Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 173: Do it yourself, deserve it!

The result of this monthly quiz is determined based on the identity token.

   Even though Ji Tianxing cracked several large formations, he arrived at the high platform where the identity token was stored.

   But if he does not get his token back, he will eventually be judged to fail the assessment.

   He stood on a high platform, looked around, searching for Lu Mingyang's figure everywhere.

   Sure enough, when he looked at the golden desert east of Gaotai, he immediately saw Lu Mingyang's figure.

   He frowned, and immediately rushed off the high platform, toward the golden desert.


   In just a few dozen breaths, Ji Tianxing flew to the vicinity of the golden desert and rushed in front of Lu Mingyang.

   Lu Mingyang was standing on the edge of the golden desert, looking at him with a smile, in a very leisurely posture, as if waiting for a good show.

   "Lu Mingyang! You despicable villain, hand over my token!" Ji Tianxing stood ten steps away in front of him, and snorted coldly.

   Lu Mingyang’s smile became brighter, and he said in a playful tone: "Hehe, you really have a bit of skill, and you arrived here only one step later than me."

   "Unfortunately, after all, I am better at finding the identity token before you!"

   While talking, he pointed to the golden mask behind him, and said with a sneer: "Want to get the token back? It's in that sword formation. If you can, go get it!"

   Ji Tianxing glanced intently. In the desert in the golden mask, there was indeed a black token lying.

   He frowned, a cold light flashed in his eyes, "Lu Mingyang, you are looking for death!"

When   's words fell, his figure flashed at Lu Mingyang, raising his fists and smashing it down.

   His fists were shining with golden light, and they were actually condensed into a golden fist shadow with a big pot of vinegar.

   Seeing this scene, Lu Mingyang suddenly sneered disdainfully, and shouted contemptuously, "Ji Tianxing, are you confused? With your True Origin Realm strength, you dare to do something with me... Ah!"

   While talking, he raised his fists and smashed at Ji Tianxing. With the strength of the Profound Realm, he would repel Ji Tianxing head-on.

   However, he stopped abruptly in the middle of his words, and the second half of the sentence turned into a scream.

   With a muffled sound, Lu Mingyang was bombarded and flew out, smashing into the desert five meters away, splashing a large pile of golden sand.

   He was lying on the sand in a panic, his whole body covered with sand.

   He struggled to get up, but found that both wrists had been broken, and he couldn't even use the slightest effort.

   This result is unacceptable to him.

   He couldn't believe it, he was defeated by Ji Tianxing, not only was he flew out, but his wrist was also broken.

   "Impossible! How is this possible?"

   "Ji Tianxing! You only have the strength of the True Element Realm, and I have already reached the Tongxuan Realm. How could you defeat me?"

   Lu Mingyang showed his face full of anger, raised his head and looked up at Ji Tianxing, roaring unwillingly.

   Ji Tianxing walked towards him, a sneer of contempt at the corner of his mouth.

   "Lu Mingyang, you take yourself too seriously!"

   "Don't say you only have the first level of the Profound Realm, even if you are a person of the fourth level of the Profound Realm, it is definitely not my opponent!"

When   's voice fell, he had walked to Lu Mingyang's side.

   Lu Mingyang saw him look cold, and suddenly flinched back.

   "Ji Tianxing, what do you want to do?"

   "This is in the Son-Mother Profound Formation, don't mess around, otherwise Deacon Han will definitely not forgive you!"

   Lu Ming's intimidating Ji Tianxing is extremely nervous, but he is extremely nervous!

   "Hehe, look at your wagging crap! It's ridiculous!"

   Ji Tianxing sneered contemptuously, suddenly raised his right foot, and kicked him **** his chest.


   Lu Mingyang was kicked and vomited blood, sank deeply into the sand, his whole body was buried in golden sand.

   He struggled hard, but his chest was pressed by Ji Tianxing's right foot, making him unable to move at all.

