Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3321: Divine King Realm, it's been a long time!

The square outside the Raksha Shrine has a radius of fifty miles and can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people.

But it is a pity that the population of the Raksha tribe has never been reached in history.

Even in its heyday, the population was only forty to fifty thousand people.

At this moment, all the people in Raksha Cave gathered in the square to watch the canonization ceremony of the saint.

In the middle of the square, a high platform of one hundred meters was built, and several statues of the ancestors of the Raksha tribe stood upright, which looked very solemn and sacred.

And after Lin Xue activated the bloodline of Raksha, after awakening and transforming, it was the first time it was revealed to the public.

Compared to when she first entered Raksha Cave, her appearance and body shape really changed.

The most obvious change is that she is taller, her figure and appearance are more enchanting, and she exudes breathtaking charm.

In the past, she was still petite, very delicate and lovely, and she also revealed a bit of a monster.

But now she has become more dazzling, stunning the world, and exerting the demon and charm to the extreme.

When Lin Xue was on the high platform under the protection of the high priest and many elders.

Tens of thousands of Raksha tribesmen finally saw Lin Xue's form and appearance, and they all burst into shock and cheers.

Many men of the Raksha ethnic group showed extremely amazing expressions, and they couldn't help shouting.


At this moment, Lin Xue was 90% similar to her Niangcha Yanzi.

In the eyes of thousands of Raksha tribesmen, it is as if the saint woman's cigarette smoke is back.

However, Lin Xue and Shayanzi are slightly different.

Compared with the Shayanzi of the year, she is younger and has brought her charm to the extreme.

There is no doubt that she is brighter and more dazzling than the Shayanzi of the year!

The cheers and comments of the crowd continued for a long time before they dissipated.

The patriarch, high priest, protector, and elders are all very satisfied with this effect.

Everyone's faces were filled with a long-lost gratifying smile.

A quarter of an hour later, the canonization ceremony officially began.

The patriarch and the high priest prayed the lengthy mantra first, and then the high priest presided over the various procedures.

In short, the ceremony of canonization of the saint is very cumbersome, and extremely solemn and solemn.

Lin Xueben did not want to participate in the canonization ceremony, nor did he want to be a saint.

Now she has awakened the Raksha bloodline, her strength has increased several times, and her talent and aptitude have also been greatly improved.

She felt that she had the qualifications to attack the Divine King Realm.

She just wanted to leave Raksha Cave as soon as possible.

However, Ji Tianxing never showed up, nor did he give her any instructions for the next step.

In her heart, she called Ji Tianxing many times, but she didn't get a response.

Now her shape has changed, becoming more dazzling and perfect.

The cheers and surprises of tens of thousands of Rakshas can be ignored for her.

What she wanted to see most was Ji Tianxing's reaction when she saw her now?

Will it be amazing and happy?

Still feeling unwell and disgusted?

Xue Lin was quite worried.

In this case, she can only wait patiently.

Regarding the arrangement of the Raksha patriarch, even if she is reluctant, she has to perfuse and cooperate.

Because she believed that Ji Tianxing definitely did not leave and was still in the Luosha Cave.

However, Ji Tianxing has his plan, she only needs to wait for Ji Tianxing's instructions.


Distorted time and space.

Still under the sacred tree of blood flames, Ji Tianxing was still meditating.

Twenty-five days have passed since the outside world, and he has been practicing in retreat for three and a half years.

At this time, his strength has been raised to the limit, strengthened to ninety-nine times that of the peak god!

Before, he was surrounded by sacred golden light.

And now, the divine light that surrounds him is not only golden light, but also purple and white light.

Surrounded by the dazzling divine light, he appeared more sacred and solemn, and his aura was extremely powerful.

As early as a year ago, his strength reached its limit.

During this year, he has been hitting the shackles of the Divine King Realm.

I think back then, when the Sword God hit the Divine King Realm, he tried more than 30 times before he succeeded.

The sword **** had been in seclusion for more than 30 years before he successfully broke through from the peak **** to the **** king realm.

And now, Ji Tianxing has reached the most critical juncture.

He has tried seven times and this is the eighth one.

And this time, it will succeed soon!

One day, two days, three days...

After just five days.

Suddenly, Ji Tianxing burst into a thunderous bang in his body, as if some wall or barrier was forcibly broken.

no doubt.

Ji Tianxing finally broke through the shackles and returned to the Divine King Realm!

At that moment, his body was shaken.

The three-color divine light lingering around the body also changed drastically, instantly turning into a colorful divine light.

A majestic wave of divine power erupted from his body.

He also rushed out of the colorful divine light above his head, forming nine colorful dragons, rushing into the void.

"Huh! Huh!"

The nine sacred dragons, which are ten thousand feet long, hovered and danced above the tree of blood flames, making the sound of dragons that shook nine days.

For a time, hundreds of millions of colorful rays of sunlight fell down, illuminating the entire twisted time and space.

Ji Tianxing became the most dazzling light cluster, as gorgeous as a star.

The incomparably sacred and mighty divine power ~www.ltnovel.com~ radiated from his body, divided into hundreds of millions of beams of light, and fell on the twisted time and space.

Suddenly, the entire twisted time and space was scattered with dots of divine light, full of vigorous and pure divine power.

Yun Yao, Ji Ke, Wushuang, Bai Long and others who were practicing in retreat were all bathed in divine light, suddenly energetic, and their strength surged.

Even the sacred tree of blood flames behind Ji Tianxing greedily absorbed the stars in the sky, absorbing little bit of divine power.

This is the so-called one person gains the Tao, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven.

Ji Tianxing successfully broke through the Divine King Realm, accumulated too terrifying divine power, and part of it was spilled.

This part of the divine power was not wasted, scattered in the twisted time and space, helping everyone temper and baptize, making everyone progress by leaps and bounds.

As for the blood flame tree.

In the past, Ji Tianxing absorbed the power of the sacred tree and worked hard to hit a higher realm.

And now, when he succeeded in breaking through the Divine King Realm, he spilled out his excess power to feed back the Blood Flame Divine Tree.


The sacred tree of blood flames also grew rapidly, rising by three feet at a speed visible to the naked eye.

On the hundreds of thousands of branches, countless purple leaves and buds have grown.

On some branches, divine fruit the size of a thumb was born.

Three days later, the nine dragons hovering above the sacred tree turned into billions of colorful light spots, scattered in the twisted time and space.

The ghost of Shenlong disappeared.

Ji Tianxing also ended his practice and opened his eyes.


When he opened his eyes, two gazes that were substantive, like lightning pierced the night, causing the warped time and space to fluctuate.


Governor Ji Tian let out a sigh of relief, and looked at his unchanged body, with a gratifying smile on his face.

"After a lapse of one thousand and one hundred years, the king finally returned.

Divine King Realm, it's been a long time! "

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