Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3330: Great humiliation


Chi Ying Wusheng was supported by the two Chiyue clan elders, coughing violently, and blood constantly overflowing from his mouth and nose.

His head was disheveled, his face was bloodstained, and he had blood holes on his chest and back. His injuries were terrifying.

"Father, that guy is terrible!

We are not his opponents, run away! "

Chi Ying Wusheng was almost frightened, shouting in a trembling voice, with a very urgent tone.

Chi Ying Tianjiu and many of the Scarlet Moon Clan members were all shocked and terrified, in an undecided posture.

Everyone did not care about the healing, they all forcibly supported the injury, holding swords and facing the colorful clouds in a guard posture.

"Shut up! Hugh is so noisy!"

Seeing that Chi Ying Wusheng was noisy, so embarrassing, Chi Ying Tianjiu couldn't help yelling.

Although, the strength of the other party exceeded his expectations.

But he still has the backbone and dignity of a strong man, and he never wants to lose face in front of the Rakshas.

He looked at Chao Qingyu with solemn eyes, and said in an angry tone: "It turned out to be a strong man in the Divine King Realm. No wonder it is so arrogant and domineering!

But don’t forget, this is Yunyang Domain, not your territory!

Although my Chiyue clan is no match for you, I am never afraid of you!

This account will be written down first! "

After finishing speaking, Chi Ying Tianjiu looked at Patriarch Raksha and the others, and sneered: "You are fine! It's no wonder that he was so rampant that he found the King of Outland as his backer.

However, it won’t take long for you to be proud, let’s wait and see! "

After leaving these two ruthless words, Chi Ying Tianjiu was about to take the people of the Scarlet Moon Clan and turn around and leave Raksha Cave.

The Raksha patriarch and the high priest seldom saw Chi Ying Tianjiu eaten up.

Now, seeing the miserable end of the Chiyue Clan, Chi Ying Tianjiu was inexplicably sad and humiliated.

The people of the Raksha tribe felt excited and excited, and burst into laughter.

Even the mentality of the Raksha patriarch has changed a little.

He was also more certain that when Chao Qingyu shot them before, he indeed only used 30% of his strength.

Otherwise, the end of the Raksha tribe will only be worse than those of the Chiyue tribe!

Seeing that the people of the Scarlet Moon Clan run away in despair, the storm is about to end.


A cold, majestic voice suddenly sounded in the sky.

"Did this king let you go?"

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was silent.

Countless people looked up at the colorful auspicious clouds in the sky, their eyes focused on Ji Tianxing.

Chi Ying Tianjiu frowned fiercely, and asked with a gloomy expression: "What do you want to do?"

Ji Tianxing looked down at him indifferently, and said indifferently: "No one has ever humiliated this king, but he can be safe.

You, father and son, each leave a pair of arms, then kneel down and kowtow to apologize before leaving. "

As soon as this statement came out, the Chiyue clan's eyes widened in amazement, revealing an expression of incomparable grief and humiliation.

The Rakshas were so excited and inexplicable, they couldn't help but shake their fists in applause.

They were full of expectation, gloating at Chi Ying Tianjiu, mocking unscrupulously.

"Hahahaha... Chiying Tianjiu, you also have today!"

"Do you know who this prince is? The famous Tiger Territory Lord!"

"This Lord of the Domain is the future husband of our saint. You dare to behave arrogantly to the Lord of the Domain, you are really insulting yourself!"

"Chiying Tianjiu, what are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and cut off your son's arms and kneel down to apologize to the lord of the domain?"

"You can't live by committing sins! If Chi Ying Wusheng is too arrogant and brainless, how could he end up like this?"

After hearing everyone's ridicule, Chi Ying Tianjiu understood the identity of Ji Tianxing.

"Truto Territory Lord?

The cheap dogs of the Raksha tribe, are they really married to the **** king of the foreign domain? "

Chi Ying Tianjiu's face became extremely ugly, struggling and hesitating inside.

As for Chi Ying Wu Sheng, she had already been scared and sweated, and cursed in a stern, "What kind of **** and tiger? This young master has never heard of it!"

I tell you, don't go too far!

Stay on the front line of being a human being and see you in the future!

This is Yunyangyu, so you can't help but do anything wrong..."

Ji Tianxing ignored Chi Ying Wusheng, staring at Chi Ying Tianjiu with cold eyes, and said: "This king has limited patience, if you haven't considered it within three breaths.

Then don't think about it, this king will take you home personally! "

Hearing these words, Chiying Tianjiu and the strong men of the Chiyue clan were all stiff, full of resentment and despair.

Chi Ying Wusheng was taken aback for a moment, scratching his head subconsciously, and muttered: "This young master has legs himself, do you need you to send us home?"

Upon hearing this, many Chiyue clan powerhouses looked sideways, looking at him with complicated gazes.

Chi Ying Tianjiu felt weak, and could not wait to dig a hole in.

Just as the Raksha tribe said, if it weren't for him to control the Chiyue tribe, he would protect the red shadow from life.

With Chi Ying Wusheng's mind and strength, he died long ago.

"Three, two, one!"

Chaoqingyu began to count down again.

Chi Ying Tianjiu was incomparably tormented, suffering great humiliation, anger and unwillingness.

But he knew the fate of offending the domain master.

Therefore, when Chao Qingyu's countdown ended, he could only endure his grief and gritted his teeth and made up his mind.


The symphony of gold and iron sounded ~www.ltnovel.com~ Chi Ying Tianjiu pulled out the divine sword in an instant, turned around and smashed the Chi Ying behind him without life.


Two muffled noises sounded at the same time, and two clusters of blood splashed out.

Chi Ying Wusheng's arms were all broken at the root, and both arms flew up into the sky and fell to the ground again.

His sword was so fast that Chi Ying Wusheng did not react.

After a while, Chi Ying Wusheng felt the pain and let out a scream.

"Ahhhhh! Dad, why are you doing this? How did you succeed?"

Chi Ying Wusheng rolled on the ground in pain, questioning hoarsely.

Chi Ying Tianjiu endured all the humiliation and grief, and then cut off his arms with a sword.


With two muffled noises, both arms fell into the rubble.

The divine sword is automatically returned to its sheath and hidden in Chi Ying Tianjiu's body.

He slowly knelt down, banged his head three times towards the colorful clouds, and said in a low and trembling voice: "I have eyes but no knowledge of Mount Tai.

Chi Ying Wusheng was still wailing, and was also scolded by him.

In order to survive, Chi Ying Wusheng also forcibly endured the pain and humiliation, knelt down and kowtow to apologize.

Although, the people who broke their arms and kowped their heads to apologize were Chiying Tianjiu and his son.

But this is undoubtedly a great humiliation, severely torturing all the Scarlet Moon Clan.

More than 300 members of the Chiyue tribe, feeling full of grief and humiliation, bowed their heads to express their silence.

Ji Tianxing glanced at them indifferently, and said, "Go away!"

Chi Ying Tianjiu was like a pardon, and after silently bowing to thank him, he turned and left with the Chiyue tribe.

"Huh! Huh!"

The members of the Scarlet Moon Clan were silent and escaped from the Luosha Cave as quickly as possible.

All the people of the Raksha tribe, witnessing the whole process with their own eyes, only felt hearty and excited.

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