Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 244: Participate in 8 parliaments?

   After returning to Tianxingyuan, Ji Tianxing took Qianyue into the study.

   He was sitting on the rattan wooden chair, his face solemnly thinking, obviously something was in his mind.

   Qianyue felt that it had caused trouble this time, and Ji Tianxing would definitely punish it and teach it.

   So, it took the initiative to help Ji Tianxing beat his back and showed a pleased smile on his face.

   "Old Ji, you have been busy going to Wuya Mountain for two days this time. It must be very hard. I'll help you beat your back..."

   Ji Tianxing glanced at it, reached out his hand and knocked on its head, and said angrily: "Come on with me, do you think it's okay to coax me?"

   "This thing must be weird, you probably have been calculated by someone, know?"

   Qianyue nodded, and said angrily: "Yes, I have pondered this matter carefully in the past two days, but I can't figure out who will count me."

   "I am so angry! I have never been the only one who cheated others, and no one has ever cheated me!"

   "If you let me find out who calculated me insidiously and despicably, I will pay back ten times!"

   Ji Tianxing nodded, and said calmly: "Qianyue, please tell me carefully about the cause of the incident."

   "The spirit beasts in the spirit beast garden have been domesticated for many years. They are very psychic and will not go crazy for no reason."

   Qianyue also agreed with this point, and felt that the matter was strange, so he told the story from beginning to end.

   After it was finished, Ji Tianxing frowned and asked: "The female disciple who took you to the Spirit Beast Garden, what is her name? Is it a disciple of the Spirit Beast Garden?"

   Qianyue blinked and asked, "Old Ji, do you suspect that she calculated me?"

   Ji Tianxing nodded and said, "Well, maybe it is possible."

   Qian Yue recalled it carefully, and said with a certain tone: "Old Ji, I think it should not be her."

   "I broke into the Spirit Beast Peak accidentally and ran into that female disciple. It is impossible for her to know in advance that I am going to the Spirit Beast Garden, waiting for me there, right?"

   "Furthermore, few people in the sect know my existence, that female disciple doesn't know my identity, let alone my relationship with you..."

   Ji Tianxing frowned tighter, muttering to himself, "Who would it be?"

   Qianyue rolled his big eyes steadily, and after trying to analyze for a moment, a light flashed in his eyes suddenly.

   "By the way, Laoji, I might guess who did it!"

   "In the Great Heaven Sect, only the old man Xiang and the sword slave of Tai'an Palace know my relationship with you, but they can't do that."

   "Besides that, Bai Wuchen also knows about this! Moreover, he has a hatred for you, so I guess it is probably Bai Wuchen who did it!"

   After listening to Qianyue's analysis and speculation, Ji Tianxing was startled, his eyes turned gloomy.

   He thought for a moment, then nodded and said: "Yes, Qianyue, your analysis is very reasonable."

   "Bai Wuchen, the despicable and sinister villain, has already begun to attack me?!"

   whispered, his eyes were full of cold light, and his breath became cold.

   Qianyue was also full of anger, and cursed in a low voice with cold eyes: "Damn Bai Wuchen! If this king recovers, he must be torn to pieces and eaten!"

   At this moment, the voice of the maid Xiaoshuang suddenly came from the yard.

   "Senior Brother Ji, Senior Sister came to visit and said I would like to ask you for something important!"

   Hearing Xiao Shuang's words, Ji Tianxing calmed down his anger and raised his brows, "Master Sister, come to me?"

   He got up and walked out of the study, and came to the gate of the courtyard. He saw Yun Yao standing at the gate, waiting quietly.

   Ji Tian walked up to her, smiled, and said hello, "Master Sister, you are here."

   Yunyao nodded slightly to him, and said calmly: "I have been here yesterday, but you are not in the courtyard."

   Ji Tianxing showed an apologetic smile and asked: "Master sister, do you have anything to do with me?"

   Yunyao nodded, "Go in and talk about it."

   Ji Tianxing made a please gesture and led her into the courtyard.

   The two passed through the courtyard and entered the study.

   Yunyao was startled when she saw Qianyue as soon as she entered the study.

   She looked at Qian Yue a few times, turned her head to look at Ji Tianxing, and asked, "Junior Brother Tianxing, is this your pet beast?"

   "Well, her name is Qianyue." Ji Tianxing smiled and nodded.

   Without his order, Qianyue took the initiative to fly to Yun Yao, and very cleverly took the initiative to say hello.

   It learned the appearance of Ji Tianxing and bowed his hand to Yunyao with a sweet and authentic voice: "Qianyue has seen the master sister!"

   "Master sister, you are so beautiful, like a fairy in the sky..."

  Rao is Yun Yao's heart as calm as water, his happiness and anger are not in the colors, and he can't help showing a touch of surprise.

   She stretched out her slender fingers, lightly tapped Qian Yue's head, and a small smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

   "What a cute little guy, he can talk, it's funny."

   Ji Tianxing looked at her pretty face from the side, and saw her smile on the corners of her mouth. He just thought it was so beautiful.

   In his impression, this is the second time Yun Yao smiled.

   A fairy like her, who doesn't cannibalize the fireworks, and is immaculate, even with a small smile, it is enough to overwhelm the country.

   However, the light smile on her pretty face quickly subsided, and she said to Ji Tianxing in a serious face: "Junior Brother Tianxing, I have something important to tell you today."

   Qianyue was very wise to shut up, and lay down on the table obediently, without bothering them~www.ltnovel.com~ Ji Tianxing also nodded solemnly: "Sister, please speak."

   Yunyao said solemnly: "Three days later, this eight-sect assembly will be held at Xingchenfeng."

   "At that time, the heads of the sect and the chief disciple will participate to discuss matters related to the ancient realm of the stars, and exchange information on whether they are available."

   "There has been some progress on the Longshan Tomb. The master master wants to go to Longshan himself to study the big formation."

   "So, the master master handed this matter to you and me, and we will take his place in the eight parliaments."

   Yunyao briefly introduced the location and purpose of the eight parliaments, and conveyed Chu Tiansheng's orders.

   Ji Tianxing was stunned immediately, with an unbelievable expression on his face, "Isn't the council of the eight major sects the top conference in the Tianchen domain?"

   "Such a grand and grand assembly, if the head master did not participate, would you send me here?"

   If he hadn't heard these words with his own ears, he couldn't believe it was true.

   Yunyao is the chief disciple of the Great Heaven Sect. She must participate in the Eight Sect Council, which is normal.

   But he has just started a few months before becoming a disciple of the head, less than half a month, will replace the head to participate in such an important council?

   "Master sister, is this a bit too trivial?"

   "When the time comes, the heads and sect masters of the other sects will definitely be very dissatisfied, right?"

   Yunyao nodded slightly and said in a calm tone: "When I heard the commander's command, I couldn't believe it like you."

   "But this is indeed an order from the master master. He did this, naturally, he made sense."

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