Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 158: Things are getting more and more complicated

   Although Ji Wenxiang's soul has been imprisoned for more than a hundred years, it is already very weak.

   But he still remembered what happened back then, and replied without hesitation: "The powerhouses of the Demon Race have long wanted to deal with the Patriarch. They want to ask the Patriarch about the whereabouts of the Sky Star Pearl!"

   "In that battle, my Patriarch and I were besieged by many powerful demons. I fought and died while protecting the Patriarch to break through."

   "After I died, the powerful demons extracted my soul and imprisoned me in an evil magic weapon. They used secret methods to beat me every day and tortured me about the Sky Star Orb!"

   Ji Tianxing's complexion slightly changed, and a strange color flashed under his eyes, "Sky Star Pearl?"

   "Senior, why did the demons look for Sky Star Orb?"

   The news about the Sky Star Pearl was told to him by Sword Soul Funeral.

   He always thought that this was his biggest secret, and it was impossible for others to know.

   But he did not expect that the Demon Race was investigating the whereabouts of the Sky Star Pearl more than a hundred years ago.

   It can be seen that the demons also know the existence of Sky Star Orb.

   Ji Wenxiang shook his head, and said angrily: "I don't know why the demons are looking for Sky Star Orb."

   "However, in the past hundred years, I have learned from the words of the powerful Demon Race that the Sky Star Orb seems to be a treasure that appeared in the ancient realm of stars a thousand years ago, and it is the most earth-shattering treasure!"

   Ji Tianxing frowned, and after thinking about it for a while, he asked: "Senior, the Demon Race ambushes my ancestor, does my ancestor really know the whereabouts of the Sky Star Pearl?"

   Ji Wenxiang shook his head, and said with a puzzled expression: "I don't know about this, and I have never heard the Patriarch mention about the Sky Star Pearl."

   Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he whispered in a low voice: "It turns out that the Demon Race and my Ji family still have such **** and deep enmity! When I am strong in the future, I will definitely get revenge!"

   "However, for more than a hundred years, the ancestor has never appeared again. I don't know if the ancestor is still alive?"

   "Back then, the strong demons ambushed you, and I don't know if the ancestors managed to escape?"

   Ji Wenxiang frowned for a while, and said with a certain tone: "As far as I can see, the Patriarch should have managed to escape."

   "If he is also killed by the Demon Race, he will definitely be drawn souls, imprisoned here, the Demon Race will definitely torture him about the whereabouts of the Sky Star Orb."

   Ji Tianxing nodded in agreement, "Since the soul of the ancestor is not imprisoned, it means that the ancestor successfully escaped."

   "My ancestor is very likely to be alive now, right senior?"

   Ji Wenxiang nodded quickly: "Of course! Patriarch's strength reached the peak of the Yuan Dan realm back then, with a lifespan of two to three hundred years. As long as he doesn't have an accident, he must be alive now."

   A touch of joy appeared in Ji Tianxing's eyes, thinking of the Ji family forbidden land and the little black dragon, he asked Ji Wenxiang.

   "Senior, there is a cold ice dragon in the forbidden land of our Ji family. It is very likely that the ancestor caught it from the endless East China Sea. Do you know this?"

   "Ice Dragon?" Ji Wenxiang was taken aback, and after a moment of recollection, he nodded and said, "Yes, it's true!"

   "However, the Patriarch has never been to the distant East China Sea. The Ice Dragon was taken away by the Patriarch when he left the Shenhui Sect."

   "Shen Huizong?" Ji Tianxing frowned, and said with some doubts: "Is it a certain big sect in the ancient star realm?"

   Ji Wenxiang shook his head and said: "Shen Huizong, not the sect in the ancient star realm, but in the Yongan domain."

   "The Yongan Domain is adjacent to the Tianchen Domain, and the Shenhui Sect was once the largest sect in the Yongan Domain."

   "The Patriarch was the youngest elder in the Shenhui Sect back then. He is extremely powerful and good at refining tools. He is well-known in the entire Yongan Region!"

   "After the great changes in the Shenhui Sect, the Patriarch left the sect with the Ice Dragon and came to the Qingyun Kingdom in the Tianchen Region, and created the Ji Family."

   "So that's it! Yonganyu...Shenhuizong!" Ji Tianxing muttered and read these two names in his heart.

   He once promised the little black dragon to help him find the dragon crystal and restore his life skills.

   For a long time, he didn't have the slightest clue, he didn't know where to find it, so he could only hold this matter to the bottom of his heart.

  Since Ji Wenxiang is a close friend of the ancestors of the Ji family and knows many secrets, Ji Tianxing took the opportunity to ask.

   "Senior, the dragon crystal of that ice dragon seems to have been taken away by our ancestors. Do you know the whereabouts of that dragon crystal?"

   Ji Wenxiang frowned for a while before shook his head and said, "I don't know this matter. If you want to investigate, you can go to the Shenhui Sect in Yong'an Region, and maybe you can find a clue."

   "However, with your current realm of strength, if you don't have a valid reason, you will definitely not be able to enter the Shenhui Sect."

   Ji Tianxing took notes silently, and bowed his hand to him: "Thank you, senior, for telling me so many secrets from a hundred years ago, and to solve my confusion."

   Ji Wenxiang smiled slightly, showing a relieved expression on his face.

   "Although the old man has been dead for more than a hundred years, but thinking that the head of the family may be still alive, he can go to reincarnation with peace of mind."

   "Seeing you again today, if the Patriarch can have a wise and calm descendant like you, the Ji family will be prosperous, and the old man feels comforted."

   After the soul leaves the crystal ball, it will soon dissipate in the world.

   Ji Wenxiang's soul had been imprisoned and tortured for more than a hundred years, and his soul was very weak.

   He has been chatting with Ji Tianxing for so long~www.ltnovel.com~ Now the soul has become extremely thin, almost transparent, and will soon dissipate.

Before    dissipated, Ji Wenxiang did not forget to exhort him: "Little lord, the demons are cunning and cruel. Don't provoke them easily!"

   "Even if there is a sea of ​​blood and deep enemies, you must wait until you are strong enough to get revenge!"

   "Besides, if the owner of the family is still alive, you will find him one day, please bring a message for the old man."

   "I, Ji Wenxiang, have no regrets and no regrets to the Ji family in this life. I am born as Ji’s family and die as Ji’s ghost..."

   When talking about the latter, Ji Wenxiang's voice became weaker and weaker, and gradually he couldn't hear it.

   After a few breaths, his soul completely dissipated, and he was reincarnated.

  Ji Tianxing watched Ji Wenxiang's soul dissipate, and stood with a solemn expression for a long time, and his heart was full of respect for the old servant of the Ji family.

   At the same time, he couldn't help but think: "What kind of person is my ancestor? How can Ji Wenxiang follow him all his life and be so loyal?"

   "The demons have been looking for the Sky Star Orb, and my ancestors are also related to the Sky Star Orb, and things have become more and more complicated!"

   "It seems that if I want to find the Sky Star Orb, I must be more careful. The Sky Star Orb, Little Black Dragon, Yongan Domain, Shenhui Sect..."

   "One day, I will investigate all this clearly, find the ancestor and the Sky Star Orb, and help the little black dragon retrieve the Dragon Crystal!"

   Ji Tianxing secretly made up his mind to solve the mystery one day.

   However, in order to figure out all this, he must have enough strength.

   The most important thing is that he has to escape this secret room first, and leave the magic cave!

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