Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3289: Strange request

Yanke was in a coma, and was sealed with power and soul.

Ji Tianxing's condensed golden small sword can certainly penetrate his godhead.

However, the structure of the walnut-sized godhead is extremely complex.

Even in a coma, the godhead will protect itself and form a powerful defense.

Unless Ji Tianxing can find the weakness and flaws of the godhead, he can only manipulate the golden small sword to forcefully pierce into the godhead.

However, forcibly piercing Yanke's godhead will cause serious trauma to him.

The strength of the lighter ones drops sharply, and the more severe ones endanger their lives.

In addition, the godheads of different races are also different.

Yanke is an alien god, with a more complicated godhead and a stronger defense.

However, Ji Tianxing manipulated the small golden sword, pierced into the godhead accurately and smoothly integrated into his spirit.

Yanke was unaffected, and his spirit aura remained stable.

This is enough to prove that Ji Tianxing has already mastered the weaknesses and flaws of the Godhead of Yanke!

In such a short period of time, even the Tianbei Territory Lord, Chao Qingyu and Lan'er couldn't do things, but he did it easily.

Why didn't this make the three **** kings surprised?

Especially the Lord of the Northern Territory, his impression of Ji Tianxing completely changed.

The indifference and indifference before has also become excitement, disbelief and appreciation.


Soon, Ji Tianxing's casting was over, and his work stopped.

He turned his head to look at the Tianbei Territory Lord, and explained: "I have planted a sword aura in Yanke's soul, and his life and death are in my hands.

The domain owner can rest assured now and leave him to me, right? "

The Tianbei Territory Lord was noncommittal, frowning and staring at Yanke, carefully watching for a moment.

"Where is your so-called Destroying Sword Qi? Why didn't this king find it in his soul?"

Ji Tianxing smiled and explained again: "The sword aura has long been scattered, and it is inextricably integrated with his soul.

If it cannot be merged, the sword qi is suspended in the soul, and sooner or later he can find a way to get rid of the world-destroying sword qi. "

After speaking, he squeezed the Shen Jue in his right hand, and made nine **** seals.

Suddenly, in Yanke's soul, there were inextricable golden sword energy, which quickly condensed into a golden small sword.

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He cast the seal of the gods again and infiltrated Yanke's mind, the small golden sword quickly dissipated and merged into the gods and souls.

The Tianbei Territory Lord saw the whole process clearly, and at the same time he was full of surprise, finally dispelled his concerns.

"Well, since you can control Yanke, take him out of the Northern Territory as soon as possible.

You are indeed the most enchanting genius only seen in this king's life! "

The indifferent and arrogant Tianbei Territory Lord, who has always had eyes above the top, praised a young **** in front of him.

This is the first time ever!

Chao Qingyu and Lan'er understood his temperament, and they both felt incredible, their eyes filled with splendor.

The Tianbei Territory Lord no longer said more, his eyes fell on Chao Qingyu and Lan'er, and said: "After this matter, Yanke will hand it over to Tianxing, we should go back.

The **** of Emperor Fengshuang, is still waiting for the king's death..."

However, both Chao Qingyu and Lan'er shook their heads.

"Brother Qin, you just need to deal with this matter, and we won't interfere.

Moreover, we have something to say to Young Master Tianxing. "

The Tianbei Territory master seemed to have guessed something. He took a deep look at them and nodded slightly: "Alright, the king will leave first, you... take care."

After finishing speaking, the Lord of the Northern Territory waved his palm to open the night sky, stepped into the space crack, and disappeared.

After he left, Ji Tianxing looked at Chao Qingyu and Lan'er and asked the question in his heart.

"Tonight I passed the Yanling Mountains and saw a strong man slaughtering the defenders of Ye Nan Kingdom, so I came to help.

Unexpectedly, I encountered Emperor Fengshuang and Yanke here, all of which were caused by Yanke.

However, didn't you leave the sea of ​​clouds secret realm and find someone to treat your injuries?

Why are you here? Still with the Celestial Domain Lord?

Could it be that the person you are talking about is..."

Chao Qingyu smiled and nodded, and explained: "Yes, we said before that we need someone to help him heal, and that is Brother Qin!

As early as 20,000 years ago, we were close friends.

He is the middle king, and only he can help us quickly heal the injury. "

Lan'er nodded in agreement, and then explained: "Yesterday evening, we were in Lord Domain Lord's shrine. He cast a spell to help us heal our injuries.

Suddenly, the emperor of the Great Yan Empire used an emergency message to call for help from Lord Domain Lord and briefly explained the situation.


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sp; Tianbei Region and Ping'an Ning have been around for nearly ten thousand years, and the Lord of the Region has never appeared.

This time, the Fengshuang Empire sent a large number of powerful men to enter the Great Yan Empire and start a war between the two empires.

The host of the domain was of course furious and decided to take action personally to prevent this war from happening.

We were also there at the time, so naturally we wanted to follow the Lord of the Domain to help him quell the war.

We did not expect that as soon as we arrived at the Yanling Mountains, we saw you and Yanke fighting together... what a coincidence! "

After listening to Lan'er's explanation, Ji Tianxing suddenly realized.

"That's the case! No wonder the Tianbei domain lord ~www.ltnovel.com~, who hasn't been seen for thousands of years, suddenly appeared, and you followed.

Unexpectedly, it was Yan Yongning who reported for help.

That said, I have to thank him. "

Knowing the whole story, Ji Tianxing looked at Chao Qingyu and Lan'er again, and asked: "I think you two have only recovered about 90% of your injuries and haven't really recovered.

I won't delay your time, let's not pass it..."

Before he could finish his words, Chao Qingyu waved his hand and explained: "Sir Tianxing wait a minute, Brother Qin has already performed the spell himself, helped our couple heal the injuries, and gave us a **** pill.

Our injury has recovered 90%, and the remaining stubborn illnesses are not serious for the time being and have no effect. "

Chao Qingyu's meaning is very clear, they have already troubled the Tianbei Territory Lord, and it is impossible to go to other people's shrines and continue to retreat for healing.

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and asked: "Where are you going to meet the Lord of the Northern Territory?"

Lan'er pointed at him and said with a smile: "Naturally follow you and **** you away."

"Follow me? Escort me?" Ji Tianxing was taken aback, rather surprised.

Chao Qingyu nodded and said, "Yes! Although you controlled Yanke by casting a spell, he is temporarily in a coma and has not yet woken up.

Moreover, this guy has always been scheming and extremely difficult.

We are all worried. If Yanke wakes up and gets rid of your control, you may not be able to handle it alone. "

Lan Er also agreed: "Young Master Tianxing, didn't you say before that you want to leave the Haotian Continent to see the outside world?

From the northern part of the sky to the southernmost part of the mainland, the journey is long and varied.

The waters outside the Haotian Continent were even more dangerous and unpredictable.

Qingyu has nearly 10,000 years of travel experience and will definitely help you..."

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