Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 205: Something happened to Yongshan

Ji Tianxing stared at the towering tree outside the courtyard, filled with shock.

   If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard for him to believe that he could smash a towering ancient tree tens of meters away from a water tank and burn it into coke.

   What terrifying destructive power is this? Is this still a swordsmanship?

   Xiang Wuji lightly played Chilong Shin, turned his head to look at him, and said in a calm tone: "Boy, have you seen it clearly?"

   Ji Tianxing nodded and said: "The junior has seen it clearly, but I would like to ask the senior to explain the movement route and power method of this sword technique..."

   On the surface, the power of Chilong Shin is indeed terrifying, but the method and route of performing this trick are very complicated.

   Xiang Wuji explained to Ji Tianxing in detail, and Ji Tianxing understood the key and understood the essence of this sword technique.

   He frowned and pondered for a moment before he said to Xiang Wuji, "Senior, when you taught me swordsmanship, you used the blue wood elementary essence. Why did you use the fire elementary element just now?"

   "You are stupid!" Xiang Wuji glared at him, and said angrily: "When the martial artist's strength has reached the Heavenly Origin Realm, he can gather the power of the Five Elements and use the Five Elements True Element at will.

   "A strong man in this realm can not only fly into the sky, but also step on the water and fire, horizontally and horizontally. Just now the old man used the red dragon flash, only a successful force."

   "If the old man fully displays the Chilong Flash, the Chilong sword light can be as long as 100 meters, and one sword will destroy a hill!"

   Ji Tianxing didn't know much about the realm of Tianyuan, after all, this realm was too high and unpredictable, it was a legend to him before.

   Hearing Xiang Wuji's explanation, he was not only shocked in his heart, but also born with strong expectations and longing.

   Of course, he finally understood that Xiang Wuji's strength was the legendary powerhouse of the Tianyuan realm.

   He was puzzled, and asked again: "Senior, you have control of the five elements, you can control the fire element, and of course you can use the red dragon flash."

   "But the younger generation only has the strength of the Profound Realm, and the true essence of life is of the gold element. How should I practice Chilong Shin?"

   With this question, Xiang Wuji frowned and hesitated.

   After a moment of contemplation, he explained: "This is a problem, because the old man was negligent."

   "The first two tricks of the Flying Star Sword Art created by the old man can be performed by the strong in the Yuan Dan realm. This trick is indeed only the strong in the Tian Yuan realm can exert its full power."

   "However, since your kid can understand the essence of Chilong Shin, you can practice this sword technique. Even if you don't have the fire element, you can use the gold element instead."

   "The method of using swordsmanship and moves are still the same, but the effect is different, but the power is still far superior to ordinary swordsmanship."

   "You practice first, and when you reach the Heavenly Origin Realm in the future, you can use your full power."

   Hearing what Xiang Wuji said, Ji Tianxing knew it in his heart, and he quickly bowed his hand to thank you.

   Next, under Xiang Wuji's guidance, he rehearsed the Chilong flash on the spot.

   The first time he used the Chilong Flash, he successfully used his true essence power to release a golden sword light that was two meters long.

   The flames of the golden sword light faintly revealed a divine dragon prototype. Although it was not as magical as the red dragon that was used at Wuji, it also had a somewhat overbearing aura.


   In the muffled sound, the golden dragon-shaped sword light flew 20 meters away, hitting the courtyard wall built with bluestone, and blasted the courtyard wall out of a pit on the spot, splitting several cracks.

   Although Xiang Wuji felt a little distressed, he was still relieved and smiled with satisfaction.

   "Hehe, your kid is not bad, and he successfully displayed the Chilong Shin in the first practice."

   "However, the old man used Chilong Flash, you can only be called Golden Snake Flash...boy, you have to work harder and practice hard!"

   Of course, Ji Tianxing understood how amazing it was that he could achieve such an effect the first time he practiced Chilong Flash.

   Xiang Wuji hurt him like this, because he was afraid of his arrogance and conceit, so he deliberately stimulated him.

   After rehearsing a few times, he listened to Xiang Wuji's instructions and teachings, and his understanding of Chilongshan became deeper and deeper, and he had already begun to get started.

   Unknowingly, the time has come to the afternoon.

   Xiang Wuji was going to take a nap again, so Ji Tianxing left.

   After returning to Qingtian Peak, he first went to the Outer House of Handyman.

   He explained the situation to the deacon who was in charge of the handyman and asked the handyman house to send a few handymen to the Tai'an Palace to repair the yard and courtyard wall for the old man.

   After all, he is not good at this kind of stone and wood construction work, which is usually handled by the Handyman Yard.

  After confessing the incident, he returned to Fengyun Academy.

  As soon as he entered the courtyard, he saw several disciples standing under the banyan tree in the courtyard, gathering together and whispering about something.

   He didn't care, and walked straight to his room.

   Just walked to the door of the room, Nie Hao next door opened the door and greeted him.

   "Brother Ji, how is your injury?"

   "I have been in retreat for a few days, and now I am healed, thank you for your concern." Ji Tianxing nodded at him, showing a smile.

Nie Hao glanced at the disciples under the banyan tree, and said with a solemn expression to Ji Tianxing: "Brother Ji, there may be something you don’t know about, something happened to Longshan~www.ltnovel.com~Longshan? What happened?" Ji Tianxing Suddenly frowned, a look of doubt appeared in his eyes.

   "We won the big competition. Seven days have passed. The Heavenly Sword Sect should return Longshan to the main gate? What can happen?"

   Nie Hao explained with a solemn expression: "The Heavenly Sword Sect kept the contract. Within two days, everyone was evacuated and returned to Longshan."

   "In the past few days, several deacons from this door and a large number of handymen have settled in Longshan and have begun to take over Longshan."

   "But just yesterday, a team of handyman disciples who were responsible for mining veins suddenly disappeared for no reason. No one was born or dead."

   Speaking of this, Nie Hao also frowned, his tone a bit heavy.

   "Ten handyman disciples, disappeared under everyone's eyes! Everyone suspected that it was the Heavenly Sword Sect who did it. After all, they lost the Big Competition and they must have resentment."

   "The news has spread through the door. People on Longshan are in panic, and the handyman disciples dare not enter the mountain."

   "I heard that the headmaster was very angry when he heard the news, and sent Master Yunyao and the outer elder to investigate this matter together."

   "Just now I saw Grand Sister go to Elder Chu, should I be discussing this with Elder Chu now?"

   Ji Tianxing had cares in his heart, and vaguely felt that this time the accident in Longshan might cause another disturbance.

   He frowned for a moment, then turned and walked towards the gate.

   Nie Hao was taken aback, and asked quickly: "Brother Ji, what are you doing?"

   "I'll see what's going on." Ji Tianxing walked out of Fengyunyuan quickly and walked towards the palace where Chu Huaishan lived.

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