Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 203: The strong are like dragons, the weak are like worms

There is no doubt that this beautiful woman in a white dress is Yun Yao.

   Although she didn't bring a paper umbrella, she seemed to come to Fengyunyuan under the rain.

   But there is no trace of rain on her body, her temperament is as cold and dusty as before, like a fairy who can't eat fireworks.

   is a fairy-like character in the nine days, how could he be soaked in the light rain?

   "Master sister, why are you here?"

   Ji Tianxing smiled and said hello to Yun Yao, and welcomed Yun Yao into the room.

   "I'll see you." Yun Yao nodded slightly and stepped into the room.

After    was seated, she looked at Ji Tianxing with concern and asked: "How is your injury?"

   Ji Tianxing waved his hand and explained: "It's just a minor injury. You can recover after two days of recuperation."

   Yunyao nodded, took out two things from the ring and placed them in front of Ji Tianxing.

   These two things are a black ring and a white jade bottle.

   Yunyao explained to him: "The headmaster already knows about the Dragon Mountain Competition and is very satisfied with your performance."

   "These two things were brought to you by the master, please accept them."

   Ji Tianxing looked at the black ring and the white jade vial, and asked suspiciously: "There must be a pill in the vial, I know that."

   "But Sister, what kind of treasure is this ring?"

   Yunyao explained to him: "This is a mysterious treasure, the spatial ring. There is a small space in the ring, which can store daily things."

   Ji Tianxing understood immediately, the effect of this thing is basically the same as his treasure bag.

   He already has a treasure bag, he didn't need a space ring.

   But Yun Yao persuaded him, "Junior Brother Tianxing, although this spatial ring is exquisite, it is not a particularly rare treasure. There are elders, deacons, and elite disciples in the door."

   "Also, the headmaster asked me to give it to you specially, you must accept it."

   Ji Tianxing nodded and said: "If this is the case, then I will accept it. Thank you, Master Sister."

   Yunyao warned again: "There are two jade dew pills in the jade bottle, which can help you quickly recover from your injury and true energy. You should use it."

   "The big match has just ended, and the sect is handing over things to the Heavenly Sword Sect. You can heal your wounds with peace of mind these days."

   Ji Tianxing accepted the space ring and the white jade bottle, and chatted with her again.

   After a while, Yun Yao got up and left.

   When Ji Tianxing sent her away, Lu Mingyang finally did not continue to stand in the yard soaking in the rain.

   In the next few hours, Ji Tianxing always wanted to take the pill to treat his injuries, but he still failed to do so.

   Every once in a while, someone would knock on the door and visit with a gift.

   Most of these people are disciples of Fengyun Academy.

   Everyone admired Ji Tianxing, came to see his injury, and gave some pills and gifts to take the opportunity to set a set of almost.

   After all, everyone knows that Ji Tianxing is now a man of the outer sect, a hero of the Supreme Sect, and his future is boundless.

   What Ji Tianxing didn't expect was that after he sent six or seven disciples, Yi Mo and Shi Jingcheng also knocked on the door with gifts.

   As soon as he opened the door, he saw Shi Jingcheng and Yi Mo standing outside, looking at him with a smile.

   "Brother Ji, let's see you."

   "Brother Ji, take the liberty to interrupt, please don't mind."

   Seeing the two smiling faces, Ji Tianxing couldn't be cold, so he led them into the room.

   After entering the room, the two of them bowed their hands to Ji Tianxing before sitting down, and said in a sincere tone: "Brother Ji, we are here today, mainly to see your injury."

   "In addition, we also want to take this opportunity to apologize to you, and apologize to you for the mistakes we two made before!"

   "We just entered Fengyun Academy before, and we were not familiar with each other, so there were many misunderstandings and some unpleasant quarrels."

   "At the beginning we were short-sighted and repeatedly criticized Brother Ji. Now every time we think of those words, we are ashamed and uneasy..."

   The expressions of the two of them did not seem to be fake, and their sincere apology surprised Ji Tianxing.

   But he was calm on the surface, and smiled slightly: "Everyone is a brother from the same discipline, and they are all geniuses from various countries. They are young and frivolous, and arrogant and conceited are normal."

   Yi Mo and Shi Jingcheng nodded again and again and said, "Yes, we used to be young and famous geniuses in our respective countries, arrogant and arrogant."

   "Now that I have entered the sect, I have seen the real world of martial arts, and broadened my horizons. Only then did I know that a mountain is higher than a mountain, and then I understand how ridiculous our arrogance is."

   "We asked Brother Ji not to take our arrogant words to heart, and don’t be the same as us..."

   Ji Tianxing can see that after the Longshan Big Competition, the two really admire him.

   But the more reason is that these two people know that he will definitely rise up in the future and become the disciples cultivated by the sect.

   In this case, the two must be worried that he would retaliate or suppress them afterwards.

   Therefore, the two talents hurried to come to the door to make amends, hoping to clear up their previous suspicions and get back together.

   Thinking of this, Ji Tianxing couldn't help showing a smile, feeling a little bit in his heart.

   "After all, we are all born in a martial arts world where the weak and the strong eat the strong! The strong are like dragons, and the weak are like ants."

   "Whether you see the wind and use the rudder, whether you seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, everyone will despise the weak ~ www.ltnovel.com~ respect the strong... Ha ha, a realistic human nature."

   Ji Tianxing is by no means a narrow-minded person, and of course he will not hold on to those small things.

   Yi Mo and Shi Jingcheng didn't have any deep hatred with him, they were just some verbal disputes.

  Since the two came to apologize and their attitude was very sincere, he laughed it off, and put all the grudges and old things behind.

   "The two juniors don't have to worry about anything. In the future, we will still be the same seniors, and we still have to take care of each other in distress."

   "As for the little things before, I won't take it to heart."

   Hearing these two words from Ji Tianxing, Shi Jingcheng and Yi Mo both smiled, finally relieved.

   The two chatted with Ji Tianxing for a while, each gave a few spirit fruits and pills, and then left.

   Ji Tianxing sent the two away and sat in the room for a while.

  Wait until noon, no one came to visit, he entered the secret room.

   He first took out the space ring given by Yun Yao, studied the game for a while, and then figured out how to use the ring.

   The space in this space ring is the same as the space in the Hundred Treasure Kit, it is the size of a room.

   In contrast, the space ring is more convenient to carry than the treasure kit.

   So, after Ji Tianxing used his spiritual sense to sacrifice the space ring, he took the ring in his hand.

   He stored the pills and gifts given by everyone in the space ring for easy access at any time.

   As for the little ice fox and the little black dragon, they still remain in the Hundred Treasure Kit, and the kit will only be their nest in the future.

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