Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3298: So friendship is deep?

Three thousand years ago, the last lord of Ssangyong City was named Mengkuo.

But when Lin couldn't first arrived in Shuanglong City, he had an intersection with it.

The two didn't know each other, and they became friends with each other.

They experienced wind, rain and ups and downs together, and forged a deep friendship.

The two have become friends with each other, guarding the safety of Ssangyong City together.

Mengkuo has only one son, who is also the young lord of Shuanglong City, named Meng Yu.

In terms of age, he was born more than 300 years earlier than Lin Xue, and his strength was one level higher.

But they are the same generation, and they have played together since childhood, and their relationship is very deep.

Back then, in the eyes of the elders of the two families, Meng Yu and Lin Xue were a pair of golden boys and jade girls, very good match.

Especially Meng Kuo, the lord of the old city, regarded Lin Xue as his future daughter-in-law, and was quite affectionate.

Meng Yu also cared and loved her very much.

He always likes to run to the Lin Family's Dong Mansion, looking for some reasons to see Lin Xue.

However, Lin Shan and Lin Xue are senior brothers and sisters, and their relationship is closer. They can be described as childhood sweethearts.

In addition, Lin Shan has publicly stated on many occasions that he has no regrets about Lin Xue and will never change until death.

Lin Kengeng and his wife are very respectful of him, and they can't stop him.

As a result, Meng Yu could only hide his affection for Lin Xue deep in his heart.

After Lin Xue's mother passed away, Lin Xue was very sad.

She seemed to have grown up overnight, no longer willful and playful, and began to work hard to improve her strength.

She often retreats for dozens of hundreds of years. Meng Yu hasn't seen her for a long time, so she rarely visits Linjia Dongfu again.

Finally, the Lin family suffered a big change.

Lin Shan killed Lin Wu, and wanted to fool Lin Xue to conquer the technique of dragon sword and phoenix sword.

Fortunately, Lin Xue saw through his conspiracy, fought with him, and wanted to avenge his father.

In the end, they both left the Sky Demon Empire and went to the Great Yan Empire in the north.

The Lin Family Cave Mansion was abandoned, leaving the tomb of Lin Wu and his wife, standing alone on the top of the mountain.


Seeing Lin Xue recognizing herself, Meng Yu became more and more happy, and nodded excitedly: "Xue'er, I am Meng Yu! I am your Brother Yu!"

While talking, he walked towards Lin Xue, opening his arms to hug her.

"Sister Xueer, where have you been in these thousand years?

Do you know how hard it is for me to find you?

You must have suffered a lot when you rushed outside, right?

Why do you never contact me? Do you know how much I worry about you? "

Meng Yu showed his true feelings and made no secret of his love for Lin Xue.

However, Lin Xue quietly stepped back, avoiding his embrace without showing a trace, and bowed her body, saying: "Brother Meng Yu, thank you for your concern and concern, thank you.

Over the years, I have been roaming outside, tracking down the whereabouts of that beast in Lin Shan, trying to kill him and avenge my father..."

After a lapse of thousands of years, Lin Xue and Meng Yu have long lost the deep friendship they had back then, and they have become much stranger.

But after all, they were good friends who grew up together since childhood, and Lin Xue couldn't be too cold.

Facing Meng Yu's enthusiasm, she could only respond politely and gracefully.

Of course Meng Yu was not stupid, he saw Lin Xue's alienation.

Since Lin Xue wanted to keep a distance, he couldn't stick it anymore, and kept three steps away from it, greetings with concern.

"Sister Xueer, when I learned that the person who killed my uncle was Lin Shan, I was shocked and angry.

I can't believe how Uncle Lin treats Lin Shan'en like the sea, but the beast of Lin Shan can make a father-killing act in which both humans and gods are angry.

Unfortunately, when I wake up and want to help you deal with Lin Shan, you have already left Ssangyong City...

By the way, sister Xueer, has Uncle Lin's revenge been taken?

After a thousand years, you must have killed the beast of Lin Shan before returning to pay homage to Uncle Lin and Auntie Lin, right? "

Meng Yu talked a lot, and after he finished speaking, Lin Xue just nodded, "Yes".

Both of them fell silent. Lin Xue thought for a while before asking, "Big Brother Meng Yu, how are you and Uncle Meng?"

Meng Yu was stunned for a moment, and an imperceptible hatred flashed through his eyes.

With a sad expression on his face, he said in a low tone: "My dad... He was killed by a treacherous man as early as a thousand years ago.

Although I searched hard and tried every possible way to investigate, I couldn't find the real culprit.

Even the bones and remains of my father don’t know where they are..."

Speaking of sadness, Meng Yu's voice was a little choked.

Lin Xue was taken aback for a moment, rather surprised, and asked in disbelief: "Uncle Meng...he died? How could this be?

Uncle Meng has always been kindhearted, uncompromising with others, and has a good relationship with others. How could he be victimized by an adulterer? "

Meng Yu nodded in sympathy and said, "Yeah! My father is so loyal and kind, and he usually takes care of people and things. He would rather suffer himself than his friends.

Who would have thought that God did not open his eyes and let him end up like this!

If time can be turned back, I will never let my father make mistakes, and I will definitely remind him to be knowledgeable. "

When he said these words, Meng Yu's tone was low, and there was a deep hatred in his eyes.

Lin Xue felt that his words were weird, so she couldn't help frowning and asked, "Big Brother Meng Yu, you mean... Uncle Meng's death has something else hidden?"

Meng Yu nodded ~www.ltnovel.com~ and took this question once, and will not elaborate.

Lin Xue didn't delve into it. After a few words of comfort, she asked the question in her heart.

"Brother Meng Yu, after Uncle Meng passed away, you inherited the seat of Shuanglong City, right?"

Meng Yu nodded.

Lin Xue asked again: "Then do you know, in these thousand years, who has entered this cave mansion?"

Meng Yu thought about it for a while, shook his head and said, "I didn't pay attention to this, and I don't know who has been here.

It's just that shortly after you left, I came in once, and when I saw you all left, I left.

The second time I came here was today. "

Lin Xue frowned slightly, vaguely feeling that Meng Yu's words were somewhat contradictory, and thought to herself: "Meng Yu is the lord of Shuanglong City, and this area is his territory.

If there are powerful gods and powerful people coming, he probably knows.

Furthermore, he kept saying how much he cares about me, how could he ignore this cave?

Even if he doesn't have time, he can send guards to guard this place, or secretly monitor..."

If you are a thoughtful person, you will hide these thoughts in your heart and keep a little more in secret.

But Lin Xue was never a deep person in the city palace, staring at Meng Yu calmly, and asked: "Brother Meng Yu, you haven't been to this cave in these thousand years.

Why did I just come back to Shuanglong City, this is only a few hours, so you followed?

Don't tell me, it's just a coincidence. "

Meng Yu was taken aback and said with a grieved expression: "Sister Xueer, what do you mean by this?

Since you left, I have been sending people to Shuanglong Mountain for thousands of years, waiting for you to come back.

Just now, the guards guarding this place reported the news to me, and I hurried to check the situation..."

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