Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 232: Tianxingyuan

Ji Tianxing followed Xiang Wuji to the Tai'an Palace.

   He originally thought that Xiang Wuji would take out the treasures and spirit fruits to give him, or teach him some magical secrets.

   Unexpectedly, Xiang Wuji did not give him anything, but reached out to leave the little ice fox and little black dragon.

   Ji Tianxing vaguely guessed his intentions, and gave him both Qianyue and the Black Dragon Sword.

   Xiang Wuji asked him to wait in the lobby, and then took Qianyue and the Black Dragon Sword into the secret room.

   Ji Tianxing waited patiently in the lobby, counting the treasures in the space ring by the way, and checking the gifts he received today.

   He took out the black jade finger that was presented by the head of Chu Tiansheng, studied it, and opened the black jade finger to see the treasure in the ring.

   A total of 20 colorful brilliance and glittering spirit stones, and a dozen white jade vials, containing various spirit pills for cultivation and healing.

   In addition, there are several exercises secrets in the black jade pull fingers, all of which are of the highest grade of the profound level.

   There are a total of four exercises, including an inner gong method, a kendo secret method, a light gong body method, and a secret body training method.

  Any exercise is invaluable, and those spirit stones and the spirit pills in the jade bottle are also valuable and very precious treasures.

   Ji Tianxing roughly estimated that the gift given to him by the head of Chu Tiansheng, even if it was a hundred million taels of silver in the world, could not be bought.

   After all, the world of martial arts is different from the secular kingdom. The exchanges between warriors are all bartering, or using medicines and spirit stones as currency for trading.

   Gold and silver can only be used in the secular kingdom.

   Ji Tianxing pulled the treasures in the black jade finger into the space ring.

   There was a smile at the corner of his mouth, and he thought to himself: "The gift of Master Master is really good, and I think it is very thoughtful. I basically have everything I need to use."

   "It's a pity, I have to practice the swordsmanship for my inner skills, I have to practice the flying star swordsmanship for the swordsmanship, and I have to practice shadowless steps for the light skills."

   "I don't even have access to the body refining secret method that the head of you gave me. The way of the sword heart is the most wonderful body refining secret method."

   Since he practiced the way of the sword heart, he first condensed the sword fetus, and then continuously tempered the sword veins and orifice points, making his body's tenacity and strength far surpass that of a warrior in the same realm.

   In this way, none of the four exercises given by Chu Tiansheng, the headmaster, can be used, which is really a pity.

   After half an hour, Ji Tianxing checked all the treasures in the space ring.

   He now has hundreds of spiritual stones, more than three hundred mysterious high-grade spiritual pills, and more than a dozen materials for alchemy and refining.

   These training resources are enough for him to use for the next year.

   Ji Tianxing waited patiently for another hour, and finally Xiang Wuji walked out of the secret room and came to the lobby.

   Xiang Wuji's complexion was calm, he didn't seem to be abnormal, but there was a sense of fatigue in his eyes.

  He calmly said to Ji Tianxing: "Boy, the old man is a little tired, so go to rest first."

   "You can wait another half an hour before you go to the secret room and take the two little guys away."

   Ji Tianxing hurriedly saluted and thanked him, Gongshang Xiang Wuji left.

   After waiting for half an hour, he entered the secret room with doubts, and saw Qianyue and the little black dragon lying on the ground, seemingly asleep.

   Qianyue and the little black dragon's body shapes have obviously grown several times larger, and their bodies are shining with icy blue and white brilliance, exuding powerful vitality fluctuations.

   Qianyue used to be like a kitten, but now it has grown to more than three meters long.

   The little black dragon was only more than three meters long before, but now it has grown to about six meters, and its size has doubled.

   Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing immediately understood, feeling a little in his heart.

   "I didn't guess wrong as expected. The gift given to me by my predecessors is to help Qianyue and Little Black Dragon restore their skills!"

   "Although the predecessors have a weird temper and harshness, they have taken care of me in every possible way..."

   It didn't take long for Qianyue and Little Black Dragon to wake up one after another.

   After seeing Ji Tianxing, they both came around excitedly.

   "Old Ji, my skill has finally returned to 30%, Xiang Lao is really amazing!"

   "Old Ji, teach us the exercises to our predecessors, and help me restore my triple success!"

   Ji Tianxing looked at Qianyue and Xiao Heilong's excitement, and couldn't help smiling.

   "You can regain your strength so quickly. It depends on the help of your predecessors. You have to respect them in the future, understand?"

   Qianyue and the little black dragon nodded repeatedly, flying in the secret room excitedly.

   Now, with the status of Ji Tianxing, he can carry Qianyue and the little black dragon with him, no longer need to hide them.

   Seeing that Qianyue and Little Black Dragon were too big, Ji Tianxing asked them to shrink in size.

   The little black dragon flashed with brilliance all over his body, and the "唰" turned into a black dragon sword.

   Qianyue flashed an icy blue light all over her body, and she immediately shrank to the size of a kitten.

   It looked at Ji Tianxing with clear and big eyes, showing pitiful eyes, begging: "Old Ji, can I not enter the kit?"

   "You are now a direct disciple of the head, even if you take me to walk around in the Sky High School, you will not violate the rules."

   "I have been in the Sky High School for so long, and I haven't seen the scenery in the sect."

   Ji Tianxing nodded, smiled and agreed~www.ltnovel.com~ He put the black dragon sword in the space ring, took Qian Yue out of the secret room, and left the Tai'an Palace.

   Qianyue flapped his wings and flew next to him, looking around curiously, asking him a few words from time to time.

   It was the first time that it had appeared in the sect with Ji Tianxing for so long.

   Of course, it was excited, dancing up and down, and chirping all the way.

   After Ji Tianxing left Tai'an Palace, he went to Chixiao Peak and entered the palace where the head of Chu Tiansheng lived.

   At the end of the previous apprenticeship ceremony, Chu Tiansheng once told him that after the matter was over, there were other things to explain.

   Ji Tianxing entered the palace and waited for a while in the study, then Chu Tiansheng rushed over.

   "I have seen the master master." Ji Tianxing bowed quickly.

  Chu Tiansheng sat down on the grandmaster's chair and nodded slightly: "Get up."

   "Tian Xing, the ceremony of apprenticeship is over. Tomorrow you will enter the inner gate and report to the elder of the inner gate."

   "You are leaving the Outer Gate Fengyunyuan, of course you have to change your residence. The teacher has arranged for you, and a small courtyard is vacated in the inner gate, and it is renamed Tianxingyuan."

   "From now on, the courtyard will be your residence and your private domain."

   "A maid and two disciples of handyman have been arranged for the teacher to take care of the Tianxingyuan and your daily life..."

   Chu Tiansheng had a calm face and said in a kind tone.

   Ji Tianxing listened silently, and after he finished speaking, he smiled and bowed to thank him.

   "Thank you, Master Master, for the thoughtful arrangement."

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