Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 195: 9 Tian Long Xiang

   "Brother Ji, let the horse come here!"

   Yin Feiyang showed a disdainful sneer, standing calmly in the field, without any intention of drawing a sword.

   He said that if he wants Ji Tian to do two tricks, he will only resist and evade, instead of drawing his sword to attack.

   "Let's take the move!" Ji Tianxing yelled, a playful cold flash in his eyes.

   At the same time, he took a shadowless step, stepping on a mysterious step under his feet, rushing towards Yin Fei as fast as lightning.

   His speed was so fast that there were a few afterimages behind him.

   Only in an instant, he rushed ten meters away and came to Yin Feiyang.

   He drew out the Black Dragon Sword like lightning, and cut it away with all his strength.

   "Nine Heavens and Dragons!"

   When the black dragon sword was unsheathed, it lit up with a dazzling cold light, like a thunder that had torn the night.

   When Ji Tianxing's majestic essence was poured into the black dragon sword, the black dragon sword immediately turned into a huge sword light that was three meters long.

   The sword glows with a power that opens up the world, and it drops from the sky to Yin Fei.

   The dazzling sword light condensed into a nine-meter-long black dragon phantom, exuding an icy chill.

   The whole Wanglongtai was shocked by the power of this sword, and it trembled slightly.

   At the center of the Jitian behavior, the air was squeezed out in an area of ​​20 meters in a circle, making a crackling sound.

   The power of this sword was terrifying, and the disciples of the two factions showed their faces in horror and gave out incredible exclamations.

   Before the black dragon sword hit Yin Feiyang, he was suppressed by the terrifying sword intent, unable to move, and his eyes showed deep horror and despair.

   He immediately left his words behind his head, subconsciously holding the hilt of the sword, wanting to draw his sword to fight back and resist.

   But, it's too late.


   In the loud and deafening noise, the huge sword light more than three meters long and the phantom black dragon nine meters long drowned Yin Feiyang on the spot.

   The huge sword light slashed on the Wanglongtai, cutting out a huge gully on the ground, splashing countless rubble.

   The whole Wanglongtai trembled violently, as if a major earthquake had occurred.

   Such an amazing destructive power made everyone show incredible expressions.

  The people of the Heavenly Sword Sect were even more worried, staring at the chaotic scene of flying sand and rocks in the field, guessing the fate of Yin Feiyang.

   After a full ten breaths, the true essence of light and the black dragon phantom dissipated, and the dust and gravel flying in the sky also calmed down.

   Everyone can see the situation in the field clearly.

   I saw Ji Tianxing holding the Black Dragon Sword in his hand, standing proudly in the field, exuding a confident and indifferent aura.

   On the slate floor in front of him, there was a huge crack about half a meter wide and five meters long.

   Yin Feiyang was lying on the edge of the crack, his body was trembling, his face was bloody, and his face was extremely embarrassed.

   He is obviously seriously injured, struggling to get up, but he can't do it.

   "Ji...God, OK! You...damn it! This...no...possible!"

   Yin Feiyang raised his head with difficulty, raised his blood-stained face, and stared at Ji Tianxing with red eyes.

   His voice was hoarse and his voice was intermittent. When he opened his mouth to speak, blood was still pouring from the corners of his mouth.

   Obviously, his injuries were not only traumatic, but his internal organs were also severely injured.

   Ji Tianxing looked at him expressionlessly, and said indifferently: "Senior Brother Yin, you just said that you want me to do two tricks, lest I don't even have a chance to draw the sword."

   "This is only the first trick, please be honest, and take my second trick."

   While talking, he raised the Black Dragon Sword again, his fighting spirit soared, and he was about to perform the second move.

   Yin Feiyang was suddenly full of horror, grief and humiliation to the extreme!

   A moment ago, he was still full of pride, contemptuous and disdainful of Ji Tianxing, and let out wild talk in public.

   At this moment, he was severely injured by Ji Tianxing's sword, and he didn't even have a chance to fight back with his sword. He was almost killed on the spot.

   How ironic and ridiculous this is!

   With his severely injured body, how could he be able to take Ji Tianxing's second move?

   Isn't this clearly killing him?

   Yin Feiyang was filled with grief and indignation, and he opened his mouth and spouted a **** arrow.

   Ji Tianxing turned a blind eye to this, and raised the Black Dragon Sword, slashing it with a sword.

   At the critical moment, Deacon Qi of the Heavenly Sword Sect jumped out and rushed to Yin Feiyang.

   He glared at Ji Tianxing and shouted in a deep voice: "Ji Tianxing, what are you going to do? Are you going to kill in public?"

   Ji Tianxing looked at him indifferently, and deliberately sarcastically said: "Yin Feiyang said that he would let me do two tricks. Why, Deacon Qi, you want to interfere with Da Bi?"

   "Or, Deacon Qi is going to help Yin Feiyang to be the villain who doesn't believe in words?"

   Deacon Qi's face suddenly became pale, and there was cold light in his eyes.

   But the deacons and elders of the two factions were present. He could only endure being unable to attack, gritted his teeth and shouted coldly: "This time, we give up!"

   Ji Tianxing then retracted the Black Dragon Sword, glanced at Deacon Qi with a playful look, and said contemptuously: "How good is it to open your mouth earlier and admit defeat, why wait until you are beaten to death before surrendering?"

   "You!" Deacon Qi's blue veins on his forehead throbbed, and there was a thick murderous intent in his eyes.

  If it was another occasion, he would definitely kill Ji Tianxing.

   But on Wanglongtai, under everyone's eyes, no matter how much Ji Tianxing humiliated him and Yin Feiyang, he could only endure it.

   Soon, Deacon Qi helped Yin Feiyang, who was seriously injured, and left the field griefly.

  The faces of the Heavenly Sword Sect were gloomy, and they stared at Ji Tianxing with hatred~www.ltnovel.com~ and gritted their teeth with hatred.

   The disciples of the Great Heaven Sect were all shocked, showing excitement with a smile, punching and shouting.

   "Great! We won!"

   "Ji Tianxing, great!"

   "It really deserves to be a man of the family, that sword is too gorgeous and its power is too terrifying!"

   "Hahaha! The beam jumping clowns of the Heavenly Sword Sect, continue to be crazy?"

  The Great Elder, Chu Huaishan, Han Qiaosheng, and others, obviously did not expect this result, and all smiled with relief.

"Not bad!"

   "Hehe, it's a great move to the Nine Heavens Longxiang, it really has the power of the Nine Heavens!"

   "Sure enough, this constellation did not misread this son. With this battle alone, he is enough to become famous in the ancient world of stars!"

   "This kid only has the strength of the first level of the Tongxuan Realm. It is incredible that he can display such a terrifying combat power!"

   "Before this seat, I still felt that the Heavenly Sword Sect had Hang Chen from the Profound Realm, and this sect had no chance of winning. Now it seems that Ji Tianxing might be able to create a miracle!"

   Ji Tianxing listened to everyone's comments and praise, but he was not arrogant and complacent, and he still looked calm and composed.

   Although he didn't use the Black Dragon Sword, he could defeat Yin Feiyang on his own strength alone, but he couldn't achieve such a shocking effect.

   The little black dragon lived in the Tai'an Palace for a month, ate a lot of spirit fruits, and recovered 20% of his strength, which made the black dragon sword so powerful.

   also because of this, Ji Tianxing didn't choose a weapon before, only a soft armor.

   How can the mysterious swords in the outer treasure house be comparable to the power of the black dragon sword?

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