Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3317: Life and death transition

Hearing Ji Tianxing's divine consciousness transmission again, Lin Xue's restless heart suddenly calmed down.

Ji Tianxing has this kind of magic.

No matter how dangerous the situation is, no matter how difficult it is, as long as he is there, it can make people feel at ease and practical.

Xue Lin recovered and became sober.

Ji Tianxing's words made her feel warm and at ease, and she saw the hope of survival.

She didn't want to beg to die anymore, just wanted to survive, leave the Holy Blood Building as soon as possible and return to the front of Ji Tianxing.


She still wants to listen to Ji Tianxing.

She quickly opened the five senses and six senses, and no longer let the blood pool burn her body.

She began to accept the sacrifice of the blood pool, guiding the power of the blood pool to repair the damaged body and muscles and bloodlines.

However, she still had some doubts, and she thought to herself: "Why should I accept the blood pond sacrifice? Isn't that the wish of the Rakshas?"

Ji Tianxing's divine awareness sounded again, and explained to her: "Don't worry, with me, the Rakshas can't get what they want.

With your current talent, your potential is almost exhausted.

You can reach the peak of the gods at most in this life, and it is impossible to go further, and there is absolutely no hope of breaking through the gods.

Therefore, you can only hope to break through the King of God if you accept the blood pond sacrifice and activate the Raksha bloodline.

Only by breaking through the God King Realm, can you run wild and stop fearing anyone.

At that time, you will not only be able to find out the truth of the year, clean up your father's grievances, but also avenge your parents!

Don't you want to avenge them?

After their deaths, the tomb was destroyed and the remains were frustrated and ashes.

Don't you want to avenge such blood and blood? "

These words immediately aroused Lin Xue's anger and killing intent, and her heart was full of hatred.

She felt repentant, nodded repeatedly, and thought to herself: "Yes! If I want to die with all my heart, it would be too cowardly and incompetent. It will only make my loved ones hurt and the enemies happy!

I have to become stronger and stronger in order to uncover the mystery and truth and avenge my parents!

But... Tianxing, how do you know this? "

Ji Tianxing explained in a calm tone: "I caught Meng Yu, your childhood sweetheart, and forced him to confess everything.

Moreover, I killed him personally to avenge you. "

Lin Xue was taken aback, a thick warm current ran through her heart, and she was very moved.

"Tianxing, thank you!

Meng Yu sells his friends for glory and is despicable and shameless. I will never let him go.

Unexpectedly, you actually helped me get revenge, thank you so much! "

Ji Tianxing said teasingly: "Hehe, you used to talk to me, but it wasn't the way you are now. How come you have become so gentle and polite?

Could it be... when you decided to accept death, you still thought of me, okay? "

"Huh! Don't be narcissistic, **** it!" Lin Xue suddenly flushed her cheeks and sipped to herself, "I hate you so much, how can I miss you?"

Ji Tianxing just breathed a sigh of relief, a little relieved, "Well, if you can think so, I'm relieved."

"You!!" Lin Xue was even more anxious, cursing inwardly: "Damn fellow, can't you be humble?

What do you mean? Are you afraid that I like you and rely on you? "

"Hmm." Ji Tianxing responded honestly.

Xue Lin was even more embarrassed, and she just wanted to jump her feet in anger: "You're less stinky! You are full of shortcomings, arrogant, narcissistic, arrogant, how could I like you?"

Ji Tianxing quickly persuaded: "Since you don't like me, why are you so excited?

Calm down, the people of the Raksha tribe have found anomalies. "

Xue Lin quickly suppressed her anger and calmed down.

She looked around, and she saw the patriarch of Raksha, the high priest and others, their eyes widened in surprise, and they looked at her with doubts.

As everyone watched her, they were still whispering.

"Huh? Didn't that mean maid begging for death? Why did he suddenly change his mind?"

"Hahaha...Don't look at her appearance like Sanzhen Jiulie, pretending to be firm.

In fact, people are greedy of life and fear of death. How can they be willing to welcome death? "

"That's right! No matter how tenacious her will, in the face of death, she will choose to compromise."

"Fear of death is certainly one reason, but the most important reason is definitely that she has figured it out.

After all, we thought about her and planned such a beautiful future and future for her. How could she not be moved? "

"That's great, our plan can proceed smoothly!"

"Tsk tusk tusk... I knew she was so greedy for life and fear of death, why should we talk so much nonsense with her, just just be hard."

The patriarch, the high priest, the great guardian and others all sneered with contempt, and their words were full of disdain and pride.

Of course, their hanging hearts have also landed steadily.

As for the abnormal reactions such as Lin Xue looking around blankly and changing expressions, everyone chose to ignore it.

After all, everyone knew in their hearts that when Lin Xue went from desperately seeking death to committing suicide, there must be huge psychological changes and emotional fluctuations.

Unconsciously, half an hour passed.

Xue Lin frankly accepted the sacrifice of the blood pool ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ fully cooperated with the operation of the blood altar, and it really had a very obvious effect.

Her scorched and charred limbs were gradually repaired intact, and gradually healed as before.

Then, the power of the blood pool penetrated into her body, dispersed among the limbs, blood, and bone marrow, quickly transforming her body.

Her sacred blood also received sacrifices and reinforcements, and began to flow faster, and there was a mysterious power surging.

Seeing this scene, the Raksha patriarch and the high priest were completely relieved.

They had already seen that there was huge potential hidden in Lin Xue's blood.

Obviously, Lin Xue inherited the blood of her Niangcha Yanzi, and also inherited the inheritance of the Raksha clan!

This is definitely great news for the Rakshas!

Although, Xue Lin started to cooperate with the blood pond sacrifice.

But superficial work still needs to be done.

At least, the Raksha patriarch and others will brainwash her, change her mind and will, and make her loyal to the Raksha tribe.

Patriarch Raksha looked down at Lin Xue in the blood pond, with a gentle smile, and said in a pleased tone: "Lin Xue, you can know your way back when you get lost, I am very pleased.

The sins your mother committed that year, I really don't want to see it, it will happen again in you.

Of course, we will also learn our lesson and will not treat you like you did to your mother.

As long as you successfully activate the bloodline and be a saint of our race, we will definitely go all out to cultivate you.

At that time, you and Yunyang Domain Lord will marry, not only will your status skyrocket, but our Rakshas will also recover.

In this way, it is not only for your mother to atone for your sins, but also for you to serve my clan..."

Patriarch Raksha persuaded with all his heart, and constantly instilled in Lin Xue the concepts of ‘atonement’, ‘making merit’ and ‘changing fate’.

The purpose is to make Lin Xue loyal to the Raksha tribe and willingly obey the arrangement of the Raksha tribe.

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