Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3355: coincidence?

Although, there are more than 30 middle-ranked gods in the underground palace, lurking in the surrounding darkness, guarding against death.

However, Ji Tianxing and the three concealed their figures and breath, as if entering an uninhabited state, stepping into the underground palace grandiosely.

They did not attract the attention of the guards, and moved towards the secret room deep in the underground palace.

As they approached, the three of them also released their spiritual knowledge, performed their hole card stunts, and eavesdropped on the conversations of the five people in the secret room.

That secret room was not big, only ten meters in radius, but it was built extremely solid, and it also had a large number of defensive arrays.

For the powerhouse of the God Sovereign Realm, that secret room is impenetrable and impenetrable.

The light in the secret room is dim.

Next to an oval stone table, there are three high-ranking gods and two peak gods.

Sitting in the first place is obviously the leader of this power.

It was a skinny old man in a black robe and cloak, with a low and hoarse voice.

But he is the peak god, with a cold breath, and the other four gods are jealous of him.

The two high-ranking gods on the left side of the stone table are all exquisitely dressed and elegant, with the atmosphere of a high-ranking person.

The two peak gods on the right of the stone table looked like absurd monsters.

A bronze mask with green fangs and gray linen clothes.

The other is a bald old woman with four wings on her back.

Not only was she blind in one eye, she also had only two big yellow teeth left in her mouth.

Based on the experience of the three of Ji Tianxing, they can naturally tell that these five gods and powerful men belong to different forces and are discussing major issues in secret.


Ji Tianxing did not appear in a hurry, and took Chao Qingyu and Yanke to hide in the dark, eavesdropping on the conversations of the five gods.

At this time, the old man in the cloak headed, said in a low tone: "Everyone, since the accident in the Golden Dragon Abyss, this association has been paying close attention to various news.

The news that everyone has received is provided by this association.

Half a month has passed now, and I believe everyone has considered it clearly.

Whether to go or not, I hope you can give me a clear word tonight. "

After he finished speaking, he looked at the pinnacle **** who was wearing a gray linen cloth and a red bronze mask on the right, and asked: "The Flame Demon Clan Lord, how are you thinking about it?"

The flame demon gang leader wore a mask and couldn't see the change in expression. The urn replied angrily: "President Feng Yin, the attitude of this seat has long been made clear.

To explore the treasure hunt in the Golden Dragon Abyss, there is only one chance every 100 years, this seat will not miss it anyway.

The elite main force of this gang has long been assembled, standing by Qiliqiao in the south of the city, ready to set off at any time. "

President Feng Yin nodded very satisfied, then looked at the hunched bald old woman, and asked: "Mrs. Sha, have you considered it clearly?"

Granny Sha grinned, revealing two big yellow teeth, and said in a voice like a night owl: "That's natural! Although this time something happened to the Golden Dragon Abyss, I don't know how many gods died.

But the more dangerous there is, the more it proves that there are rare treasures. How can this alliance not share a piece of the pie? "

Seeing that Granny Sha had also agreed, President Feng Yin looked at the two upper gods on the left and asked.

"The two messengers, what are the plans of Qijuntang and Tingfenglou?"

The two high-ranking gods are messengers sent by the two major forces to discuss major issues. They are both high-level figures in their respective forces and hold important positions such as elders and rudder masters.

The two looked at each other, and after a moment of indulgence, they nodded in agreement.

"As the saying goes, wealth and wealth are in danger. Since you are very ambitious, we Qijuntang can't hold back, so let's do it!"

"Although Tingfeng Tower lives in seclusion, its talents have faded in the past few hundred years, and its financial resources have become weaker.

If we don't go to the Golden Dragon Abyss for a fight, we are afraid that after a thousand years, we will retreat to the second-line force.

I can only fight it! "

Although the leaders and messengers of the four major forces have different words and attitudes.

But they all nodded in agreement, and President Feng Yin also showed a relieved smile, and said: "Since everyone has decided, I will give you one day to prepare.

Tomorrow night, we will gather in the south of the city and head to the Golden Dragon Abyss! "

The flame demon gang leader, Granny Sha, the envoy of Qijuntang and the envoy of Tingfenglou all nodded in agreement.

After the discussion was over, the four gods stood up and left the secret room one after another.

When only President Feng Yin was left in the secret room, he became quiet.

at the same time.

Ji Tianxing, Chao Qingyu, and Yan Ke who were hiding in the dark also communicated in secret.

"My son, is this too coincidental?

We were about to inquire about the Golden Dragon Abyss, but those guys were talking about it, and were planning to go to the Golden Dragon Abyss tomorrow? "

Chao Qingyu frowned, with a strange expression, as if he didn't believe it.

Yanke looked at him blankly and snorted coldly: "Humph! You wouldn't think that the five guys knew we had sneaked in and guessed that we were going to inquire about the Golden Dragon Abyss, so they deliberately talked about the Golden Dragon Abyss. Is it just trying to conspiracy against us?"

Chao Qingyu shook his head quickly, and said angrily: "Nonsense! Those are just five gods, how could it be possible to have such a heavenly ability?

I just find it strange, judging from the conversation of those five guys ~www.ltnovel.com~Golden Dragon Abyss does not seem to be too hidden.

But why, I have never heard of Golden Dragon Abyss? "

Yanke squinted at him and sneered: "Ha ha ha...You only returned to the Vast Sky Continent this year. How many years did you leave before then?

Do you know how many changes have taken place in the Golden Dragon Region over the years?

There are so many things you don't know! "

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said: "Shut up, let's go to the president Feng Yin and ask, isn't it clear?"

After speaking, he went to the secret room first.

Chao Qingyu and Yanke stopped arguing and quickly followed.

The three came to the door of the secret room, Ji Tianxing used a spell to break the defensive array at the door and open the stone door of the secret room.

And Yanke and Chao Qingyu teamed up to use their supernatural powers to cover the light and power fluctuations, so as not to be discovered by the guards in the underground palace.

The cooperation of the three gods is really perfect.

It only took ten breaths of time for Ji Tianxing to crack the sacred formation and open the door to the secret room.

Moreover, the entire process did not reveal the divine light and power fluctuations, and was not discovered by the guards.

In the secret room, President Feng Yin is still frowning and thinking, thinking about what else needs to be added for tomorrow's actions?

Suddenly, the door of the secret room opened, and three figures of different heights stepped into the secret room one after another.

Walking at the back is a stone man like a hill.

In order to get into the small door of the secret room, he had to shrink his body ten times.


The door to the secret room was closed.

An extremely dangerous, heavy breath enveloped President Feng Yin.

Sitting on the stone bench, he did not dare to act rashly, his eyes fixed on the three uninvited guests, his eyes focused on the headed young man in white robe.

The invisible pressure made him vigilant, and his muscles and nerves were tense under too much tension.

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