Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3291: The beginning of the power

It stands to reason that the Chao Qingyu couple and the Tianbei domain master are friends.

Next, they are leaving the Tianbei region, and naturally they have to say goodbye to the domain master.

However, Chao Qingyu shook his head and said with a smile: "No, in fact... just now we said goodbye."

Ji Tianxing suddenly remembered that before the Tianbei Territory Lord left, he took a deep look at the Qingyu couple and said take care.


The Tianbei domain master guessed their thoughts, and expected that they would leave.

It's just that everyone knows that there is nothing to break.

Ji Tianxing nodded and said, "That's good, then let's set off."

After speaking, he carried Yanke, who was unconscious, and flew toward the south across the night sky.

Chao Qingyu and Lan'er looked at each other, and hurriedly followed Ji Tianxing on the way.

Before long, the long night was over.

It's finally dawn, and a new day has arrived.

Seeing the rising sun, Chao Qingyu and Lan'er were relieved and full of expectations.

After flying for a while, Ji Tianxing stopped and sacrificed Lin Xue's divine ship.


The sharp-looking black godship appeared in the sky.

Ji Tianxing looked at Chaoqingyu and Lan'er, and said, "Let’s take the divine ship on the road, at least we can adjust our breath and recuperate."

It is true that before he fought with Yanke for so long, he had suffered serious injuries long ago.

He didn't want to find a place to heal, so as not to waste time.

While riding on the divine ship, healing the wounds in the divine ship is the best choice.

Chao Qingyu raised his eyebrows and smiled and said, "This is a good idea. It just so happens that I have a divine ship, and the speed and defense are both acceptable...

Just let me drive the divine ship, you can heal your injury with peace of mind. "

After speaking, spread his right hand toward Qingyu, and a blue-black divine ship appeared in his palm.

As soon as his thoughts moved, the sacred divine ship rapidly expanded and turned into a majestic and majestic warship that was thousands of feet long.

The appearance of this ship is majestic and solemn, and the surface is covered with a dark blue light, exuding a breathtaking and powerful atmosphere.

At a glance, Ji Tianxing knew that this should be a king-level inferior divine ship made by Chao Qingyu.

In terms of flight speed, defense and power, they far surpassed Lin Xue's divine ship.

Moreover, Chaoqingyu's divine ship is more refined, and its internal structure is definitely more reasonable.

In addition, he arranged a lot of king-level magical formations, recuperating and healing in the godship, it will surely get twice the result with half the effort.

So, he put away Lin Xue's divine ship, nodded and agreed to Chao Qingyu's proposal.

Chao Qingyu opened the door of the godship, and the three of them entered the godship one after another.

As Ji Tianxing had expected, the internal structure of the Divine Ship was more sophisticated and reasonable, and each room and secret room was equipped with a King-level Divine Formation.

Being in the divine ship is like a hole in the heavens, and the entire space is filled with extremely rich divine power.

Retreat to practice and heal injuries in this divine ship is equivalent to staying in the jade shrine.

In the middle of the divine ship is a wide and bright hall.

Standing in the middle of the hall, Chao Qingyu introduced to Ji Tianxing: "Mr. Tianxing, the several rooms in front of the hall are warehouses for storing training resources and weapons, as well as the cockpit for manipulating the godship. There are more than 20 rooms behind the hall. The secret rooms are used for retreat and recuperation.

In each secret room, a small amount of resources such as divine stones and pills are stored.

You can pick a secret room and go to retreat to heal your injury.

In addition, there is a secret room that I have built into a prison cell, which contains many seals.

When you are in retreat, you can leave Yanke in the cell to avoid accidents. "

While talking, Chao Qingyu opened the formation with divine mind and controlled the divine ship to fly south.

"call out!"

The divine ship was like a cyan streamer, piercing the sky like lightning for thousands of miles in a flash.

After Chao Qingyu introduced the divine ship, he asked Ji Tianxing to heal his injuries.

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said, "From now on, we will be a trustworthy companion if we walk along the way. I have to explain some things to you first.

In fact, I am not alone.

Before I met you, many companions followed me, and my family members followed me all the time.

Take advantage of this opportunity, let's meet each other first, get acquainted, and then we can work together. "

Chao Qingyu and Lan'er were a little surprised, and they nodded quickly and said, "It's so good, everyone should meet each other and say hello.

Ji Tianxing took out Lin Xue's divine ship, and awakened the people in the divine ship with the sound of divine consciousness.

Soon, Lin Xue, Blood Illusory God Lord, Jin Zuo, Blood Dragon Right and Nie Feiyun, etc., appeared in the hall one after another.

As soon as everyone finished their cultivation, they quickly appeared when they heard Ji Tianxing's call.

As a result, they found themselves in a more exquisite divine ship.

Apart from Ji Tianxing, there is also a middle-aged couple with powerful and mysterious auras.

Everyone was taken aback and looked at the Chao Qingyu couple curiously.

Ji Tianxing introduced: "Everyone, these two are the **** of jade and the **** of orchids, and they are also my friends.

From now on, everyone walks together and must unite, trust and help each other.

Of course, the two of them are kings of gods, and you can also ask them if you have any confusion and problems in your cultivation ~ www.ltnovel.com~. "

Upon hearing these few words, Lin Xue, Nie Feiyun and others were stunned, showing extremely shocked expressions.

For a while, there was silence in the hall, and everyone was stunned, and a stormy sea raged in their hearts.

"Oh my God! God King strong? And there are still two?"

"It's incredible! Have we actually seen the legendary king and powerhouse?"

"This couple of gods and kings turned out to be friends of the son? They also want to follow him?"

"It's terrifying! Even the noble and unparalleled **** king must follow Young Master Tianxing... I really don't know, where is Young Master sacred?"

Everyone's hearts were exclaiming and shouting, and they became more awed and admired for Ji Tianxing.

Soon, everyone stabilized their emotions, greeted enthusiastically, and greeted the couple Chao Qingyu.

Chao Qingyu and his wife did not have the air of a god-king strong man, did not appear arrogant at all, and their attitude was very gracious to everyone.

After some introductions and greetings, everyone knew each other.

Next, Ji Tianxing used divine consciousness to transmit sound to awaken the family members in the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers.

Yun Yao, Ji Ke, Bai Long, and Zhen Hong appeared one after another, but Ji Wushuang was at a critical juncture of cultivation, and Ji Tianxing did not wake her up.

Four people appeared in the hall, and Ji Tian acted to introduce them to each other, and everyone knew each other.

Knowing that Yunyao and Ji Ke are Ji Tianxing's wives, Bai Long is his disciple, and Zhen Hong is his maid, the attitude of the Chao Qingyu couple has changed a little, and they are obviously closer.

Everyone saw this scene, and their hearts became more shocked, only feeling incredible.

After all, Chao Qingyu and his wife took the initiative to show favor to Yun Yao, Ji Ke and others, which meant to please and get close to Ji Tianxing.

Everyone couldn't help but wonder, how mysterious and powerful Ji Tianxing was, and let the two gods take the initiative to please him?

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