Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 168: The First Madman of Fengyun Academy


   After finishing his practice, Ji Tian walked to the corner of the secret room and stood in front of the psychic stone pillar.

  The secret room where the disciples of Fengyunyuan lived is equipped with a psychic stone pillar to test the realm of strength on weekdays.

   Although Ji Tianxing can feel it, he has reached the pinnacle of the True Origin Realm.

   He is only half a step away, and only needs to refine the last sword vein to enter the Tongxuan Realm.

   But he must use psychic stone pillars to detect the true realm of strength.

   With the look of expectation in his eyes, he slowly stretched out his palm and pressed it on the psychic stone pillar.

   The sword in his body emits powerful true essence, which flows into the psychic stone pillar through his palm.

   Suddenly, the black lines on the stone pillars reacted immediately, and several crimson lights lit up.

   "One, two, three... Nine rays of light! I really have reached the 9th level of the True Origin Realm!"

   "Just as I guessed, as long as I refine the last main vein into a sword vein, I can reach the Tongxuan realm!"

   Ji Tianxing retracted his palm, his eyes were filled with joy and expectation.

   After a while, his emotions calmed down, and he whispered: "I have been practicing in retreat for nine days, and I have jumped from the seventh layer of the true origin to the nine layer! This is the magical effect of Yuluwan!"

   "However, martial arts must be practiced step by step, and a sudden increase in skill will inevitably lead to instability of the foundation of martial arts and limited future achievements."

   "I have to take that Xuanjin Secret Pill again to further strengthen and refine my true essence and make my martial arts foundation stronger."

   Although Ji Tianxing is only seventeen years old, he has good martial arts experience and will never be greedy.

   The various recent encounters and distresses have also made him more and more calm and restrained, without any arrogance.

   Next, Ji Tianxing took Xuanjin Secret Pill, and practiced for several hours to stabilize the foundation of martial arts.

   He didn't end his cultivation until the morning sun rose and walked out of the secret room.

   At this time, the other disciples of Fengyun Academy had already walked out of the room, gathered in twos and threes in the courtyard, whispering about something.

   Seeing Ji Tian walking out of the room, many of the disciples were taken aback for a while, and they cast strange glances at him.

   Everyone looked at him a few times, then whispered in a whisper.

   Under the big banyan tree, Gu Jianming, Ye Changsheng and others whispered with weird expressions.

   "This kid Ji Tianxing is really arrogant!"

   "Tsk tusk tusk... This guy hasn't shown up for half a month, I thought he was out of Fengyun Academy."

   "Hey, Deacon Han has repeatedly stated that everyone should practice hard. This kid dared to disappear for half a month. It's so bold!"

   "In the past half month, Deacon Han has been teaching in the hall every morning, teaching everyone the way of formation. This kid Ji Tianxing has never come to attend a class!"

   In front of the stone table by the ancient well, Yi Mo and Shi Jingcheng are also discussing with a sneer.

   "He is too arrogant! He thought he got the first place in the alchemy exam last month, so he dared to expand like this, really arrogant and hopeless!"

   "Huh! Ji Tianxing should be regarded as the most arrogant disciple in Fengyun Academy, right?"

   "Today is the monthly quiz. Deacon Han will test everyone later. Ji Tianxing hasn't even heard of the formation lesson for a day. I see how he ends today!"

   "Hehe, the first in the assessment last month, I will be punished at the bottom today. It's exciting to think about it!"

   In the corner of the yard, Lu Mingyang also stopped sweeping the floor, leaning on his broom, looking at Ji Tianxing playfully.

   "Ji Tianxing, Ji Tianxing! You are too proud of yourself!"

   "Today's monthly quiz, you will surely fail and become a laughing stock, and I will take advantage of the situation and win the first place!"

   "Humph! Although Ji Ling has been expelled from the sect, I will never let you go!"

   Ji Tianxing stood under the eaves at the door, looking at the complicated expressions of the eight disciples, he couldn't help frowning.

   "These people have problems with their brains? I didn't do anything, so why do they hate me so much?"

   At this time, the door of the next door opened.

   Nie Hao walked out of the room and stretched out under the eaves, apparently just finishing his practice.

   He turned his head to see Ji Tianxing, and he was taken aback.

   Then, he walked up to Ji Tianxing and said with a smile, "Brother Ji, Brother Ji, where have you been this half a month? Why haven't you shown up once?"

   Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and smiled and said, "I was too busy before, dealt with some things, and practiced for a few more days. Unexpectedly, half a month passed in a flash."

   Nie Hao smiled bitterly and shook his head, and said helplessly: "Brother Ji, in the past two weeks, you have not heard Deacon Han's class once, and the other disciples are talking about you behind your back."

   Ji Tianxing glanced at the eight disciples in the yard, and sneered disdainfully, "Hehe, it's all a group of dark villains who will only slander others behind their backs. It's not fearful."

   Nie Hao nodded, patted his shoulder and said, "Brother Ji understands it, so don't care about them."

   "It's just that today is the monthly quiz. Deacon Han is going to test everyone in the school today. Brother Ji, you have to be careful. Those people are waiting to see your jokes."

   Ji Tianxing frowned slightly, a sneer of contempt at the corner of his mouth.

   "With these sinister villains, you want to see my jokes? Dreaming!"

   Nie Hao immediately smiled ‘haha’ and gave him a thumbs up.

   Although he didn't say anything, his gestures are enough to explain everything.

   After a while, the assembled bells rang in the hall~www.ltnovel.com~The disciples in the courtyard stopped talking and rushed towards the hall.

   Ji Tianxing also took Nie Hao to the hall, his face calm, and a touch of confidence in his eyes.

   Although he hasn't even heard a day of formation lesson in the past half month.

   But he has the foundation of the formation, and the talent is extremely high, and after Xiang Wuji's guidance, the formation attainments have been greatly improved.

   Even if he is not yet proficient in the formation, there is still no problem with passing Han Qiaosheng's assessment.

   Of course, before he assisted Yun Yao to perform tasks, he experienced a series of life and death crises, and he also deeply realized the importance of formation skills.

   He also really understood Han Qiaosheng's good intentions, and the way of formation is indeed inseparable from the martial artist.

   When a warrior smashes the world, the formation may be used anytime and anywhere, and it can save your life at the critical moment.

   He has secretly made up his mind that after today's quiz, he will redouble his efforts to study the formation and improve his skills.

   After a while, Ji Tianxing and the other disciples gathered in the hall, and Han Qiaosheng and Du Wu also entered the hall.

  Han Qiaosheng went to the first place, his eyes swept across the crowd with majesty, and he said solemnly: "Half a month has passed, I believe everyone has already started after hard training."

   "Today, I will evaluate your learning achievements in the past half month and see if you have practiced hard."

   "In this assessment, I will not ask you questions, let you answer them."

   "This seat has set up a profound trial array of low grades, and use the array to test you!"


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