching for the king-level gods.

Seeing, everyone is getting closer and closer to Hongyan Island.

At this moment, the still calm magma sea suddenly surging and boiling.

The extremely violent seven-color divine fire, condensed into dozens of flame beams, rushed out of the magma sea, and blasted towards the enlightened gods.

Faced with the sudden danger, President Feng Yin and many gods were prepared for a long time, and hurriedly dispersed to avoid them.

Ji Tianxing, Chao Qingyu and Yanke didn't panic, standing calmly on the spot, casting spells to resist, dissolve and swallow those flame beams.

However, those flame beams were extremely fast, and several gods could not avoid them and were hit on the spot.

With the muffled sound of "Boom Boom Boom", those gods were bombarded and killed on the spot, and the flame beam turned into a raging fire wave, which swept a hundred miles.


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