   There was blood foam in his mouth, and he roared hysterically: "Ah! Ji Tianxing!"

   "You bastard! How dare you humiliate me like this! Kill me if you have a species!"

   Ji Tianxing frowned, and said with a smile: "You don't have to agitate me, I will definitely not kill you today. Even if I want to kill you, I won't do anything in the sect."

   "Aren't you smart enough to throw my token into the sword formation?"

   "In that case, I will let you know what is cleverness or being mistaken by cleverness! I will make you faceless and faceless to stay in Fengyunyuan!"

   After that, Ji Tianxing grabbed Lu Mingyang’s collar and snatched his identity token.

   Then, he dragged his fame to the ground like a dead dog, and turned and walked into the golden mask.

   Lu Mingyang struggled desperately with grief and humiliation.

   However, he was seriously injured and could not escape Ji Tianxing's capture.

   Ji Tianxing dragged him into the golden mask, and was immediately assassinated by dozens of golden light swords.


   More than forty powerful and violent sword lights attacked and killed from all directions, covering the two of them.

   Ji Tianxing urged eight half-meter-long sword auras, condensing a light sword net all over his body.


   Streaming lightsaber net is like a golden ball of light with a radius of three meters, blocking the sword light from all directions.

   Even if this sword formation was touched by Lu Mingyang and its power doubled, it would not hurt Ji Tianxing at all.

   Ji Tian walked to the center of the sword formation and picked up the identity token from the sand.

   He threw the badly injured Lu Mingyang into the sword formation and walked out of the sword formation swaggeringly.

   Lu Mingyang was dumbfounded on the spot!

   He sat down in the sand with a desperate face, looking at the sword light that was assassinated from all directions, his eyes showed a deep color of horror.

   "Ah! Ji Tianxing!"

   "You mean and vicious bastard! You must die!"

   Lu Mingyang roared furiously and desperately waved his palms to resist the sword light from all around him.

   But the sword formation is so powerful, there are too many sword lights, and he can't block them all.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   After just a dozen breaths, Lu Mingyang got three swords in his body, and there were three more blood holes in his body.

   Ji Tianxing stood on the edge of the golden desert, watching Lu Mingyang avoiding the swordsman's strangulation in embarrassment, showing a sneer.

   "Lu Mingyang~www.ltnovel.com~ It is obviously you who are mean and vicious, and want to use the sword to harm me."

   "Now that you have this end, you are also making it yourself, you deserve it!"

   Lu Mingyang was suddenly maddened by the excitement, and almost lost his mind in anger.

   While cursing wildly, he ran desperately in the sword formation, trying to escape the sword formation and get rid of the chase of the sword.

   However, another twenty breaths passed.

   He was hit by four more swords, and there were four more blood holes with deep bones in his body.

   After repeated severe injuries, Lu Mingyang became angry again, and finally fainted with blood from the mouth, and fell into the desert with a bang.

   Seeing, dozens of sword lights cut off with "swish", and Lu Mingyang was about to be cut into pieces.

   At a critical moment, the entire sword formation suddenly stopped operating and seemed to be shut down.

   In a blink of an eye, the golden mask and the sky full of sword light disappeared.

   The golden desert returned to calm, only Lu Mingyang, covered in blood, was lying unconscious on the sand.

   Seeing that the sword formation was closed, Ji Tianxing frowned.

   He immediately guessed that it must be Han Qiaosheng who found that the situation was not good and forcibly closed the sword formation.

   "Huh! You are fortune-telling today, just to teach you a lesson. If you dare to offend me in the future, you will definitely take your dog's life!"

   Ji Tianxing looked at Lu Mingyang who was unconscious, snorted coldly, then turned and left.

   He returned to the high platform, activated the formation on the stone table, and a white light gate appeared immediately.


   Ji Tianxing stepped across the white light gate, left the Son-Mother Profound Formation, and returned to the backyard of Fengyun Courtyard.

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