Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 208: She jumped off the cliff


   Five dazzling sword lights, each killing the five figures in the dark.

   The leader among the five shadows is a slim and hot woman, making Yun Yao and Ji Tianxing no strangers.

   She turned her magic skills in an instant, turning her palms into giant **** hands, and slapped her five sword lights fiercely.

   I only heard a muffled sound of "Boom Boom", the five sword lights were all shattered and regarded as a collapse.

   Seeing this familiar scene, both Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao's expressions changed slightly, and a touch of murderous intent flashed in their eyes.

   "Witch! It's you again!"

   Yunyao shouted angrily with a frosty face and swung a sword to kill the leading witch.

   Ji Tianxing also took out the black dragon sword and threw murderously at the four black shadows behind the witch.

   The four figures are all unusually tall and mighty, their eyes are dark red and bloody, and they are surrounded by black mist and devilish energy. They are obviously demon guards.

   When he was in the Demon Cave, Ji Tianxing had fought against the guards of the Demon Race, knowing that they all had the strength of the Profound Realm.


   He swung the black dragon sword with all his strength, cut out four dazzling sword lights, and slew the four demon guards.

   The four demon guards quickly counterattacked, blocking four sword lights.

   Their goal is very clear. They don't care about Yunyao, they hold long swords and epees one after another, and they are going to kill Ji Tian.

   In the blink of an eye, Ji Tianxing was surrounded by four demon guards.

   On the other side, Yun Yao also fought with Princess Blood Moon. The light from the hit was splashed, and the wind blew up in the cave.

   Both of them are powerhouses in the Yuan Dan realm, and each move has the power of breaking the mountain and cracking the rock.

   They only fought a dozen moves, then moved to the corner of the cave, away from Ji Tianxing and the four demon guards.

   The aftermath of the two fighting and fighting, forming a raging wind, blowing sand and rocks in the cave, splashing out countless broken stones.


   Princess Blood Moon waved a pair of **** hands to pat Yun Yao, but Yun Yao avoided it.

   Her **** hand slapped the hard rock wall fiercely, and immediately took two washbasin handprints on the rock wall.

   Dense cracks were opened around the big handprint, and countless rubble was splashed out.


   Yunyao took the opportunity to counterattack, and swept out with a sword to kill Princess Blood Moon, but was also avoided by Princess Blood Moon.

   The two-meter-long blazing white sword light hit the rock wall severely, cutting out a huge gully on the spot, and flew away countless rubble.

   The two of you come and I fight each other, it is difficult to distinguish the winner or lose in a short time.

   On the other side, Ji Tianxing was besieged by four demon guards, in a very dangerous situation.

   Even though he possesses the first level of strength in the Tongxuan Realm and holds the black dragon sword in his hand, he still cannot withstand the attacks of the demon guards.

   After all, the demon guards all have the strength of the Profound Realm's fourfold, and they have also practiced the sword technique of multi-player combat.

   The four of them are advancing and retreating in an orderly manner, fighting steadily, and various violent attacks emerge one after another, like a series of stormy waves, which may drown him at any time.

   This battle is more dangerous and harder than his dealing with Hang Chen.

   In desperation, he had no choice but to put away the black dragon sword, and used the magic of Flying Star Sword Art.

   "Thousand Feather Blade!"

   Ji Tianxing shouted angrily, mobilized the power of the sword fetus, released nine golden sword lights, and killed the four demon guards.


   Nine sword beams assassinated them with extreme speed. They assassinated two hundred times within one breath, bursting out a dazzling golden light.

   The ten-meter radius with him as the center was shrouded in golden sword light and shadow, and everyone's figure was also drowned by golden light.

   This trick really worked, no matter how hard the four demon guards attacked, they could only resist the sword light's assassination.

   The sword light continuously collided with the long sword and epee, bursting with a crisp sound of "ding ding clang", which violently echoed in the cave.

   Ji Tianxing finally reduced his pressure, and took the opportunity to escape from the golden light, away from the four demon guards.

   In just five breaths, the nine sword beams have assassinated thousands of times, and they are extremely powerful and violent.

   The four demon guards did not die by chance, but they also suffered a terrible fate.

  The armors worn by the four of them were all twisted and deformed by the sword light, exploding several cracks.

   There are many blood holes pierced by the sword light on the parts that are not protected by armor, and many blood marks are drawn, and dark purple blood flows out.

   In the blink of an eye, the four demon guards turned into purple blood men, with their disheveled appearances in an unusually embarrassing manner.

   Fortunately, they protected the head and chest, so they wouldn't die on the spot, otherwise they would have become a corpse.

   "Damn bastard!"

"kill him!"

   "Chop him into meat sauce!"

   The four demon guards roared angrily, and ignoring their injuries, they rushed towards Ji Tianxing with their long swords and heavy swords.

   Ji Tianxing was standing more than ten meters away, urging the power of the sword fetus, and releasing the second move of the Flying Star Sword Art.

   "Wind and lightning strike!"

   Two golden sword lights cut out frantically, killing two of the demon guards.

  The golden light mixed with the violent hurricane, like a golden thunder and lightning, instantly hit the two guards.


   Amid the deafening loud noise, the two demon guards were split and flew out, splashing blood all over, like a rain of blood.

   The rocky ground was chopped into a deep pit the size of a water tank, and countless rubble was splashed out.

   Ji Tianxing solved the two demon guards with a single move, vomiting blood from their severe injuries, and his life and death were uncertain.

   However, there are two other demon guards who burst into the sky with blood-red murderous aura, desperately killing him, wanting to avenge his companions.

   Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing frowned ~www.ltnovel.com~ and had to perform the third trick of Flying Star Sword Art.

   "After I practiced Chilong Flash, I haven't really used it in fighting, so I just used you to practice!"

   This thought flashed in his mind, and he immediately made special gestures with his hands to draw a mysterious trajectory, urging the true energy in his body.

   In the next instant, his palms suddenly came together and pushed forward.

   A two-meter-long golden giant sword burst out of his palm, carrying a dazzling golden flame, like a dragon shadow, killing two demon guards.

   This Chilong Flash is not only powerful and violent, but the most important thing is speed.

   When the red dragon flashed to a high and deep state, it had to flash past like an aurora, leaving the enemy with no time to react and avoid.


   In the muffled sound, Chilong slammed the two demon guards rushing towards him.

   The burly and tall bodies of the two of them looked extremely small and weak under the golden flames of the red dragon flashing.

   There is no doubt that the two of them were also bombed and flew out, a rain of blood sprinkled all over their bodies, and they fell to the ground ten meters away.

   Ji Tianxing continuously used three tricks to learn swordsmanship and finally defeated the four demon guards.

   He was about to catch up, killing the four demon guards and cutting the roots.

   But at this moment, Princess Blood Moon rushed over.


   She turned into a black mist, and instantly swept away four bloodied and seriously injured guards.

   In the blink of an eye, she turned and fled with four demons guards.

   What Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao did not expect was that she jumped off the cliff like lightning!


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