Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 271: Map to hand

Although, the burly man was enjoying the warm fragrant nephrite full of arms, the sound of wine and delicacies, and a sensual posture.

   But Ji Tianxing could see that this person was not at all frivolous, he had a domineering and aggressive tiger-wolf aura, and his eyes were as sharp as a falcon.

   There is no doubt that this person is the mysterious Tianying Fangzhu!

   Seeing Lei Qianjun taking Ji Tianxing into the main hall, the owner of Tianying Workshop raised his hand slightly.

   The sound of music in the hall suddenly stopped, and the singers and dancers bowed to salute and withdrew from the hall.

   Even the two beauties nestled in the arms of the owner of Tianying Fang said softly and retired, and they all retreated together.

   In the blink of an eye, there were only three people left in the hall, Tianying Fangzhu, Lei Qianjun and Ji Tianxing.

   Lei Qianjun walked to the hall* and reported: "Fangzhu, here is Ji Tianxing!"

   "This son has just defeated the Werewolf Shadow on the spot and severely injured the Shadow."

The owner of    Tianying Workshop was holding the wine glass and tasting it slowly, with a joke on his face, and his eyes looked at Ji Tianxing like eagles.

   After a while, he nodded and said with a smile on his face: "Yes! I haven't seen this for many years, such an interesting junior!"

   "I was only a teenager, and with the triple strength of the Profound Realm, he could defeat the Werewolf Shadow!"

   "Little guy, if you guessed correctly, you should be an elite genius in the Sky School, right?"

   Ji Tianxing wore the white robe of a disciple of the inner sect of the Qingtian sect. He could of course be recognized at a glance based on the experience and knowledge of the owner of Tianying.

   He couldn't understand what the owner of Tianying said, so he didn't answer this question, but respectfully bowed his hand: "Junior Ji Tianxing, I have seen the owner of Tianying!"

   What kind of hero is the owner of Tianying Fang?

   Naturally, he could see Ji Tianxing's careful thoughts, but he only smiled, not delving into the matter.

   He held the glass again and tasted it carefully, and asked slowly: "Little guy, since you have completed the challenge according to the rules, then tell your wish."

   "As long as it is within the reach of this seat, you can satisfy your wish!"

   Ji Tianxing didn't talk nonsense, and bowed his hand to the owner of Tianying Workshop: "Owner, juniors need a detailed map of the misty mountains."

  The owner of Tianying Workshop frowned, looked at him indifferently, and asked in a deep voice: "Boy, the hidden mist mountain range is a fierce land in ancient times. What do you want the map to do?"

   "You are a young genius, don't break into that fierce land and lose your life in vain."

   In fact, he doesn't care what Ji Tianxing is going to do, whether he wants to enter the misty mountains, and whether he can come out alive.

   He said so, just to persuade Ji Tianxing to change his wish.

   After all, there is only one detailed map of the Hidden Mist Mountain Range in the entire Yanling City, which is in his hands.

   This map is extremely precious and can be called a priceless treasure.

   He was weighing whether to give a map or not.

   Ji Tianxing bowed to him, and said calmly, "Thank you for the reminder, but the younger generation really needs the map, and I hope the owner can do it."

   Seeing that Ji Tianxing's attitude was neither humble nor overbearing, and he asked for a map very firmly, the owner of Tianying Workshop frowned and looked at Lei Qianjun.

   "Manager Lei, how much did this shop make tonight?"

   Lei Qianjun glanced at Ji Tianxing, hesitated for a moment and said nothing.

   With Ji Tianxing, an outsider present, he cannot disclose the specific amount.

   But the owner of Tianying had no intention of avoiding Ji Tianxing, so he had to answer truthfully: "The owner of Qiqi, nearly a thousand gamblers have all lost."

   "The principal has just reported that tonight this shop has earned more than 3,000 yuan in spirit stones, more than 500 million yuan in silver, and some bets such as profound artifacts and elixirs."

   Although Ji Tianxing had been mentally prepared, when he heard this amount, he could not help but secretly startled.

  He knows very well that the top sects like Qingtianzong and Tianjianzong only have more than 1,000 spiritual stones in reserve.

   He defeated the Werewolf Shadow tonight, but he made Tianying Gambling Shop more than 3,000 spiritual stones!

   This is definitely an amazing asset!

   In addition to the Lingshi, there are more than 500 million taels of silver coins, profound implements, and pills. This is also a huge wealth.

   Of course, the Tianying gambling house has a big business, and this wealth will soon be spent, and it is difficult to preserve all of it.

   But even so, Ji Tianxing also felt the powerful background of Tianying Gambling House.

   The owner of Tianying Workshop heard Lei Qianjun's report, and his eyes flashed with surprise.

   Obviously, he did not expect to have such a big surprise tonight, Ji Tian acted for him to bring such a huge wealth.

   His face eased, and when he looked at Ji Tianxing again, his eyes became more kind.

   After pondering for a moment, he nodded and said, "Also, since this seat has set the rules, we will fulfill our promises and satisfy your wishes."

   After that, he took out a pair of yellowed ancient scrolls from the space ring, and shot a soft blue light, wrapped the scrolls and flew to Ji Tianxing.

   "Boy, this map of the misty mountains is the only one in the entire Yanling City. It is a priceless treasure."

   "I gave it to you, and you must keep it alive and well! Moreover, I hope you will live well and not die young."

   "After all, young talents like you have a great opportunity to serve this seat in the future! Hahaha..."

   The owner of Tianying Square smiled, and laughed boldly.

   Ji Tianxing took the scroll solemnly and bowed his hand to him: "Thank you, the owner of the shop, for your accomplishment. The juniors won't bother you, so let's say goodbye!"

   The owner of Tianying Workshop nodded slightly, and ordered in a deep voice: "Manager Lei, see off!"

   Lei Qianjun quickly handed over his hand and left the hall with Ji Tianxing.

   The two passed through several palaces ~www.ltnovel.com~ and walked in the corridors of carved jade bars and walked towards the gate of the casino.

  On the way, Lei Qianjun showed a kind smile and said to Ji Tianxing meaningfully: "Little brother, as the owner of our workshop, very few people can get into his Dharma vision."

   "It's a rare thing that the owner of Fangcai has praised you face to face. It seems that our owner is very interested in you!"

   Ji Tianxing understood what he was suggesting, so he calmly replied: "Thanks to the owner of the workshop, I can give you a map. The juniors are already grateful."

   "As for other things, the juniors don't dare to think about it. After all, as a disciple of the sect, the junior has the responsibility of the teacher..."

   After listening to his explanation, Lei Qianjun understood that he was declining the favor of the owner.

   Lei Qianjun sighed with some regret, and said with a smile: "Yes, brother, you have this martial arts talent, and you will definitely be valued in the sect and have a bright future."

  In a short while, the two arrived at the gate of the gambling house, and Lei Qianjun said, "Okay, I will take you here, little brother, take care, we will have a period later!"

   Ji Tianxing also bowed his hand back, said goodbye, and stepped out of the Tianying Gambling House.

   After leaving the Tianying Casino, he walked to an inn in the city.

   Next, he is going to study the map carefully, make adequate preparations, and then set off for the Hidden Fog Mountain.

   At this time, in the dark corner outside the gate of the gambling house, there were a pair of gloomy eyes staring at his figure.

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