Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3338: Hidden worries

While searching the battlefield, the Raksha tribe and others felt very heavy.

Today's events can be described as twists and turns, causing heavy losses to the Rakshas.

Not only a large number of guards and deacons died, but several elders were also killed.

These peak gods of them were also severely injured by the aftermath of the battle between the gods.

In the end, they also offended Domain Master Yun Yang.

Seeing other people's dignified mood and very depressed atmosphere, the high priest said, "Don't worry, everyone, although our losses are heavy, it will be difficult to recover within a hundred years.

But we are not without gain, at least we have climbed to the master of the tiger.

That guy's strength and methods are not weaker than Yunyang Domain Master..."

Patriarch Raksha glanced at him and said in a low tone: "Relying on external forces, it is always not as strong as oneself.

We have lost the power of the gods and cannot make up for at least two hundred years.

What's more, this incident has offended the domain master Yunyang, and the future situation is bound to be even more difficult.

In addition, the attitude of the tiger territorial master was cold and might not be reliable. "

The great protector quickly nodded in agreement, and said worriedly: "Before the three elders took his guards from the imperial army, followed the lord and saint of Hutoru, protecting and monitoring along the way.

Unexpectedly, when the two **** kings fought against each other, the domain master Yun Yang would kill them in seconds.

In this situation now, even if we find the domain lord Hu Che, no one can follow him and the saint..."

Hearing this, the other two protectors and the priests became more depressed, and their hearts became more worried and anxious.

Unknowingly, everyone flew over 100,000 miles of ruins and arrived at the end of the battlefield.

They had to stop in the sky, looking around, talking with gloomy expressions.

"Strange, the war is over obviously, why didn't you see their people?"

"I don't know who wins or loses?"

"Could it be that the domain lord Hu Che was defeated and fled here in a panic, and the domain lord Yun Yang went to chase and kill him?"

"This is quite possible! Of course, it is also possible that the domain master Yunyang is defeated, and the domain master Hu Che will chase him down."

"The four **** kings have disappeared, what shall we do?"

"Do you want to continue searching for the whereabouts of the Lord Hu Che? Or go back to Raksha Cave and wait patiently for three days?"

Everyone was talking about it, but they couldn't make up their minds and were helpless.

In the end, the Raksha patriarch made up his mind and made a final decision.

"Judging from the current situation, those **** kings must have left.

With our speed, it is impossible to catch up with them, and there is nowhere to find them.

Let's go back to Raksha Cave first, and appease the people.

This seat will also send a message to the domain master Yunyang, test his tone, and explain and apologize to him.

Regardless of whether this is useful or not, we must show sufficient sincerity. "

The high priest, the great guardian and others naturally nodded in agreement and followed the patriarch back to Raksha Cave.


The sapphire divine ship flew across the sky like a flash of lightning, all the way south.

Within the godship.

Standing in the hall, Ji Tianxing watched Lin Xue pacing back and forth in the hall, with a smile on his face full of anxiety.

"What? Are you worried that we won't be able to defeat Domain Master Yunyang?"

When Lin Xue heard the sound, she stopped and turned to look at Ji Tianxing.

Seeing that both he and Lan'er were safe and sound, Lin Xue's hanging heart fell back in her belly, showing a pleased smile.

"It's great that you are all right!

Tianxing, are you hurt? Is it serious? "

Seeing Ji Tianxing's long hair scattered, there were some golden blood stains on his white robe.

Lin Xue asked with concern, and quickly walked towards Ji Tianxing to check his injuries.

Lan'er retreated very wisely, and said, "You talk, I'll go back to the secret room for healing first."

This is just an excuse!

After she joined the war, she only made one move and was not injured at all. How can she heal her injuries?

She just didn't want to stay in the hall, she wanted to give Ji Tianxing and Lin Xue a chance to be alone.

After speaking, she left the hall in a flash, and hid in the secret room after two breaths.

The hall was quiet, leaving only Ji Tianxing and Lin Xue.

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and said with a chuckle: "It's just a little trauma, don't worry.

With my strength and means, with the help of Jing Feihong, I can't help it! "

Lin Xue stopped five steps away in front of him, the worry in her heart dissipated a lot.

Seeing his arrogance and arrogance as always, Lin Xue curled her lips and said in an angry tone: "I know you have just broken through to the Divine King Realm, and your strength has skyrocketed.

But you are the first layer of the Divine King Realm, and the domain master Yunyang is after all the middle Divine King.

If there is something wrong with you, I...we will all be worried. "

Ji Tianxing frowned immediately and said with a weird expression: "Tsk tusk...what happened to you today? Why did you suddenly turn your temper and care about me so much?

Let me tell you! In the Raksha Cave before, I pretended to be the master of the tiger, and said in public that I wanted to marry you. That was an expedient..."

Before he could finish speaking, Lin Xue interrupted him and said solemnly: "I know these! Don't worry, I won't take it seriously!

Moreover, you are plain-looking, narcissistic, and arrogant, so I won't be tempted by you!

I just thank you for coming to Raksha Cave to save me~www.ltnovel.com~ for fear that you will be injured for me.

That way I will feel guilty, and I don't want to owe you favors! "

Ji Tianxing breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Well, if you can think of it this way, I'm relieved."

"..." Lin Xue stared at him angrily, her eyebrows erected.

When Ji Tianxing thought of one thing, he changed the subject and said, "Originally, the kid Jing Feihong didn't show up, so I can still take Luo Xie and the gang leader.

When we leave Raksha Cave, Luo Xie and others let us concoct.

You can also slowly kill Luo Xie and dispel the hatred in your heart.

It's a pity that Jing Feihong's cruel tricks accidentally injured Luo Xie and the commander of the Forbidden Army, killing them all in seconds. "

Lin Xue nodded, and said calmly: "This is indeed a pity! However, things have happened, Luo Xie has also been wiped out, and my parents' enmity has been reported."

Ji Tianxing comforted: "The dead are dead, and the living still need to be strong! You have to let go of this matter slowly..."

Actually, Lin Xue's emotions would have calmed down long ago without his comfort.

After he finished speaking, Lin Xue nodded to express her understanding, and said, "Well, you have fought a few battles before. Not only were you injured, you must also be tired, so go and adjust your breath."

Ji Tianxing glanced at her deeply before saying goodbye.

Lin Xue watched him enter the secret room, stood there for a moment, then turned and left.

Although she looks calm on the surface, her heart is still a bit heavy and complicated.

She has already got the answer in Luosha Cave about her mother's life experience and experience.

But the life experience and experience of her father Lin Can't remain unclear.

In particular, what did Lin Can’t do in Wan Fazong back then?

Why do you still bear the notoriety of being a traitor to deceive your ancestors?

These were all pressed in Lin Xue's heart, making her depressed.

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