Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 227: Prince of Fire

This female elder is the seventh elder of the Great Heaven Sect. She is low-key and rarely shows up.

   Ji Tianxing is not familiar with the elders, only knows Chu Huaishan, the outer elder, and Mu Yunhai, the great elder.

   He neither knew nor met the Seventh Elder.

   But he could feel that the seventh elder's objection was not against him, and might have other considerations.

   After the Seventh Elder put forward his opinion, Chu Tiansheng did not immediately refute him, his face was expressionless, and his tone was majestic: "Who else opposes this matter?"

   The other two elders glanced at each other, and both stepped forward, bowing their hands and saying: "Head, this matter is of great importance, please think twice!"

   "Please think twice!"

   Chu Tiansheng nodded slightly, his eyes swept over the three elders, and said in a solemn tone: "The three elders are reasonable. As the head of the group, we naturally cannot accept disciples easily."

   "However, this seat has already had this plan. After careful consideration and discussion with the elder Taishang, we made this decision."

   "Originally, the elder Taishang was predestined with this son, and once thought of accepting him as a closed disciple."

   "The decision I just announced is the result of many discussions!"

  Chu's natural tone is decisive, with a kind of unquestionable majesty.

   When all the elders heard that the Supreme Elder wanted to accept Jitian as his disciple, they all showed surprise and incredible expressions.

   Now, the three elders stopped talking, and silently retreated.

  Chu Tiansheng has already made it very clear that if he does not accept Ji Tian as a disciple, the Supreme Elder will accept him as a closed disciple.

   In this way, Ji Tianxing's seniority is too high, and he is the same generation as the head and the elders!

   This is definitely not what they want to see!

  The elders all looked at Ji Tianxing secretly, wondering in their hearts, what is so extraordinary about this kid?

   He was so highly regarded by the head and the Supreme Elder?

   In addition to having a special bloodline and being able to open the Nine Dragon Devil Array for the sect, does he have any other identity?

   Or, is he a top genius with talents comparable to Yun Yao?

   At this time, Chu Tiansheng said in a majestic tone: "Since the elders have no objections, then this matter is decided!"

   "Three elders, prepare for the ceremony of apprenticeship in three days."

   Next, Chu Tiansheng gave orders to several elders to deal with some things in the sect.

   After the assembly, the elders withdrew from the hall one after another, and Chu Tiansheng also left.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao left the main hall together, and strolled along the forest path on the top of Chixiao Peak.

   Yunyao saw his calm face and seemed to be thinking about something, so she asked: "Tian Xing Brother, congratulations, you will soon become a direct disciple of the master master."

   "This is the glory that many disciples dream of, why don't you seem unhappy?"

   Ji Tianxing smiled slightly and explained: "Master Sister, if you change to another disciple, you will be extremely excited and extremely happy."

   "However, I felt a little surprised. I didn't expect the head of the boss to give me this reward."

   Yunyao was not surprised, even guessed it a long time ago.

   When the leader took Ji Ling to restart the Great Array, he said that if Ji Ling can restart the Great Array, he will accept him as a direct disciple after he enters the inner gate.

   Now, Ji Tianxing has not only successfully opened the Nine Dragon Devil Array, but also has martial arts talent and moral character far beyond Ji Ling, and of course he will become a direct disciple of the head.

   Thinking of this, Yun Yao showed a rare slight smile, and looked at him sideways and said, "You will really become my junior brother soon. Apart from accidents, are you not happy?"

   Ji Tianxing turned his head and looked at her beautiful cheeks, seeing her smile, couldn't help feeling a little lost.

   "It is natural to be happy! But I understand that the identity of a disciple passed down by the head is too important and too sensitive, and it will definitely be stared at by many people."

   He retracted his gaze, stared at the mountain ahead, and laughed at himself: "I have neither great strength nor martial arts talent like you, Master Sister."

   "When the head announced the news, the elders objected. After the news spreads, I don't know how many disciples will criticize me behind their backs."

   "It is estimated that they will all feel that I was just lucky. I opened the big formation with a special bloodline before I directly entered the inner door and became a direct disciple of the head."

   Yunyao stopped, staring at him, and said solemnly: "Junior Brother Tianxing, if other people's vision and criticism bring you pressure, then you might as well try to turn pressure into motivation."

   "When you are good enough to prove yourself time and time again, all criticism will disappear and become awe and awe!"

   As the chief disciple of the Great Heaven Sect, the predestined heir to the head, and the first genius of the Tianchen Domain, she is most qualified to say these things.

  Because, she quickly rose to become a top genius and won thousands of honors in the midst of everyone's criticism.

   Until now, whether the Great Heaven Sect or the major sects of the Star Ancient Realm, when she mentioned her name, they would sincerely admire and admire her.

   Ji Tianxing nodded heavily, bowed his hand to Yun Yao, smiled and said: "Thank you for your guidance, I will remember your words firmly."

   Yunyao nodded slightly, and a smile flashed in her clear eyes.

   The two continue to walk side by side on the forest path~www.ltnovel.com~ Ji Tianxing frowned for a while, and asked in confusion, "Master, I have a question."

   "In the main hall just now, the head said to accept me as the third personal disciple."

   "Could it be that besides you and me, the head has also accepted other people as disciples?"

   "But why have I never heard of this disciple?"

   Yunyao nodded, and said calmly: "In addition to you and me, the head master does have a personal disciple who was admitted to the school two years ago."

   "The junior's name is Yan'er, a ten-year-old boy, the prince of the Southern Wilderness Fire Clan."

   Ji Tianxing immediately showed a touch of surprise, and asked with some doubts: "Nanhuang Huo Clan? Prince?"

   Yunyao nodded slightly, and patiently explained: "The Tianchen Region is one of the nine southern regions of the mainland, and the Southern Wilderness refers to the two southernmost regions of the mainland."

   "The fire race is a rare alien race. They are very similar to the human race, but the fire race people are all gifted, and they are born with the ability to control fire."

   "This family has established a relationship with the Huo clan hundreds of years ago. It has been friendly for generations and has many contacts. The Huo emperor of this generation is a close friend of life and the head."

   "Yan'er is the prince of the Huo clan. He was born as a martial arts wizard. He inherited the talents of the Huo emperor and the Huo Empress, and possesses two bloodlines of the extremely cold Yin Huo and the Chi Yang Zi Huo."

   "Originally, Yan'er was a rare genius in a century, the pride of the Huo Clan."

   "But he awakened his special physique three years ago and possessed a wildfire body."

   "Since then, his fate has changed, and his natural bloodline has become his burden and painful torture..."

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