Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3353: 2 guards

Determine the direction and plan, and then just execute.

Still driving the godship toward Qingyu, heading for the Golden Dragon Region in the south.

Lin Xue returned to rest in the secret room, preparing to retreat for half a year, and then leave after reaching the Golden Dragon Region.

Ji Tianxing also entered the secret room, sacrificed the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers, and went to practice in twisted time and space.

The twisted time and space of colorful brilliance is as quiet as ever.

The Blood Flame God Tree was still growing slowly, and the first batch of purple divine fruits that it produced had already matured for the most part.

Ji Tianxing picked more than 20 pieces and distributed them to Yunyao, Ji Ke, Wushuang and Bailong.

Including Heilong, Qianyue and Yanke God King, each received two divine fruits.

This kind of purple divine fruit has the best effect on the gods of the Divine Sovereign Realm and helps the most.

After everyone took the divine fruit and cultivated, their strength improvement speed was obviously accelerated.

For the past month, the journey has been calm.

Before Chao Qingyu was worried that Jing Feihong would come to intercept them.

But a month later, the Divine Ship left Yunyang Domain, and Jing Feihong did not show up.

Distorting time and space, Ji Tianxing and everyone have been practicing for four years.

Yun Yao and Ji Ke have become the upper gods, and their strength is still steadily improving.

The weaker Ji Wushuang, White Dragon, Black Dragon and Qianyue also became the middle gods.

Even the most reticent Zhen Hong, who has been practicing hard in the twisted time and space, has now reached the seventh level of the gods, and has been promoted to the upper gods.

Ji Tianxing's power team is getting stronger and stronger, and everyone regards breaking through the Divine King Realm as their ultimate goal.

In addition, there is good news.

King Yanke retreats for many years, and his injuries gradually healed.

If Ji Tianxing goes out to work, he will definitely follow the protection.

However, Ji Tianxing was still practicing in retreat, comprehending the God Judgment Jue, Yanke could only stay under the tree of blood flame and continue to practice and improve his strength.

The Zhutian Divine Art is the magical skill that Ji Tianxing comprehend and created by himself, born out of the Zhutian formation.

In his cultivation, he constantly explored and deduced the techniques of Shenjue, and he kept getting stronger.

Before breaking through the Divine King Realm, the Zhutian Divine Art he cultivated reached the second level of Consummation.

Now that he has reached the first level of the Divine King Realm, he began to explore and deduct the third level of exercises.

He has been performing exercises for four full years and tried hundreds of thousands of times before he performed half of the third level exercises.

This half of the divine art is enough for him to cultivate from the first level of the **** king realm to the second level of the **** king realm!

From this it can be seen that the Zhutian Divine Art from easy to difficult, more and more profound and mysterious, and more powerful.


Time flies, half a year flies by.

During this period, Chao Qingyu has been driving the divine ship, and at the same time exercised power and breath.

Ji Tianxing, Lin Xue and others have never shown up, but Lan Er occasionally appeared to chat with Chao Qingyu while practicing in retreat.

Although they are far away from their homeland and have been running around, the couple are very satisfied, and their hearts are calm and stable.

Sitting together in the cockpit of the divine ship, leaning against each other, looking at the clouds and mountains flying by the window, enjoying the beauty of the world.

This is also a warm and happy time for the two of them.

Compared with most gods, they are the real two people for a lifetime.

Within half a year, the Divine Ship left the Yunyang Region, straddled two more regions, and finally entered the Golden Dragon Region.

Compared with the Tianbei and Yunyang regions, the Golden Dragon Region is located in the south, closer to the center of the Haotian Continent.

As a result, the climate and humanities of the Golden Dragon Region are also completely different from those two regions.

Along the way, you can see that within the territory of the Golden Dragon Region, there are mostly endless seas of forests, and few towering and steep mountains.

Most places are forests and plains, tens of thousands of large and small lakes are dotted around, and countless rivers criss-cross.

Many cities and villages in the Kingdom of God were built on the plains, near rivers and lakes.

The gods and cities in the entire Golden Dragon Region are full of the breath of the water country Zeguo, and the humanistic atmosphere tends to be comfortable, quiet and lazy.

Ji Tianxing's goal is the Golden Dragon Abyss in the Golden Dragon Region.

It stands to reason that a place that can be named after the word "Golden Dragon" must be extremely famous.

But Chao Qingyu had limited knowledge of the Golden Dragon Domain. After searching for a long time in his memory, he could not find any relevant news.

So soon after entering the Golden Dragon Region, he planned to land in a certain kingdom of God to find out the situation.

Ten days later.

Ji Tianxing finally finished his training and left the customs.

His strength is diligent, the foundation of the divine way is more stable, and his divine power is becoming more and more powerful.

When he entered the cab, Chao Qingyu clearly felt the invisible power and pressure, and was secretly surprised.

"My son, you have been in retreat for half a year, and your strength has improved a lot?"

Chao Qingyu got up and saluted, said hello to Ji Tianxing, and asked.

"It's okay, the strength has been doubled." Ji Tianxing nodded slightly.

"Doubled in just half a year?" Chao Qingyu exclaimed, a little unbelievable.

Ji Tianxing didn't say much. He pointed to King Yanke behind him, and said, "Come on, you guys say hello."

Chao Qingyu noticed that ~www.ltnovel.com~ King Yanke had also left the customs, and then entered the cab.

It's just that King Yanke's aura is restrained and reticent, and he has no sense of existence.

At this time, he returned to his original appearance.

He is ten feet tall and sturdy, his skin is like a dark brown rock, and his body exudes heavy pressure.

The bronze halberd was kept in his body by him, and would never appear.

Moreover, the bronze armor worn by King Yanke was already destroyed by Ji Tianxing.

Now he is wearing a new dark silver armor, which is also a king-level inferior **** armor.

In this dress, he bowed his head and followed behind Ji Tianxing, just like a loyal guard.

Chao Qingyu and Yanke have been enemies for many years, and they are no strangers.

But like today, it was the first time to meet face-to-face and greet peacefully.

Looking at Qingyu a few times, Yanke showed a playful smile, and said: "Yanke, your dress is very interesting. You must protect your son in the future and perform your duties as a guard."

Yanke glanced at him calmly, and said blankly: "Chao Qingyu, it's useless for you to ridicule this king, this king is the guardian of Lord Tianxing, aren't you?"

Ji Tianxing said indifferently, "No, Chao Qingyu is a friend of this king, and she was just a temporary guard.

Now that your injury is healed, the role of guarding will certainly fall on you. "

Yanke's eyes were a little sad, and he gave Qingyu a jealous look.

Chao Qingyu was a little moved in his heart, and laughed heartily: "It's an honor for the son to take me as a friend.

However, even if I serve as a guard for the son, it is a blessing for me to be able to protect his safety.

It should be noted that this kind of opportunity is not available to everyone.

Yanke, don't be depressed, cherish it, you will be grateful to the son in the future. "

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