Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 258: Can this also improve strength?

   Before the action, Yunyao made a deployment plan.

   Therefore, the division of labor is clear and the plan is executed in an orderly manner.

   Yunyao, Feng Min, and Wu Yu besieged the high priest with all their strength, while Hao Meng and Ji Tianxing fought back and forth against the Lord of the Blood Moon.

   The two sides fought in the jungle, and the sky was dark, the shadow of the sword and the sword covered the sky, crushing countless flowers and trees.

   The muffled sound of "Boom Boom" and the sound of "ding ding dang dong" sword clashing constantly burst out, echoing in the jungle.

   A wave of violent and raging energy spread around like transparent ripples, sweeping across a radius of 100 meters.

   The jungle became a mess, the debris of earth and wood flew, and the big trees fell along with it.

   After everyone fought for a while, the situation stabilized.

  Although, the high priest and the Blood Moon Princess were ambushed by everyone and were caught off guard.

   When the battle first started, the two of them were indeed very embarrassed and the situation was very passive.

   However, after a while, the two of them stabilized their positions, no longer anxious and panicked, and started counterattacks in an orderly manner.

   The high priest is worthy of being a powerhouse at the peak of the Yuan Dan realm. Even if he is besieged by Yun Yao, Feng Min and Wu Yu, he will not fall behind.

   He didn't use the magical treasures, only with his fists and feet, and with an extremely powerful attack, he was equal to the three of them.

   The three of them are the chief disciples of each sect, and they are all martial arts geniuses out of a million, and of course their strength and methods are good.

   But even so, except for Yun Yao's head-to-head confrontation with the high priest, Feng Min and Wu Yu can only fight with him, and they never dare to fight each other.

  The three of them wielded their swords continuously, cutting out the overwhelming sharp sword light, covering the figure of the high priest.

   The high priest advances and retreats in an orderly manner to avoid sword attacks, and constantly swings his fists and feet to counterattack.

   He punched out **** shadows with both fists, and moved straight to the vital point of the three people, forcing everyone to back up.

  The power of the Scarlet Fist Shadow is quite powerful. It blasts the air with a "pap". Every time it hits the big tree in the jungle, it can shatter the big tree with the thick bucket of water.

   The silhouettes of the four rabbits rise and fall, you come and I fight each other, gradually moving away from the magic hole, and shifting the battlefield to the depths of the jungle.

   On the other side, Hao Meng and Ji Tianxing were fighting fiercely with the Lord of Blood Moon.

   The white robe worn by Hao Meng was already in tatters, and he tore it down and threw it away.

   He was shirtless and upper body, wearing only a pair of cowhide shorts, showing his tall and bulging muscles.

   His body is as strong as an iron tower, his skin is dark, his arms are as strong as his waist.

   At this moment, he is holding a bench-wide scarlet huge sword in both hands, his eyes are glaring, and he keeps roaring and attacking with his sword, just like a human-shaped tyrannosaurus!

   He stamped his feet heavily on the ground and made a muffled sound of "Boom Boom", which made the ground tremble constantly.

   The crimson giant sword, which is nearly two meters long and the width of the bench, also envelops the dark red flames, carrying the mighty power, and slashing out fiercely.

   "Wh! Wh!"

   Every time Hao Meng slashed out a sword, the giant sword burst into flames, seeming to split the Princess Blood Moon in half.

   With an extremely domineering and fierce posture, he violently attacked the Blood Moon Princess from the front, like a violent behemoth, trying to crush it all the way.

   There are many big trees in the jungle, all of which are as thick as a human waist.

   Whenever these big trees are cut by a giant sword, they are all broken by the waist, and the fractures are as black as carbon.

  While Hao Meng attacked fiercely, Ji Tianxing had also put away the black dragon sword, unleashing the keen knowledge of the sword of the heart, and constantly manipulated the sword light to launch attacks.


   The golden sword light was as fast as a stream of light, attacking the Princess Blood Moon from all directions, and each sword light went straight to her vitals.

   Ji Tianxing almost died at the hands of the Blood Moon Princess several times, he had already hated the Blood Moon Princess.

   If he had a chance to kill Princess Bloodmoon, he would never hesitate.

   But it's a pity that the strength of the Blood Moon Princess is too strong, not worse than Yun Yao, and has already reached the Yuan Dan realm.

   Even if Hao Meng had the eight-fold strength of the Profound Realm, Ji Tianxing and him joined forces to besiege, but within a short period of time, there was no way for the Lord of the Blood Moon.

   Her hands were bleeding red, condensed into two **** hands with the size of a washbasin, containing violent power, and she kept patting on Ji Tianxing and Hao Meng.

   Hao Meng's fiery red giant sword, and the golden sword light displayed by Ji Tianxing, are always shaken apart by her **** hands, and they sway around and lose their power.

   Even if there were several times, Hao Meng's giant sword and Ji Tianxing's sword light had both cut her body.

   But she was covered in a thick layer of blood, like a blood-red armor.

   Ji Tianxing and Hao Meng attacked, and even that layer of blood red armor could not be broken, how could she hurt her?

   A whole hundred breaths of time passed, and the two continuously attacked hundreds of moves, but they still couldn't help the Blood Moon Princess, let alone hurt her.

   After the Princess Blood Moon stabilized his position, he couldn't help letting out a cold gloomy sneer.

   "Hehehe...Ji Tianxing, and you are a big guy! With you two kinsmen, dare to ambush this princess? Who gave you the courage?"

   "If you only have this strength, then go to death!"

After    sneered, Princess Blood Moon burst out with all his strength and used a powerful killer move.

   "Blood Shadow Change!"

   She gave a low cry, and the blood shrouded all over her body immediately accelerated and changed.


Her figure flashed, turned into a **** light, and instantly dodged the giant sword that Hao Meng had slashed down~www.ltnovel.com~ The next moment, she appeared ghostly behind Ji Tianxing, and stretched out her **** hand to slap Ji Tianxing fiercely. The back.

   Ji Tianxing realized that it was not good, and immediately used the Shadowless Step to avoid the attack of the blood hand.

   However, his speed was still a little slower, and he was shot by a **** hand.


   In the muffled sound, the edge of the blood-colored giant hand swept his back.

  His figure shook a few times, and then stopped ten meters away.

   Fortunately, he was fast enough, dodged in time, and was not injured by the Lord of Blood Moon.

   However, after receiving the palm of the Blood Moon Princess, he discovered that the sword vein in his body had changed.

   Before, he practiced in Tianxingyuan in retreat, tempering the second acupoint of the second sword vein.

   However, the time is too short, he has not been able to complete the tempering.

   However, just in that moment, in order to avoid the attack of the blood hand, he exploded his life potential.

   The rushing speed of the true essence in his body reached the limit, containing extremely powerful impact, and he rushed open the acupuncture point.

   In a short moment, that acupuncture point was dazzling by the golden light tempered by the true essence.

   He unexpectedly exploded his potential at the moment of life and death, and successfully tempered a hole!

   Invisible, his strength has improved a bit.

   This result surprised him a bit, and was even more delighted.

   "The cultivation of the Tao of Sword Heart is really different from ordinary exercises. It stimulates potential at the moment of life and death, and it can also increase strength. It is simply amazing!"

   "My guess is indeed correct. Only in actual combat can I improve my strength faster!"

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