Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 234: Poisonous tongue 0

   Ji Tianxing had long expected that Bai Wuchen had come here with bad intentions.

   But he didn't expect that Bai Wuchen would say this so straightforwardly.

   He frowned immediately, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

   "Hehe, it seems that I was accepted by the head as a direct disciple, which made Senior Brother Bai very dissatisfied and angry!"

   "What? Did I block Brother Bai's way? Or did I take Brother Bai's position?"

   Ji Tianxing squinted at Bai Wuchen in a playful tone.

   Bai Wuchen was angry, but still had a sneer on his face, and said in a playful tone: "Only you, what right do you have to be my way and grab my place?"

   Ji Tianxing was unwilling to show weakness and counterattacked: "Hehe, since Brother Bai is so confident and hostile to me, why not pull me from this position?"

   "If you are unable to remove the status of my head disciple, then shut up obediently and don't waste your tongue with me here!"

   From the day when Bai Wuchen got to know Ji Tianxing, he looked down at Ji Tianxing in a lofty manner.

   In his eyes, Ji Tianxing is always just a small person from a small and shabby country, not worth mentioning, let alone his opponent.

   It's only been a few months now, Ji Tianxing's status and status are even comparable to him, and he said this in front of him, without the slightest fear or awe of him.

   How can this make him not get angry and hate in his heart?

   "Good! Good! Junior Brother Ji is really tough! Enough arrogant!"

   Bai Wuchen grinned extremely, with a cold face and sneered: "If this is the case, then I would like to see how long you can be tough!"

   "Next month will be the annual top ranking competition. As a direct disciple of the head, if you can't even get into the top 30, I see how much you have the face to stay in the inner door!"

   At this point, he added jokingly: "By the way, I have to remind you that among the top 30 disciples in the heavenly ranking list, the weakest is the Seventh Level of the Profound Realm!"

   "You only have access to the first level of the Profound Realm. When that happens, you will not only be embarrassed and laughed at by the disciple in the door, you will also damage the reputation of the head!"

   Ji Tianxing looked at him coldly, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and was about to fight back.

   At this time, the little ice fox Qianyue flew out of the yard, and came to Ji Tianxing in a "huh".

   Qianyue flapped its wings and hovered in the air beside Ji Tianxing.

   It glared at Bai Wuchen, and scolded angrily: "You guy is really ridiculous, what is the strength of Lao Ji, how many places can he rank in the top rankings, does it have anything to do with you?"

   "Our Lao Ji has always been low-key, has the strength and never arrogant, let alone deliberately slander and provoke others."

   "You guy is really annoying. You look like a human, but you are full of dirty and dirty thoughts. You dare to run to the Tianxingyuan to shout, what are you?"

   Thousands of months scolded like a cannon, and Bai Wuchen was stunned on the spot.

   He stared at Qianyue with a green face, and subconsciously muttered, "What the **** is this?"

   Qianyue suddenly became even more angry, and shouted fiercely: "You are a ghost! No, you are not a thing!"

   "You don't even know this king, so you are embarrassed to call yourself an elite genius? You are a superficial and eyeless bastard!"

   Bai Wuchen was scolded by Qianyue again with a **** head, and he didn't even have a chance to return his mouth.

   No matter how deep his city is and no matter how good his cultivation is, his face is blue with anger, and his eyes are full of anger.

   "You **** stinky fox, aren't you just a monster?"

   "How dare you scold me? Looking for death!"

   Bai Wuchen cursed in a harsh tone, revealing a murderous face, and he started to teach Qianyue when he gestured.

   Ji Tianxing immediately shouted with a cold face: "Bai Wuchen! This is my spirit beast pet, if you dare to do it, I will make you regret it!"

   Bai Wuchen suddenly awoke and calmed down.

   He knows very well that, like him, he came to the Tianxingyuan on his own initiative and provoked Ji Tianxing. If there is a fight, he will be punished by the sect.

   When he is punished by the sect, he will not only be laughed at by the other two elite geniuses, but also mocked by Ji Tianxing.

   Thinking of this, he had to calm down, staring sharply at Qianyue and Ji Tianxing, and shouted, "Ji Tianxing! I don't have the same knowledge as you today, you can wait and see!"

   Qianyue suddenly curled his lips in disdain, and sneered in a playful tone: "You guy has a brain hole, right?"

   "You voluntarily ran to the Tianxingyuan to provoke my old Ji, and now you want to admit it? Don't you have enough food to support you and send it to the door to make you beat you in the face?"

   At this point, Qianyue also made a gesture of compassion and compassion, and said in a pitying tone: "Hey! Seeing your jealous, angry and violent appearance, it's really pitiful."

   "This king reminds you, don't run to the Tianxingyuan to find yourself uncomfortable when it is okay, so as not to make you angry and turn your face into a green turtle..."

   "You little beast!" Bai Wuchen's complexion was sullen immediately, and there was intense anger in his eyes.

   He did not expect that not only Ji Tianxing dared to taunt him, but even Ji Tianxing's spirit beast pet was so arrogant that he even dared to insult him face to face.

   This is something that has never happened before!

   Even the other two elite geniuses ~www.ltnovel.com~ would never dare to scold him in person like this!

   Bai Wuchen has always had a gloomy temperament, and would not easily express his joy and anger, but at this moment, he was stunned by Qianyueqi's face, and his anger surged.

   Qianyue even stretched out his small paw, pointed at his face, and said sympathetically: "Look, your face is green? Is the liver green too? Let me just say it!"

   "Hey! Xiaobai, you are still young, take care of your body!"

   Qianyue puts on a posture of being careful and educating younger generations.

   The white, dust-free face was about to be distorted, but he couldn't attack, so he could only give a cold voice.

   "Ji Tianxing! I wrote down this account!"

   He knew that the bickering was not Qianyue's opponent, and he couldn't vent his anger here, and attacked Ji Tianxing and Qianyue.

   After dropping this sentence, he furiously flicked his sleeves, and quickly left the Tianxingyuan.

   Qianyue looked at Bai Wuchen's back with contempt, and muttered disdainfully: "What kind of **** elite genius, so arrogant, all came to bully Lao Ji!"

   "Huh! Let this king meet you next time, if you have to scold your ancestor for the eighteenth generation, you will jump out of the coffin!"

   Ji Tianxing turned his head to look at Qian Yue, with a weird chuckle in his eyes and said: "Qian Yue, where did you learn these curse words?"

   "Looking at Bai Wuchen being **** off by you, I guess he will vomit three barrels of blood after returning! Hahaha..."

   Qianyue proudly raised his small head, and said proudly: "This king's talent for cursing is innate, and no one can envy it!"

   "On the basis of that boy Bai Wuchen, dare to fight with this king? Is he worthy!"

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