Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3340: Thorn in the heart

Chao Qingyu continued to drive the godship.

Ji Tianxing left the cab and entered the hall.

If there is nothing wrong, he plans to return to the secret room, enter the nine-day and ten-perfect tower, and continue to practice.


As soon as he entered the hall, he saw a slender purple figure standing by the corner window, looking at the sea of ​​clouds flying by the divine ship.

That very charming and confusing figure is Lin Xue.

Since she awakened the blood of Raksha and changed her appearance, her temperament has also changed greatly.

Today, she prefers blood red and purple dresses, and her breath is even more enchanting.

of course.

At this moment she was in a daze, quietly looking at the sea of ​​clouds outside the window, not knowing what she was thinking.


Ji Tianxing pretended to cough twice, walked towards Lin Xue, and asked: "It's a good time, if you don't go to retreat to practice, why are you staying here?"

Lin Xue was awakened immediately and turned to look at Ji Tianxing.

She quickly condensed her thoughts, her expression returned to normal, and her tone of voice calmly said: "I...nothing, it's just that I have practiced for too long before and I want to come out and breathe."

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "I guess you must have just awakened the Raksha bloodline before reaching the Ninth Level of the Divine Sovereign Realm.

Even if you want to practice in retreat, you don't have suitable exercises and supernatural powers, right? "

Lin Xue was taken aback for a moment, nodded, and said, "It is true, the Raksha patriarch and the high priest and others have not taught me any exercises.

It is a pity that we are far away from the Raksha Cave, and it is impossible to go back and ask them to practice the exercises. "

Ji Tianxing's smile became more interesting, and he waved his hand and said: "If you really want to practice in retreat, why do you need to ask them for the exercises?

Are you looking for me!

I have all the top-notch powers of the Raksha tribe!

There are at least thousands of magical skills, you can choose them at will, enough for you to practice for thousands of years. "

Xue Lin frowned and embroidered her eyebrows, and said with a chuckle: "Come on, you, I know you have a lot of knowledge.

However, the top techniques and supernatural powers of the Raksha tribe are the most precious treasures and secrets of the Raksha tribe.

It's good if you can know something, how can you know all of them?

Even if it's bragging, you can't be so marginal, right? "

Ji Tianxing raised his chin and said with a chuckle: "Why? Don't you believe me? Then let's make a bet?

If I can come up with the top techniques and supernatural powers of the Raksha tribe, you will practice in a down-to-earth retreat and strive to hit the Divine King Realm.

Let go of the previous grievances as soon as possible, and stop thinking about it, how? "

"This..." Lin Xue suddenly hesitated and said with a complicated expression: "You know that you will definitely lose! If you lose, what should you do?"

"Hahaha...If I lose, then let you call it." Ji Tianxing laughed confidently and said teasingly: "However, how could I lose?"

Seeing him so confident, Lin Xue was a little shaken.

She suddenly thought of some possibility, and couldn't help asking: "Before you were hiding in the Raksha Cave for more than 20 days.

During that time, I awakened my blood in the blood pool. You two would not... sneak into the treasure house of the Raksha tribe and steal their magical secrets, right? "

Ji Tianxing curled his lips and said, "Cut! I don't like the techniques and magical powers of the Raksha tribe. How can I waste time stealing?

Besides, I took away those exercises and secrets easily, just to make you have no worries.

I am helping the Raksha tribe, so that their techniques and supernatural powers can be passed down and carried forward in your hands.

How can such an unnamed act of doing good deeds be called stealing? "

Lin Xue couldn't help rolling her eyes and curling her mouth and said, "Speaking of which, isn't it stealing? I guessed it!

When the Raksha tribe met you, it was bad luck and suffered heavy losses! "

After a moment of silence, she still bowed to Ji Tianxing and said sincerely: "Anyway, you are doing this for my sake, thank you!

I took down your favor, and I will double it later..."

Before she finished speaking, Ji Tianxing waved his hand and interrupted.

He took out a lot of jade slips from the space ring and threw them to Lin Xue.


A total of more than 2,100 jade slips, all flew in front of Lin Xue, piled up together, blooming with brilliant light.

These jade slips are new and old, and the materials are also different.

However, judging from the aura fluctuations emitted by many jade slips, Lin Xue knew that they were nothing ordinary.

She picked up a few jade slips casually, infiltrated them with her spiritual sense, and briefly checked them.

Immediately, she showed a strong expression of surprise.

"This... turned out to be a king-level technique and magical secret technique?

The Raksha tribe actually has so many king-level exercises and cheats?

Tianxing, have you emptied the treasure house of the Raksha tribe? "

Ji Tianxing shook his head and said with a chuckle: "There are more than two thousand one hundred kinds of exercises and magical secrets, half of which are top monarch-level exercises and half are king-level exercises.

This is the brainchild of the powerful people of the Raksha tribe in the past, covering tens of thousands of years of ancient and modern skills.

You don’t need to practice all of them. Choose some exercises that are suitable for you and have higher grades to practice~www.ltnovel.com~ Lin Xue was excited and nodded quickly: "I understand! Thank you, thank you so much!

With so many exercises and secrets, why can't I break through the Divine King Realm?

Now that several days have passed, the Raksha tribe should have also discovered that the treasure house was stolen. Have all these jade slips been lost?

I don’t know, what are the reactions and feelings of the Raksha patriarch and the high priest now? "

After a while, Lin Xue collected more than 2,100 jade slips and kept them for later study.

Ji Tianxing was silent for a while, and then asked: "Now we are in the territory of the Izumo Empire, and we are about to leave the Yunyang Region when we fly south for three days.

If I remember correctly, Ten Thousand Fasects are in the territory of the Izumo Empire, right? "

Lin Xue was taken aback, and asked with a complicated expression: "Why do you suddenly remember to say this?"

Ji Tianxing glanced at her, and said earnestly: "Although, the matter of Luoshadong is over, the life and experience of your mother Shayanzi has been revealed.

But you still have some regrets in your heart, there is still a thorn buried.

Because of this, you have been upset these few days and cannot calm down and practice.

That's why you stand by the window, staring at the sea of ​​clouds in a daze, right? "

"You..." Lin Xue turned her head and glanced at him, her mood getting more and more complicated, she wanted to say something but didn't know where to start.

Ji Tianxing went on to say: "Actually, you really want to go to Wanfazong to investigate the truth of what happened back then and return your father's innocent reputation.

This is your personal business, you don't want to bother me and Chao Qingyu, and waste our time.

However, with the previous sign, you dare not leave without saying goodbye like last time.

You are afraid that we are going to save you again if you encounter any danger as before.

So, you have been standing by this window for a long time without making up your mind, have you? "

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