Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3345: Clues

"Boom! Boom boom boom!"

The deafening muffled sound burst out one after another, forming a string.

In the blink of an eye, the divine magic light and shadow that flooded the sky was crushed by twenty dark golden divine lights, bursting out endless fragments of divine light.

The terrifying shock wave of divine power, wrapped in endless fragments, burst out in all directions.

The attacks of the deputy suzerain and the left and right guardians were easily dismantled by Ji Tianxing.

However, Chao Qingyu and Lin Xue's stunts were unstoppable, and they took the opportunity to hit several elders and guardians of the left and right.




Several elders were blown into the air, and they were still in mid-air, spurting blood with their mouths open.

Two elders were strangled by Jianguang with blood soaked, and smashed into the fragmented ground.

The guardian from the left and right was not spared, and was blasted into the broken square, sinking into the ruins of a hundred feet deep.

Only the Deputy Sect Master received a slight injury, and after being shaken back by a hundred feet, he barely managed to gain a foothold.

The deafening noise and the dust that covered the sky gradually dissipated.

The huge square is full of cobweb-like cracks, and there are more than a dozen deep pits.

Even the houses around the square were swept by the shock wave, collapsed on the spot, and turned into a mess.

And the solemn and sacred main hall was also blasted through the defensive formation, becoming shaky.

This result stunned everyone again.

Thousands of disciples and guards who were not only hiding in the distance to watch the battle were stunned and shocked.

Even the Sect Master, the Deputy Sect Master and the elders of the Law Protector were full of indignation and incredible.

"This... how is this possible?"

"The powerhouses of this sect gathered here, and we jointly besieged the three of them, unexpectedly...were defeated?"

"We were beaten badly by just one move, and we lost so miserably?"

"I can't believe it, how terrifying is the strength of those three people?"

"It's over! So many of us can't beat them. I don't know the Sect Master and Deputy Sect Master..."

While everyone was shocked, their hearts were also full of fear and anxiety, showing an expression of anxiety.

But the three of Ji Tianxing were safe and sound, standing in the middle of the square, looking at the lord of Ten Thousand Fas indifferently.

"Will you continue to fight? Can you have a good conversation now?"

Ji Tianxing raised his brows and asked the Lord Wanfa.

Sect Master Wanfa's eyebrows beat violently, his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and he roared in anger: "Asshole thing, are you provoking and humiliating this seat?

This door has been standing for tens of thousands of years and has always been prosperous.

It is not only the inheritance of the sect, but more importantly, never surrender! "

While roaring, Sect Master Wanfa shot himself.

He sacrificed a purple long sword with the width of a bench, pinched the magic art in both hands, releasing turbulent power.

One after another dark purple divine seal formed quickly in front of him.

The purple magic knife that lasted more than ten years ago also accumulated extremely terrifying power, becoming violent and unstoppable.

"One Word Breaking the Sky!"

When the power accumulation reached the limit, the Ten Thousand Fa Sect Master yelled and manipulated the purple magic knife to slash towards Ji Tianxing.


The purple magic sword released a thousand-meter-long sword light that shattered the sky, carrying the power to destroy everything, and cut it down at Ji Tianxing.

Chao Qingyu wanted to make a move to help Ji Tianxing block the blow.

But Ji Tianxing waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need to help.

Looking at the sword light falling from the sky, Ji Tianxing raised his right hand indifferently, and performed a trick.

Catch the Dragon Claw!


Endless golden light gushed from his palm, condensed into a mountain-large dark golden dragon claw, and grabbed it towards the sky-shaking sword.


Amidst the muffled sound, Catch Tianlong Claw accurately and unmistakably grasped the Light of the Shaking Sword.

Immediately afterwards, Ji Tianxing raised his right hand.

Only heard a crisp sound of "click", and the claws of the Tianlong Claw smashed the light of the shaking sword into pieces.

Capturing the Dragon Claw didn't seem to consume much power, and the light still flickered, and the power was terrifying.

With a wave of his right hand, Ji Tianxing captured Tianlong's claws and squeezed them into a fist, falling from the sky to Sect Master Wanfa.

