Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3343: 1 way rolling

The three of Ji Tianxing just walked to the gate of the mountain and were surrounded by more than twenty gods.

The leaders are the penalty elders and foreign affairs elders, there are a dozen inner disciples in green robes, three elite disciples in white robes, and six deacons in black robes.

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation, and they used their magic weapon to point at the three Ji Tianxing murderously.

Especially for Lin Xue, everyone's eyes were full of hatred.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing looked at the two elders indifferently, and said in a deep voice: "Let's come to the Sect Master of Ten Thousand Fas and ask him some information.

Get out of the way quickly! "

The foreign affairs elder frowned fiercely, and coldly shouted in a bad tone: "Boy, what are you? You deserve to see our Sovereign?

Lin can't be a traitor to this school, a scum for deceiving his master and destroying his ancestors.

Since you are following his daughter, it is not a good thing! "

Penalty elder stroked his white beard, and said proudly: "Boy, didn't you just hurt the disciple of your own school, wasn't it arrogant?

Now I want to explain my intention, to be soft to this door?

Tell you, it's late!

If you don't want to die, just obediently catch up with your hands and wait for your own demise! "

After speaking, the penalty elder waved his sleeve and ordered many gods and powerhouses: "Go up together, take them down!"


Many disciples, elites, and deacons all agreed.

Everyone waved their swords and performed various magical skills, and launched a siege on the three of Ji Tianxing.


Hundreds of colorful sword lights poured down like a rainstorm, flooding the three figures of Ji Tianxing.

"act recklessly!"

At the critical juncture, Ji Tianxing still had no intention of making a move, and he gave a low voice without expression.

Next moment.

Chao Qingyu raised his hands abruptly, splitting his palms, releasing his mighty and mighty divine power, hitting more than twenty giant golden palms, and patted them in all directions.

"Boom! Bang bang bang bang!"

Only a series of muffled sounds burst out, echoing endlessly between heaven and earth.

The various magical lights and shadows displayed by more than twenty gods were immediately smashed by the golden palm, and splashed out fragments of the divine light that covered the sky and the sun.

The shock wave that ruined the sky and the earth also spread in all directions, sweeping across the entire area.

Of those twenty-odd gods, no one could stop the slap of the golden light palm, all of them were blown out by the seven orifices, tumbling and flying out.

The weaker inner disciples, but the strength of the lower gods, suffered the most miserable injuries.

They all fell thousands of feet away, their faces covered with blood, dizziness, and almost lost their combat effectiveness.

The elite disciples and deacons of the middle gods are slightly injured, but they are also bleeding from the mouth and nose, and their divine power is disordered.

There were only two high-ranking elders at the god-sovereign level, and the injuries suffered slightly.

But they were also shocked by hundreds of feet, and ended in a dusty face, looking very embarrassed.

When the sky smoke and the divine light dissipated, everyone saw the scene clearly, and suddenly uttered a shocked cry.

"Gosh! How could this be?"

"Am I wrong? Or am I dazzled?"

"The two elders and the deacon... how is this possible?"

"The big thing is not good! A strong enemy is coming, so go and notify the other elders!"

Those disciples who were still sober, all exclaimed in disbelief, and fled into the mountain gate one after another.

Someone issued a signal for help, some rang the alarm, and others ran towards the main hall.

Ji Tianxing's eyes swept across the two elders and the stray gods and powerhouses, and walked towards the gate of the mountain.

Behind the mountain gate is a wide square, covering an area of ​​ten miles.

On the other side of the square, there is a towering palace with houses on both sides.

Seeing the three of Ji Tianxing stepping on the square, the penalty and foreign affairs elders were unable to treat their injuries, and quickly took a few deacons and talented disciples who could fight again to stop them from going.

"Thief, never want to break into this door!"

"Asshole Hugh is rampant! Even though we are not your opponents, I will never give in!"

The two elders roared angrily, offering their life artifacts and rushing over.

Before they were taken lightly and numb.

This time, they knew how powerful Chao Qingyu was, and they went all out to perform supernatural skills.

"Split Sun!"

"Scary storm!"

With the roar of anger, both elders released their supernatural powers to destroy the world and kill the three of Ji Tianxing.

Several black-robed deacons and elite disciples also regained their strengths, performing magical skills, and playing the light and shadow of heavenly magic.

In an instant, the entire square was shrouded in colorful lights and became gorgeous.

The three of Ji Tianxing were unmoved, their expressions were still calm and calm.


Chao Qingyu frowned and shouted in a cold tone.

This time, when he raised his hands again to display his magical powers, he used five successful powers.

When the palms change and overlap, they condense the mysterious seal, releasing the terrifying power that suppresses the world.

Nine Dao condensed like substance, the blue fists full of water tank size, respectively blasted at the two elders and seven deacons and elite disciples.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Another series of shocking noises broke out, shaking the entire Famen Mountain ~www.ltnovel.com~ Such a shocking movement naturally shocked everyone in Ten Thousand Fasects.

The fate of the penalty elder, foreign affairs elder, several deacons, and elite disciples is also self-evident.

At that time, they were blown upside down by the fist, and rolled and smashed thousands of feet away.

People were still in the air, they spurted blood from the seven orifices, were seriously injured, and their consciousness was blurred.

"Puff and puff..."

Several deacons and elite disciples fell into the rubble, splashing dust in the sky, but they all fell into a coma, and there was no movement.

The two elders did not go unconscious, but they continued to vomit blood, let out a painful low roar, and could no longer fight.

This result made them extremely horrified and even desperate.

The two looked at each other, and both saw the horror and worry in each other's eyes.

"Damn it! We didn't even see how that guy made the move, so we were seriously injured!"

"It's terrifying! That guy just made a casual move, which caused more than 20 of us to be seriously injured.

What exactly has his realm of strength reached? "

"The most terrifying thing is that just the green-robed guard just started to solve us.

Lin Wu's daughter and the white-robed youth haven't made any moves yet, how terrible is their strength? "

"It seems that more than just alarming all the elders and guardians, even the suzerain and deputy suzerain have to come out!

Otherwise, no one can stop them! "

The two elders communicated with their divine consciousness through voice transmission. While shocked and worried, they did not forget to call other elders and protectors through voice transmission.

Seeing that Ji Tianxing, Lin Xue and Chao Qingyu crossed the square, they had already reached the middle of the square.

The number of guards, disciples, and deacons who came from all directions had reached a thousand.

However, everyone was afraid of Chao Qingyu's terrifying strength and kept moving backwards, and no one dared to make a move easily.

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