Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 247: I will not lose!

Tang Yiluo's eyes flashed with cold light, and he murmured a little coldly.

   "Then Ji Tianxing was so weak and so reckless that he somehow left the dog|shit luck and became a direct disciple of the head?"

   Chen Su smiled slightly and said teasingly: "Junior Brother Tang, you can't say that."

   "That Ji Tianxing may not be a reckless idiot, but may also be a fearless, rampaging warrior?"

   "A few elite disciples in our inner sect have been competing in secret for these years, but they dare not fight openly. On the surface, they still pretend to be in harmony."

   "It's okay now, suddenly a Ji Tianxing popped up, and such a big storm broke out as soon as I entered the inner door!"

   "This kid has just started for three months, and he doesn't even know the rules and situation of the sect, so he dares to challenge Bai Wuchen in public. It is also considered courage."

   "This is a good thing for us. We can just sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and see him and Bai Wuchen fight both sides!"

   Tang Yiluo frowned for a moment, nodded and said: "In that case, Ji Tianxing is a spoiler!"

   "It's a pity, his strength is too weak, how could he be Bai Wuchen's opponent?"

   "I would like to see, after he loses to Bai Wuchen and takes his own humiliation, how will he end up?"

   Chen Su nodded, and sneered meaningfully: "At that time, his identity as the head of the disciple, I am afraid that he will not be saved?"

   Tang Yiluo showed a look of expectation, and said triumphantly: "Furthermore, Bai Wuchen is bound to leave a bad impression on the head because of this incident."

   "In this way, Bai Wuchen also killed a thousand enemies and harmed himself 800, so our competitors will have one less!"

   "Hehe, that's it." Chen Su nodded again, the smile on his face getting more and more complacent.


   In the impermanent courtyard, under the towering trees.

   Bai Wuchen was sitting on the stone bench, holding a tea cup with a smile on his face, drinking tea slowly.

   Hao Meng sat opposite him, his expression a little complicated, he looked like he wanted to talk.

   After a while, Bai Wuchen put down his tea cup, looked at Hao Meng with a smile, and asked, "Junior Brother Hao, you already know about the Zhan Shu?"

   Hao Meng nodded, and said with a wry smile: "Ji Tianxing's battle book will be displayed on the stone tablet for three days. Now the whole inner door knows it."

   "I said, Brother Bai, Ji Tianxing has already written to you in public, why can you still laugh? Are you still drinking tea here leisurely?"

   Bai Wuchen raised his brows, and a flush of excitement appeared on his pale and thin cheeks.

   He raised the tea cup in his hand, and said in a playful tone: "That idiot fell into the net, why didn't I laugh?"

   "I had already faced him squarely, treated him as my opponent, and planned how to deal with him. In the end, I realized that he was still a bun from that shabby country."

   "He thought he had become a disciple of the head of the Grand Canal, so he could be arrogant?"

   "What's the result? Isn't he still being played with by my applause, and even irritated by me so that he loses his mind, and slaps me in public?"

   "Hehe, next month's top rankings, I will beat him severely in public! I will let him lose, crawling away like a bereaved dog, and rolling away as a lowly handyman!"

   "My cup of tea, it's a celebration in advance."

   After that, he raised his head and drank the tea in the cup.

   Hao Meng frowned slightly, and asked suspiciously: "Senior Brother Bai, what have you done to Ji Tianxing? How did you force him to sue you in public?"

   Bai Wuchen showed a smug sneer, and said in a low voice, "Hehe, I just made a small trick to make him suffer a little bit, so he came to the door with anger to write down the battle."

   "Senior Brother Hao, you said that this kind of strength is weak, and there is no rash man in the city, why fight with me? Why do you get the favor of the master sister?"

   Hao Meng twisted his brows together and did not answer.

   There are some things he keeps in his heart, but it doesn't mean he has no ideas.

   He could clearly feel that since he met Ji Tianxing, Bai Wuchen's mind became narrower and narrower and became unreasonable.

   However, he knew the reason for this change in Bai Wuchen, and couldn't say much.

   After a long silence, he said in a low tone: "Senior Brother Bai, I went to visit the senior sister today."

   "After three days, the headmaster will not go to the eight parliaments, but will let the master sister and Ji Tianxing participate in his place."

   "What?" Bai Wuchen suddenly shook his body, and his hand holding the teacup also shook.

   His face instantly darkened, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

   "Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

   "Even you and I are not qualified to participate in such an important meeting of the Eight Sect Councils. How can the head let Ji Tianxing go?"

   Bai Wuchen's face was green, and he drank coldly, obviously unable to accept the news.

   Hao Meng could not help but sighed when he saw his appearance, "Brother Bai, don't you understand?"

   "The reason why the head is so important to Ji Tianxing is by no means as simple as that he has served the sect. The head is to train him as a successor!"

   "Now that you and Ji Tianxing have quarreled in this field, it's already incompatible with fire and water, and it's impossible to take down the battle book."

   "Brother Bai, even if you beat Ji Tianxing in public on the next month's top ranking list, did you really win?"

   "Ji Tianxing is going to be a handyman~www.ltnovel.com~ but you also offend the boss! The real winners are Chen Su and Tang Yiluo!"

   After listening to Hao Meng's analysis, Bai Wuchen's face became more ugly, and his angry hands trembled.

   He fixed his eyes on the stone table top and muttered to himself: "Impossible! As long as I defeat Ji Tianxing, it will prove that I am better than him and more qualified to be the head disciple!"

   "The head is mine, and the master sister is mine too! I won't lose!"

   Seeing this, Hao Meng sighed helplessly, and had to stand up and pat his shoulder.

   "Brother Bai, you should calm down and think about it."

   "I still have things to do, so I'll leave first."

   After that, Hao Meng turned and left the impermanence courtyard.

   Bai Wuchen still looks ugly and froze in place, sitting withered for a long time without getting up.

   Two days passed in a flash.

   In the past two days, the entire inner gate was boiling, and there were discussions about the duel between Ji Tianxing and Bai Wuchen.

   Even the news came out of the inner sect. Even many disciples of the outer sect knew about it.

  The disciples of the third courtyard of the outer door are very strange to the disciples of the inner door, but they know Ji Tianxing very well.

  Especially after the Longshan Grand Competition and the apprenticeship ceremony, many outside disciples are proud of him and worship him very much.

   When everyone learned that Ji Tianxing was going to challenge Bai Wuchen, they were all in an uproar and boiling, emotional discussions.

   Especially the several disciples of Fengyun Academy were excited to discuss this matter, silently praying for Ji Tianxing, hoping that he can create another miracle!

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