Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3296: Revisit the old place

Shuanglong City is an ancient city with a history of thousands of years.

The city occupies an area of ​​four hundred li, in which more than five million people of the gods live.

Surrounding the city are endless mountains and rivers, and the heaven and the earth are very powerful.


Lin Xue, dressed in red, cut through the sky like lightning and flew over Ssangyong City.

She stopped at a height of thousands of feet, kept invisible, and looked down at the city below.

It is early morning now.

The warm sun shines in the city, making the whole city cast a layer of golden light, which is particularly brilliant.

There are many palaces and buildings in the city, and various houses and houses are lined up, and there are criss-cross streets and alleys in between.

This city is very prosperous, with many pedestrians and bustles.

Lin Xue looked at the scene of the city quietly, her expression dignified and solemn, her eyes filled with deep sorrow.

"One thousand and two hundred years have passed, and Ssangyong City is still the same as before, but... things are no longer humans."

She muttered to herself, her voice low and sad, with a little emotion.

Seeing the familiar Ssangyong City as it was back then, endless memories came to her mind.

She remembered her childhood.

Innocent and innocent, she lives in seclusion in the Shuanglong Mountain not far away with her parents and brothers.

On weekdays, her parents and senior brothers are practicing, and they also teach her to keep retreating.

But she has a lively and active nature, and is a bit playful, so she can't concentrate on cultivation.

Life in seclusion in the mountains is boring and boring.

At that time, she was most yearning for the prosperous Ssangyong City.

Every few years, she can follow her parents into Double Dragon City, buy some training resources and materials, and then take the opportunity to play for ten and a half months.

That was her happiest moment.


A series of accidents struck and destroyed her peaceful life.

First, the mother died after being seriously injured in order to save them.

Not too many years old, the senior brother Lin Shan hid evil intentions again, assassinated his father in a sneak attack, and blamed the enemy.

At that time, Lin Xue was still kept in the dark and deceived by Lin Shan's brilliant acting skills.

Lin Shan still wants to marry her as his wife and vowed to avenge his master.

However, Lin Xue found out the truth and exposed Lin Shan's true face.

She attacked Lin Shan frantically and wanted to kill Lin Shan to avenge her father.

But she lost to Lin Shan, was severely wounded and almost died, so she could only hide and heal her injuries.

A hundred years later, when she recovered from her injury and got better, she went to Lin Shan to take revenge.

Only then did she discover that Lin Shan had left the Sky Demon Empire and went to the Great Yan Empire in the far north.

So Lin Xue rushed to the Great Yan Empire to avenge her endless anger and hatred.

She worked hard for thousands of years, and with the assistance of the blood illusion and the golden left envoy, she created the blood knife gate.

However, she still failed to destroy the Blood Sword Sect, nor was she able to kill Lin Shan.

In the end, fortunately, she met Ji Tianxing, and got her wish. She succeeded in cutting Linshan and avenging her father.

When she thought of this, Lin Xue's eyes flashed warmth, and she became more grateful to Ji Tianxing.

She muttered to herself: "Father, mother, Xueer is back to see you.

Although it was too late, I asked you to wait for 1,200 years before Xueer killed the beast of Linshan.

But Xueer is always a hand-cut enemy, avenging her father.

Your spirit in the sky can rest in peace. "

After speaking, Lin Xue retracted her gaze to look at Shuanglong City and turned and flew towards the east.

In the east of Ssangyong City, about 100,000 miles away, there is a towering mountain range as high as three thousand feet.

That mountain range is steep and extremely powerful, and it is Ssangyong Mountain.

At the same time, that was also the place where Lin Xue's parents lived in seclusion, where she grew up since childhood.

After just three quarters of an hour, Lin Xue flew over Shuanglong Mountain.

The Ssangyong Mountains stretch from east to west for millions of miles.

And this mountain at her feet is the highest point of the entire mountain range, and it is also the place with the most powerful dragon veins.

Most of the huge peak as high as three thousand three hundred feet is shrouded in clouds and mist.

Lin Xue landed on the top of the mountain, looking at the surrounding green jungle and the grinding stones scattered on the grass, revealing the color of memories.

Back then, the cave house built by her parents was on this mountain.

In the seemingly ordinary forest, the dozens of millstones on the grass are the entrance to the cave.

The cave house is a blessed place in a different dimension.

Only by mastering the method of opening can you open the Sealed Divine Array and enter the cave.

"Huh! Huh!"

Xue Lin's method of opening the sacred formation was firmly in his heart and would never forget.

She pinched the magic formula with both hands, and punched a series of divine formation seals into the sky above the grass in front of her.

Soon, the sky over the grass lit up with colorful lights, and a light curtain appeared out of thin air.

The eighteen large black-brown millstones also lit up with divine light, exuding weak divine power fluctuations.

Seeing that the multicolored light curtain was very thin, with weak power and dim light, Lin Xue was quite depressed.

"This is just a short thousand years. The space barrier that protects the cave mansion is already about to collapse?"

After a while, Xue Lin finished casting the spell, and the colorful light curtain opened a door~www.ltnovel.com~ She stepped into the light door with a complicated mood.


In the next moment, she appeared in an alien space with a prescription for thousands of miles.

In her memory, this cave is her home, the warmest and safest place.

There are beautiful mountains and beautiful waters in the cave, with green grasslands, towering green hills, mirror-like lakes, and thousands of birds and beasts.


At this moment, she looked around, but saw that there were deserts under her feet, and some weeds and low, dry trees were faintly visible in the distance.

Farther away, those towering mountains also collapsed and shattered, leaving only a few broken mounds.

The former green hills are gone, and dozens of old trees grow sparsely on the ruin-like mound.

The mirror-like lake at the foot of the mountain was also filled with collapsed rocks and no longer exists.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xue's pupils tightened and her face became very gloomy.

"How could this be? My home... was actually destroyed?

Damn it! Who did it? "

Lin Xue was both shocked and angry, and hurriedly flew to the sky above the mountain range, watching carefully.

At the same time, she released her divine consciousness to cover thousands of miles, exploring the situation of the entire cave.

Only then did she discover that not only did the mountains collapse, the lake was filled, and even the palaces and houses on the top of the mountain no longer exist.

The entire cave is desolate and decadent, and the grasslands and forests have become deserts.

Thousands of species of flying birds and beasts that have lived here are all extinct.

In the cave house with a radius of thousands of miles, there is no living creature found!

The deep shock and anger made her look stern, her eyes filled with fierce killing intent.

After a while, she suddenly thought of something more important, and her complexion changed drastically.

"Broken! Father and mother's tomb..."

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