Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 241: Dome in the endless hole

The little black dragon stopped outside the cave entrance.

   Ji Tianxing jumped off its back, walked to the entrance of the cave, and carefully observed it.

   got close, he could clearly feel the hot temperature emanating from the rock at the entrance of the cave.

   "The firelight in the rock at the entrance of this cave seems a bit similar to the firelight on the golden-eyed white tiger."

   "In this way, this cave should be the old nest of the golden-eyed white tiger, and it is also a treasure place with plenty of aura, and it is very likely to contain that kind of flame power."

   Ji Tianxing tried to analyze it for a moment, and muttered to himself.

   The little black dragon said in a deep voice, "Lao Ji, the white tiger has escaped into the cave. If we chase in, it has nowhere to escape."

   Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, and his face solemnly warned: "This is the nest of the golden-eyed white tiger. Let's act carefully and don't make any accidents."

   The little black dragon nodded, and flew into the cave first, opening the road ahead.

   Ji Tianxing followed, and entered the hot cave.

   The cave is fairly wide, it can accommodate three people walking side by side, and the walls on both sides are flat and smooth.

   Ji Tianxing looked around for a few times, and then vaguely guessed that this cave did not appear to be formed naturally, but rather it was dug by man.

   This makes him even more puzzled, is there still people living in this cave?

  If this is the case, doesn't the golden-eyed white tiger already have a master?

   However, this is only his speculation, it is not yet certain for the time being, he must enter the cave to see what happened.

  Without a last resort, he will not give up the white tiger with golden eyes.

   The light in the cave was dim, and when Ji Tianxing walked out 20 meters away, the front became dim.

  Furthermore, the ground and walls of the cave have become hotter and hotter, faintly revealing a crimson color, just like a red-hot stone.

   Fortunately, he wears the golden sun soft armor, and can use the real element protection, and it doesn't feel too uncomfortable.

   The little black dragon also exudes an icy breath, enveloped him, and helped him alleviate the burning sensation.

   Half a quarter of an hour later, Ji Tianxing walked hundreds of meters away along the winding cave and entered the interior of the mountain.

   At this time, he suddenly discovered that there was a faint fire light in the cave ahead, faintly illuminating the dark cave.

   When he walked a hundred meters away, he came to the place where the fire was dazzling.

   It was only then that he could see clearly that it was a pile of burning red stones blocking the cave.

   There are hundreds of stones in this pile, each of which is the size of a washbasin and piled up into a wall of fire.

   Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing couldn't help showing a playful smile, and whispered in a low voice: "This golden-eyed white tiger is really interesting. It will even arrange such obstacles to stop me."

   "Little black dragon, push all the stones away."

   The little black dragon got the order, and quickly stretched out a pair of dragon claws and pushed away the pile of burning stones.

   It is a cold ice dragon, naturally not afraid of flame burning.

   After clearing the wall of fire, Ji Tianxing and the little black dragon continued to advance.

   It didn't take long for the passage to come to an end.

   Ji Tianxing and the little black dragon entered an empty and wide cave and looked around with keen eyes.

   This cave has a radius of 100 meters, and the cave is illuminated by dim flames, not dim.

  The ground and walls of the cave are all hard rocks, but they are all reddish by the yellow-brown flames, emitting a fiery atmosphere.

   In the middle of the cave, there are more than a dozen dark red millstones, which are also lit with dark red fire.

   The air in the cave is extremely hot, like an invisible wave of fire rolling.

   Even so, in the corners of the cave, some spirit grass and fire-red mushrooms have grown.

   Ji Tianxing recognized that those low spirit grasses are flame grasses, and the fiery red mushrooms grow for decades and become fire ganoderma lucidum.

   "Sure enough, it is a treasure land with ample aura, the fire system of this cave is extremely rich!"

   "If a warrior who cultivates the real element of the fire element practices here, he will surely be able to get twice the result with half the effort, and his strength will increase rapidly!"

   At this moment, the little black dragon suddenly reminded in a low voice: "Lao Ji, look at the stone over there, the white tiger is there!"

   Ji Tianxing followed its gaze, and he saw a pile of big rocks deep in the cave, and every stone was blazing.

   The golden-eyed white tiger is hiding behind the stone, only half of his head and eyes are exposed, watching him and the little black dragon indifferently.

   "Let's go over and take a look."

   Ji Tianxing said in a low voice, leading the little black dragon to the depths of the cave and approaching the golden-eyed white tiger without rush.

  As he passed the middle of the cave, he glanced at the dozens of grinding stones on the ground.

   He vaguely felt that those grinding stones were somewhat mysterious, and they seemed to be arranged according to a certain pattern.

   Not only that, but among the dozens of millstones, there is also a gray-white dome about half a person tall.

   "What kind of egg is this? It is so huge?"

   "Should have nothing to do with the golden-eyed white tiger? After all, it can't lay eggs..."

   Ji Tianxing muttered suspiciously, and wanted to get closer to observe carefully.

  At this time, the golden-eyed white tiger let out a low roar, and walked out from behind the stone.

   Its eyes fixed on Ji Tianxing, moving its majestic and powerful limbs, stepping heavily on the ground, and slowly approaching Ji Tianxing and the little black dragon.

   Every time it took a step, it opened its mouth and let out a low growl, as if to warn Ji Tianxing, forcing him to exit the cave.

   Ji Tianxing faintly felt that the reason why the golden-eyed white tiger actively approached was like protecting the dome behind him.

   Seeing that its eyes became fierce, and a yellowish-brown flame appeared all over his body~www.ltnovel.com~, a posture that would flop at any time, Ji Tianxing couldn't help frowning.

   "Oops, the golden-eyed white tiger is irritated by us, it seems to be attacking actively."

  While talking, he secretly accumulates true essence power, and is always ready to urge his sword light to attack.

   Hearing his reminder, the little black dragon was also solemn and vigilant.

  The distance between the two sides is slowly approaching, and the atmosphere is getting more and more tense. A big battle may break out at any time.

   But at this critical moment, Ji Tianxing suddenly heard it, and a clear childish voice came from behind him.

   "Who are you? Why did you break into the endless hole?"

   This is the voice of a little boy, it sounds a bit weak, and it seems to have just woke up, still in a state of ignorance.

   When this voice sounded, the golden-eyed white tiger immediately stopped in place, and the fierce aura of the whole body gradually reduced.

   Ji Tianxing immediately turned around and looked behind him, searching around for the source of the sound.

   However, the cave was empty, and there was no one, let alone a little boy.

"Who is speaking?"

   He was secretly vigilant, searching every corner of the cave with keen eyes.

   The childish voice sounded again, and he said solemnly: "This is the forbidden area of ​​the Sky High School. What do you want to do when you break into the Wuya Cave without permission? Aren't you afraid to offend the Sky High School?"

   This time Ji Tianxing finally heard clearly that the little boy's voice came from the dome in the middle of the cave!

   "Wuyadong? The forbidden area of ​​the Sky High School?"

   Ji Tianxing stared at the gray-white dome, his face suddenly became a little weird.

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