The dragon's claws descended from the sky, like a thousand li mountains suppressed, and like a meteor falling, the power is terrifying to the extreme.

The invisible terrifying divine might firmly suppressed the Sect Master of Ten Thousand Fas, making him unable to avoid it.


In the next instant, the claws of the Heavenly Dragon submerged the figure of Sect Master Ten Thousand Fa, and slammed into the ruins.

A loud noise that shook the sky and the earth broke out, spreading tens of thousands of miles around.

The whole Famen Mountain jumped a few times, and the mountain body cracked with huge cracks.

The square with a radius of ten miles also completely collapsed and turned into a deep pit.

The shock wave that destroyed the sky and the earth broke out in all directions and swept the entire mountain.

Suddenly, the deputy suzerain, left and right guardians, several elders, and more than 3,000 disciples who were watching the battle around were all shaken out.

Those high-ranking gods were okay, but they were seriously injured and covered in blood.

But those disciples and guards of the Heavenly God Realm had a miserable end.

More than a thousand people who were closer were bombarded and killed on the spot into slag, and a rain of blood was scattered all over the sky.

More than a thousand people were also seriously injured and fell into the rubble unconscious.

In addition.

More than 20 palaces and houses around the square were all destroyed in ruins, leaving only ruins.

Ji Tianxing's punch almost destroyed half of Ten Thousand Fazong!

And the Sect Master of Ten Thousand Fas who was caught in the front of the Dragon Claw was even more miserable.

He was lying at the bottom of a deep pit that was thousands of feet deep, and his whole body was broken hundreds of times, and his whole body was flat, like a big pie.

Blood rushed out wildly, mixed with mud, and covered his body, making him particularly embarrassed and miserable.

Having suffered such a heavy injury, even if he is the pinnacle god, he is temporarily unable to fight again.


Suzerain Wanfa panted violently, trying to get up from the pit, Yun Gong suppressed the injury and wanted to recover.

He looked up at Ji Tianxing above the ruins, and roared hoarsely: "Boy! Even if this seat can't beat you, this seat will never give in!

Since ancient times, evil is overwhelming and righteous~www.ltnovel.com~ Fairness and freedom, we are not afraid of it! "

"Haha..." Ji Tianxing sneered jokingly: "Evil can't overcome righteousness? Fairness and comfort?

It seems that you are still obsessed with understanding and don't want to speak well, do you?

This king will give you one last chance to tell what happened that Lin was unable to do back then and the specific process.

Otherwise, this king will kill you now and ruin the entire Ten Thousand Fasect! "

While sneering, Ji Tianxing stared at Sect Master Wanfa, checking his expression changes and mood swings.

of course.

The deputy suzerain, left and right guardians and several elders are also within his surveillance range.

Not only does he want to force the Sovereign of Ten Thousand Fas to tell the truth, he also wants to judge the truth and find clues based on the reactions of the protectors and elders.

Sect Master Wanfa roared angrily: "My disciples and elders all know the process of what happened back then, so why not repeat it?

The fact that Lin was unable to deceive his master and destroy his ancestors is an ironclad fact that everyone has seen with their own eyes. What else can be said?

Even if you kill this seat, the facts will not change! "

Hearing this answer, Ji Tianxing felt disappointed.

Because the eyes, emotions, and breath fluctuations of Sect Master Ten Thousand Fas were not unusual.

The deputy suzerain, the left and right guardians, and several elders, although severely injured, were even dying.

But they were also filled with righteous indignation and had no objection to this matter.

Based on the reactions of everyone, Ji Tianxing can basically judge that what the Sect Master of Ten Thousand Fas is saying is the fact.

"Could it be that Lin couldn't really do something to deceive the teacher and destroy the ancestor, but Lin Xue didn't want to believe it?"

This idea flashed through Ji Tianxing's mind.


His divine sense detected that in the ruins thousands of feet away, there was a purple-robed elder with an unusual look and strange aura fluctuations.

Ji Tianxing suddenly showed a playful sneer: "Finally someone shows off his feet?"

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