Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3319: Reply from the domain owner

Distorted time and space.

Under the sacred tree of blood flames, Ji Tianxing sat cross-legged on the ground, practicing exercises.

His realm of strength still stayed at the peak of the Divine Sovereign Realm, only one step away from the Divine King Realm.

But just that step away, it's like a moat.

Without any chance and epiphany, it is difficult to break through.

In addition, the various exercises and supernatural skills that Ji Tianxing currently mastered have all been well-practised.

Only his own creation of Zhu Tian Shen Jue is still in its infancy, constantly exploring and demonstrating.

Of course, this divine art is also the highest-grade divine art that covers the most avenues of heaven and earth among the techniques he has mastered.

Therefore, after Ji Tianxing practiced the other exercises again, he concentrated on cultivating the God Judgment Jue.

At present, Zhu Tian Shen Jue has only been cultivated to the second level, and only to the middle and late stages, and has not yet reached the state of Consummation.

Ji Tianxing guessed that when he completed the second level of Zhutian Divine Jue, he should be able to break through the Divine King Realm.

After all, he had the experience of breaking through the Divine King Realm in his previous life, and he became the Peak Divine King.

Having come back now, of course it is ten times easier than other **** kings.

"Huh! Huh!"

As Ji Tianxing operated the Zhutian Divine Art over and over again, he was surrounded by sacred golden light, constantly flashing bright and dark, as if breathing.

Every time the magical power runs every week, his strength also increases a bit.

The time in the distorted space and time passes very quickly.

Three days, five days, half a month...

As time passed, Ji Tianxing's strength steadily improved, and the foundation of Shinto became more and more powerful.

A month later, his strength doubled.

At this time, he was equivalent to twenty times the strength of an ordinary peak god.

After all, his own strength, background and combat effectiveness are equal to ten times that of the gods of the same realm.

The other gods have doubled their strength and become twice as high as the peak gods.

And he has doubled, which is twenty times that of the peak god!

Two and a half months later, Zhu Tian Shen Jue cultivated to the second stage, and he reached thirty times the strength of the peak god.

Four and a half months later, the second level of Zhutian Divine Jue, he possessed forty times the strength of the peak god.

This is an unattainable and unimaginable realm for all gods.

But for Ji Tianxing, this is still not his limit.

He is still working desperately to cultivate and perfect the second level of exercises, and his strength is steadily improving.

Seven months later, the second level of Zhutian Divine Jue was close to completion, and he was strengthened fifty times.

Ten months later, the second level of exercises was supplemented and perfected, and Ji Tianxing also cultivated to the perfect state, strengthening it sixty times.

Although, the later the strength increases, the slower and the longer it takes.

But he still hasn't reached the limit and is still improving his strength.

Of course.

In order to speed up the increase in strength, he tried to deduce the third layer of Zhutian Divine Jue.

But it is a pity that the third level of exercises is at the Divine King level. Only by breaking through the Divine King realm can it be deduced and the foundation laid.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing tirelessly practiced the second level of exercises repeatedly.

Ten thousand times, one hundred thousand times, a million times...

His strength has also accumulated and increased, seventy times, eighty times, ninety times...

The situation is very clear, his limit is ninety-nine times that of the peak god!

Until then, he can step into the realm of the gods in one fell swoop, relying on the background and accumulation of heaven against the sky!


Chao Qingyu has been lurking in the Saint Blood Tower, staring at the situation of the evil blood altar.

Fortunately, no accidents happened in twenty days.

The great guardian and several elders are very conscientious, concentrating on manipulating the altar and activating Lin Xue's bloodline, and dare not slack in the slightest.

Lin Xue was also very cooperative, always focusing on cultivation, accepting the sacrifice and strengthening of the blood pool.

Now her blood has been successfully activated, but it is still in the stage of consolidation and strengthening.

Her strength has also advanced by leaps and bounds, breaking through to the Ninth Level of the Divine Sovereign Realm, and is still improving.

At the same time, her appearance is quietly changing.

Compared with the tranquility of the Holy Blood Building, the Raksha Cave is very lively.

Chao Qingyu has been watching secretly, and naturally he has grasped the situation of Raksha Cave.

These twenty days have been full of surprises and expectations for the thousands of people of the Raksha tribe!

First, the third elder Luo Xie made meritorious service and brought back the news of the daughter of the saint, which spread among the Rakshas.

The people of the Raksha tribe all understand that the last saint Sayanzi was a peerless girl, a rare genius, and the most hopeful tribe to break through the kingdom of God.

But it is a pity that Chayanzi was deceived by the villain and went astray, causing the Rakshas to suffer huge losses.

She also became a sinner of the Raksha tribe, even if she died, she could not forgive her sin.

However, Lin Xue, daughter of Shayanzi, inherited the talent of Shayanzi.

Even if the blood is not pure enough, and only inherited 70% to 80%, it is the most qualified to be a saint.

Moreover, Lin Xue knows that Shayanzi has caused great sins, and is willing to return to the Raksha tribe as a saint.

What does this mean?

It means that Xue Lin sincerely regrets it and wants to help Chayanzi atone for his sins and help the Raksha clan recover and rise!

Most importantly, there is also a very important and explosive news ~www.ltnovel.com~ also spread in Raksha Cave.

After the patriarch and the high priest, protector, and elders discussed, it was decided to let the new saint marry the great Yunyang Domain Lord!

Who is Yunyang Domain Lord?

The most outstanding, powerful, and noble king of this region!

As long as the saint and the Yunyang domain master reach a marriage, this will be a great blessing.

The Raksha tribe can also climb high branches and become the most noble forces in Yunyangyu.

With the support of Yunyang Domain Lord, the Raksha tribe will soon be able to regain their vitality and return to the ranks of the top five forces!

With the help of the domain master, the saint can also break through the **** king realm.

Then the power of the Raksha tribe has soared, and it will definitely become the second superpower after the domain master mansion!

Thinking about it this way, the tens of thousands of people of the Raksha tribe are all excited, full of expectation and longing.

In addition.

There is another thing that is secret, it has not been made public for the time being, and is not known by the Raksha tribe.

Just a few days ago, the Raksha patriarch, on behalf of the Raksha tribe, formally submitted a letter to the Lord Yunyang.

The letter indicated that the Raksha tribe made a request for marriage to the domain owner with twelve points of sincerity.

This year's saint is clear and jade, and she has an outstanding talent. She is a rare beauty in thousands of years.

Moreover, the Raksha tribe will make every effort to cultivate saints, who will surely make them break through the kingdom of the gods and become a powerful internal help for the domain master.

If the domain owner is willing to accept the marriage, the Raksha tribe will also be loyal and dedicated to assist the domain owner...

All in all, the Rakshas have shown enough sincerity, and their posture is quite pious and respectful.

After submitting the letter, the Raksha patriarch and the high priest, amidst anxiety and anxiety, awaited the domain master's reply.

Now eight days have passed.

Just tonight, Patriarch Raksha finally received a reply from Domain Master Yunyang!

And the answer of the domain master Yunyang was something that no one had thought of!

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