Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 249: 8 cases gathered

   Those two women, one old and one young, were in the corner of the Star Terrace, overlooking the sea of ​​clouds and cliffs below.

   The old man is a silver-haired old woman wearing a purple robe and holding a jade cane.

   Although her body is a little bit awkward, but she is full of energy, and she is surrounded by invisible awe-inspiring air, which makes people look in awe.

   There is no doubt that this white-haired old woman must be a strong martial artist, and a strong one who practices Xuanmen Zhengdao.

   Standing beside her was a young woman in her early twenties.

   The girl's eyebrows are picturesque, her face is dignified and beautiful, and her whole body exudes a gentle and elegant temperament.

   She is tall and dressed in a white dress, just like a beautiful lady walking out of the painting.

   Although the appearance and temperament of this woman in white skirt are slightly inferior to Yun Yao, she is also a very rare beautiful woman.

   While Ji Tianxing was looking at the two women, Yun Yao also introduced to him secretly using the method of spiritual awareness and sound transmission: "That is the grandmother Shuiyue, the chief disciple Feng Min of the Xinyue Sect."

   "Xinyue Sect and the main door are world-friends, Junior Brother Tianxing, we will go over to see you."

   After that, Yun Yao took Ji Tianxing to Granny Shuiyue and Feng Min.

   Approaching the front, Yun Yao bowed to Granny Shuiyue, and said respectfully: "Yunyao, disciple of Qingtianzong, meet Granny Shuiyue."

   Ji Tianxing also bowed, and also called the Shuiyue Granny.

   Shuiyue Granny and Feng Min turned to look at Yun Yao, both showing a gentle smile.

   Feng Min also bowed dignifiedly, and called Senior Sister Yun Yao.

   Shuiyue's mother-in-law nodded slightly to Yun Yao, and asked kindly: "Yun Yao, who is this next to you?"

   Yunyao quickly explained: "Mrs. Shuiyue, this is Junior Brother Tianxing, a new direct disciple of the head master."

   "Oh, it was him." Granny Shuiyue nodded, and looked at Ji Tianxing with a smile.

   "Good little guy, the future is limitless."

   Ji Tianxing could feel the kindness of Shuiyue Granny, so he smiled and bowed his hands in salute, and said humblely: "Mother-in-law praised..."

   After the two parties exchanged greetings, Granny Shuiyue asked Yunyao suspiciously: "Yunyao, why are you and Tianxing alone here? When will the head of Chu arrive?"

   Yunyao said calmly: "Mother-in-law, the head master has other important things, so she can't participate in this council, so she sent her disciples and Tianxing Junior Brother to represent him."

   "So that's the case." Granny Shuiyue nodded, a strange color flashed in her eyes, as if thinking of something.

   She smiled kindly and said to Feng Min: "Feng Min, you, Yun Yao and Tian Xing are all young people. You can get closer and communicate with each other."

   After that, she turned and left, standing in the corner of the Star Terrace with Jasper's crutches, silently thinking about something.

   Feng Min arched his hand to express his obedience, and walked to Yun Yao and Ji Tianxing's side, and began to talk generously.

   The three of them stood on the edge of the cliff, looking at the sea of ​​clouds and the cliff below, chatting peacefully, asking each other about the current situation, and talking about some interesting things in the sect.

   Yunyao's temperament has always been cold, not good at talking and chatting.

   Ji Tianxing is not a person who can speak the truth, and he doesn't know much about the two incidents, and he rarely intervenes.

   Most of the time, Feng Min took the initiative to talk to the two of them, looking for some topics.

   Feng Min has a dignified manner, a good conversation, and a very kind attitude towards the two, which left a great impression on Ji Tianxing.

   It didn’t take long for another huge flying bird with a red body to flew from the distance and landed on the Star Terrace.

   Two people jumped down from the bird's back. One was a middle-aged man in a purple robe. He was tall and majestic.

   The other man was a young man with a magnificent character and strong pace. He was obviously an elite genius of the younger generation.

   Yunyao introduced to Ji Tianxing with the secret method of sound transmission: "That is Qiao Xuan, the master and chief disciple of Qianqiu Sect. Qianqiu Sect is far from the main gate, and the relationship between the two factions is plain."

   Hearing this, Ji Tianxing knew it.

   At this time, Qiao Xuan took the initiative to walk over with a gentle smile on his face, and took the initiative to greet Yun Yao and Feng Min.

   "Qiao Xuan has met Sister Yun Yao, Sister Feng Min."

   "I haven't seen each other for two years, Sister Yun Yao and Sister Feng Min, they are really getting more and more beautiful like a fairy, not like mortal dust!"

   Qiao Xuan praised Yun Yao and Feng Min in a blunt words as soon as they met, completely ignoring Ji Tianxing beside the two women.

   It's a pity that he couldn't win the smile of the two women with his skillful tongue.

   The two women both had a calm complexion, with a calm expression bowing their hands, and stopped talking.

   Qiao Xuan seems to have deliberately searched for a topic, looked at Ji Tianxing's eyes, and asked with a confused expression: "This junior is very face-to-face, may I ask you?"

   Ji Tianxing looked at him expressionlessly, arching his hands and said, "In the next Ji Tianxing, the head of the Qingtianzong disciple."

   "Oh ha ha... Brother Ji, I am Qiao Xuan, the chief disciple of the Qianqiu Sect, you can just call me Brother Qiao."

   Qiao Xuan responded perfunctorily, and his eyes fell on Yun Yao and Feng Min again.

   "Sister Yunyao, I haven't seen you for two years, how are you doing recently?"

   Everyone can see that Qiao Xuan obviously meant to be close to and entangle Yun Yao.

   Feng Min and Ji Tianxing both frowned slightly, thinking that Qiao Xuan was too uninteresting.

   Yunyao's expression remained unchanged, her eyes looked at Qiao Xuan indifferently, and she asked: "Naturally, I have always been well~www.ltnovel.com~ but it is you, Junior Brother Qiao, how good is the injury of that sword?"

   Upon hearing these words, Qiao Xuan's expression changed a little, and he was a little embarrassed about how to answer the conversation.

   Two years ago, in the star ranking battle, he first saw Yun Yao admired and brazenly entangled.

   Yunyao was indifferent to him, defeated him with only three moves in the ranking battle, and stabbed Qiao Xuan with a single sword.

   Of course, the ring is more eyeless than the sword in a fight, and injuries are a matter of course.

   But Yun Yao's mention of this matter at the moment made Qiao Xuan's face uncontrollable, and no longer had the face to continue to struggle, saying goodbye and hurriedly left.

   It didn't take long for the sunset to fall, and night was about to fall.

   One after another, the spirit beasts and birds, carrying the heads and chief disciples of various factions, arrived at the Star Terrace one after another.

   When someone arrives at the Star Terrace, Yun Yao secretly introduces the identity of the other party to Ji Tianxing, and Ji Tianxing silently writes it down.

   In addition to Xinyuezong, there is also a Liuhe faction, which also has a good relationship with Qingtianzong.

   When the head of the Liuhe Sect and the chief disciple arrived at the Star Terrace, Yun Yao and Ji Tianxing went to the ceremony and said hello.

   Other than that, the people of the other sects, they both ignored them.

   When the night is dark and the sky is full of stars, the head of the Eight Sects and the chief disciple are all here.

   These eight sects are Qingtianzong, Tianjianzong, Xinyuezong... Qianqiu Sect and Liuhe Sect.

   Sixteen people gathered on the Star Taichung, and after a few rounds of greetings, they gathered in the Star Taichung|Central.

   The eight parliaments are about to begin.

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